Chapter 95 Then consider sticking to me

He quickly cut the fishing line, then avoided the injured hand and held her arm to lift her out of the water.

Hang Panxia took off the sun protection clothing she was wearing and put it on her body, and said worriedly: "Go to the hospital quickly. The wound on this hand looks very serious."

Gu Shizhou hugged Jiang Nuannuan and glanced at the frightened Lu Ling with only disgust. He soon calmed down this emotion and said, "I'll take her there."

The show had to interrupt filming at this point. There were no cameras around. Lu Ling walked up to Hang Panxia and said with a white face, "I'm scared."

Hang Panxia didn't give her a good look. She avoided her with an indifferent expression and tried to hold her hand, "Nuan Nuan was also scared."

"What do you mean?" Lu Ling bit her lower lip, and seeing that the eyes of the people around her were not friendly to her, she stamped her feet and said anxiously: "If Jiang Nuannuan hadn't put the fish hook on me, I would have committed the same crime just now Did you accidentally bump into her because you were frightened by the rooster?"

"You're so embarrassed to say that." Hang Panxia's temper has always been as gentle as her cheongsam uniform. She couldn't help but explode this time. She shouted angrily at her: "You are not always looking for trouble." She, why do people still have to lick their faces to help you wear earthworms? How can you be reasonable if you don’t bother yourself? "

After finishing the sentence without taking a breath, Hang Panxia added: "Every mistake is blamed on others, but it's really you!"

The other two male guests were surprised by her appearance of taking gunpowder.

Lu Ling was immediately speechless and embarrassed.

Although she really didn't mean to push him into the water, she was simply frightened by the rooster holding her neck. There were many looks around her looking at her, and none of them were trustworthy.

After two episodes of the program, the staff knew Lu Ling’s character of looking for trouble when he had nothing to do, so it was not surprising that something happened again.

When Jiang Nuannuan was sent to the hospital, a lot of blood bled from her palms, and a lot of it rubbed onto Gu Shizhou's clothes. He put her on the bed with a serious expression and called the doctor in standard English.

The fishhook with the barb in it was very painful even if it was removed by a professional doctor. Jiang Nuannuan gasped in pain, but the other party's technique was very fast, so she endured it.

Gu Shizhou glanced at the door from time to time and saw tears in her eyes and a pale face. He kicked the heel of the wall and called, "Please bring some clean clothes."

Hang Panxia received the call and immediately went to Jiang Nuannuan's room to help her get clothes.

In front of their restaurant, a local brand luxury business car stopped.

Assistant Li turned around and said, "Miss Jiang Nuannuan should still be recording the show right now."

The boss finally gave himself three days off and came to this far away antique town to see Jiang Nuannuan. This was a greater shock to him than the last card exchange incident at Nanchun Hotel.

In my impression, the stable and mature boss has never gone abroad to see his lover. Of course, he never had a lover to see before.

The program team is currently thinking of follow-up solutions, and everyone in the group is in a hurry.

Gu Tingyan got out of the car with a pair of black leather shoes and stunned everyone.

"I'm not blind." The staff member rubbed his eyes. "This seems to be a man who often makes headlines in financial news."

When the chief director of the program team saw the person at the door, his heart skipped a beat.

Some time ago, some investors called to inquire about the progress, but why did Mr. Gu, who had nothing to do with them, come? Could it be that he was here to take care of the best actor?

"Mr. Gu! It's Mr. Gu, why are you here?"

He went up to greet her with a smile on his face, and his heart was pounding.

Gu Tingyan nodded and looked into the restaurant, "Did the show end early?"

"Well, it's temporarily suspended." The chief director scratched his eyebrows and said awkwardly: "One of our female guests was slightly injured accidentally. Shi Zhou took her to the hospital." Hang Panxia happened to be there at this moment. When he came downstairs with his clothes, he didn't see Gu Tingyan at first sight. He just looked at the director's back and said, "I went to the hospital to give Nuan Nuan some clothes. She just fell and was soaked."

When she reached the door, her words stopped abruptly, and she subconsciously withdrew her foot from stepping down the steps.

The man in a gray suit had eyebrows as sharp as swords, strong facial features, handsome and cold, full of momentum, and his eyes looked like an abyss.

After reacting and looking at him, Hang Panxia hurriedly lowered his head and shouted, "Mr. Gu."

Gu Tingyan held his suit trousers with one hand and stood up straight, his face darkened for a moment, "Is it Jiang Nuannuan who was injured?"

Hang Panxia thought he was worried about Gu Shizhou's safety, and said hurriedly: "Well, Brother Shizhou is fine."

Gu Tingyan nodded, "Get in the car."

He took the lead in sitting in the back seat. The driver opened the front passenger seat and motioned for Hang Panxia to sit in.

She was stunned for a moment, then realized that Gu Tingyan was also going to the hospital, and quickly bent over and sat in.

Waiting for someone to leave.

"It is rumored that Jiang Nuannuan is Mr. Gu's assistant." The staff whispered in the chief director's ear. As for what kind of assistant this 'assistant' is, it is hard for everyone to say, but they vaguely understand that there is nothing wrong with him. normal.

"Don't let anything happen." The director felt uneasy, "Let's go and take a look."

When Lu Ling came out of the room after taking a shower, none of the guests downstairs were there. Only the staff who was looking at the equipment and her assistant were there.

"They all went to the hospital to see Jiang Nuannuan. Sister Lu Ling, you should go too."

"It's just a broken hand. Is it worth such a huge effort?" Lu Ling felt that they were too kind to Jiang Nuannuan, until she heard the assistant say, "Gu Film Emperor's brother just came to visit the class."

Lu Ling's warm face turned pale again, "Go to the hospital!"

After Jiang Nuannuan finished treating the wound on her hand, she stood up from the edge of the bed. As a result, she felt a sharp pain in her ankle and fell into the arms of the man who came in after making a phone call outside.

"What are you doing? Have you learned how to throw yourself into someone's arms?" Gu Shizhou caught her firmly, avoiding her injured hand, and his tone returned to its previous frivolous and casual tone.

"My feet seem to be injured too." Jiang Nuannuan used his strength to stand up and looked down at her feet. She didn't feel much after being carried all the way.

She lifted up her trousers with one hand, and sure enough, there was a peeling wound on her ankle. It must have been accidentally rubbed on a stone by water when it fell. The area around the wound was white with blisters, but there was no bleeding.

When Gu Shizhou saw that the wound was more serious than the one on his palm, he lost all intention of joking. He bent down to pick her up, put her back on the hospital bed and sat down, "Just ask the doctor to strip you naked and check your whole body."

"No, it's just these two wounds." Jiang Nuannuan snorted at him, "It's not your fault."

"You are unreasonable." Gu Shizhou bent down and pressed his hands against the edge of the bed beside her, "She bumped into you, and I carried you to the hospital. Why don't you blame me if you don't say thank you?"

"It's not like you're flirting with women, how can you have so many endless things?" Jiang Nuannuan moved back, but there was a doctor beside her who grabbed her feet and treated her extra wounds.

Gu Shizhou stared at her pursed lips and said dissatisfied: "Do you think I am a hedgehog? Can anyone cling to me?"

Jiang Nuannuan had a look on her face, and she was patted on the head by him, neither lightly nor hard, "Then are you considering sticking to me?"

(End of this chapter)

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