Chapter 83 Alarm
It's a trivial matter to waste 200 million yuan, but if Fei Jinzhao's grandmother really dies, it will have a huge impact on him.

After thinking about it, she ate alone. When the appliances she bought arrived, she asked the installer to put them in a corner, clean up the kitchen, cover the untouched leftovers with plastic wrap and put them in the refrigerator.

Jiang Nuannuan left Fei Jinzhao's home in the evening and went straight to the hospital.

She remembered that his grandmother was sleeping in the corridor at the time, and quickly followed her memory to the inpatient building. After staying outside for a while, she entered the ward.

Fei Jinzhao's grandmother has been transferred to the room. He is sitting on the side of the bed, pressing his forehead with his hand, his hair is messy and his expression is depressed.

"Knock knock."

She knocked on the door twice, and he raised his head when he heard the sound. His narrow eyes were red, and his dumb voice was a little surprised, "Why are you here."

"You didn't eat for lunch. It's already evening. I'll bring you some."

Jiang Nuannuan put the two bowls of porridge and side dishes she bought outside on the table, "A bowl of white porridge, a bowl of beef porridge, and a cage of xiaolongbao. See which one grandma can eat."

Fei Jinzhao turned his head and looked at the sleeping old man, his tone was very cold, "Thank you, I'm not hungry for the time being. If you have nothing to do, go back and rest early."

He was in a bad mood and didn't want to communicate with others. Jiang Nuannuan also understood. She glanced at the old man lying on the bed with bloodless skin and sighed in her heart.

Nothing is more heartbreaking than watching a loved one die before your eyes.

She walked to the door and said, "Then remember to eat when you are hungry. I'm leaving."

The nurse who came in bumped into her and said, "She left just as she came."

Jiang Nuannuan nodded and whispered: "Grandma is sleeping, let's go first."

Seeing her leaving "forlornly", the nurse came in with a blood bag to transfuse the old man with platelets. She said at the same time: "This is the first time I have met your girlfriend. She is quite interested."

Fei Jinzhao didn't pay much attention to her words. His heart was focused on her grandmother on the bed. At this moment, she just raised her head and glanced at the blood bag in the nurse's hand.

"What?" he asked confused.

The nurse added: "The girl wearing a mask just now came over and asked about your ward. Then she asked your grandma what she could eat now. I said porridge or milk powder, and she immediately ran out to buy it for you. , why did you put down your things and leave?"

Only then did Fei Jinzhao move his eyes to the table beside the bed, where there was a steaming dinner and a can of milk powder.

Seeing that his eyes had turned away, the nurse said: "The nearby supermarket sells a can of milk powder for 800 yuan, which is very expensive. I didn't expect this girl to be willing to be ripped off. She looks like she is still a student, from the same school as you?"

Just now, he didn't pay attention to her at all, and he had no intention of talking to her. Now looking at the two portions of porridge and cans, Fei Jinzhao suddenly got up and walked out.

Jiang Nuannuan waited for the elevator just in time. There were many people in the hospital, so she didn't hear the shouts mixed with the people's voices behind her, and walked into the elevator.

When Fei Jinzhao arrived, the elevator door just closed.

He stood at the door for a while, took out the mobile phone in his trouser pocket and called her.

The other party quickly picked up the call. The evening breeze was blowing outside, and a gentle voice asked: "What's wrong, Fei Jinzhao?"

He pursed his lower lip, his throat a little dry, "Thank you."

"Ah?" Jiang Nuannuan felt that she heard wrongly, why was this thank you so gentle.

Fei Jinzhao repeated in a good-tempered manner, "Thank you for the dinner and milk powder you just gave me." "You're welcome, grandma is fine. I'll take a taxi. Remember to eat. Bye."

There was a beeping busy tone on the other end, and Fei Jinzhao didn't even have time to say "Be careful on the road." He slowly put down the phone, and something in his heart suddenly softened a little.

System 66: "Alipay has received 1000 million, Fei Jinzhao's favorability is 22%, it's okay, Nuan, there's a lot of profit today!"

Jiang Nuannuan got into the car and said quietly: "Master, go to the police station."

Then she thought back to 66 in her mind: "It's expected, but this Fei Jinzhao is really pitiful, and I don't think the heroine who was kidnapped to go to school in a foreign country is a good person. I have the time to call and question her, but I don't think so." Then let’s talk about an exotic relationship on the phone.”

System 66: "No way, "Counterattack to Take Back White Moonlight" is the story of a female protagonist who returns from school a few years later and gets entangled with the male protagonist who becomes a CEO."

Jiang Nuannuan sighed, "These people write books. Do they really not consider that a few years is enough to change their feelings for a person?"

System 66: "The world of fiction is full of loyalty and constant abuse. Don't compare it with the misery of reality."

Jiang Nuannuan clicked her tongue, "You're right. If I were the heroine who went abroad, I would already have dozens of blond and blue-eyed boyfriends. Cherish the moment and enjoy yourself."

System 66: "." I found out that her perverted personality has changed a lot. Seeing how quick she is in doing things, she can tolerate it!Don't talk back!

In the middle of the night, a girl came to the police station to report a crime, and several young police officers on duty rushed out to receive her.

The other person took off the mask and saw her delicate and beautiful face, and everyone was shocked.

Isn't this Jiang Nuannuan who just came here two days ago? Why did she come to report the crime again?
The question was not uttered. They first took a step back and kept a distance from the young lady who had a close friendship with the eldest son of the Zhai family. Then one of them said, "Miss Jiang, is there another problem with the security of Yunkun Community?"

The tone should be as polite as possible, and the attitude should be as respectful as possible.

The powerless Jiang Nuannuan blinked twice, and a cup of hot tea and a packet of biscuits were in front of her.

She was silent for a moment, feeling that she had something to do with Zhai Heng.

She cleared her throat and said, "I want to report Jiang Meng for allegedly plagiarizing Qiao Lin Jewelry Studio, a jewelry design worth nearly [-] million."

After that, she took out a USB flash drive and put it in the hands of the police officers. "Look, here are the evidences I listed."

Worth tens of millions, this is no simple small case.

Several police officers looked at each other and directly picked up the record book and went to work, "Let's talk about the specific process in detail."

Jiang Nuannuan told how Ji Yansen stole her unsigned design, swiped her computer, and then gave it to Jiang Meng to create a character for her to build her talent. She also focused on the recent incident. At the jewelry show, the counterfeit jewelry was sold for more than 800 million yuan.

She would definitely recover the design fees included in that money.

As for Fu Shiliu deliberately locking her in Zhai Lin's room, she had to come back with revenge no matter what.

Jiang Meng released the news of this jewelry design, all of which are available on Weibo. You can easily check it. The design drawings thrown out and the contents of Jiang Nuannuan’s USB flash drive are almost born from the same birth. Compare the records in the USB flash drive. The design date is clear at a glance.

This is definitely plagiarism.

(End of this chapter)

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