Chapter 98 Jealous
In a quaint and peaceful town, British-style houses with black tiles and yellow walls stand facing the street. The warm orange light shines on those yellow walls, and the two stacked shadows are very long.

There are many second-hand bookstores and snack bars along the way, like a pedestrian street specially built for tourism.

There were not many people at this place. Gu Shizhou stopped at a cake shop, put her on a chair outside, bought a cake and brought it back to her.


Jiang Nuannuan looked at the cake he pushed over, "You don't want to eat it?"

Gu Shizhou rested his chin and looked at her, "If you don't want to eat, I'll watch you eat."

She picked up the spoon and took a spoonful and stuffed it into her mouth. The cream was full of sugar and tasted okay.

"Is it delicious?" he asked again, his tone a little bad.

I just saw the cutest little rabbit here, so I bought it for her, but she dug out the rabbit's head with a spoon.

Jiang Nuannuan licked her lower lip, and a little cream stuck to the corner of her lips, "It's okay."

"I have a taste?"

Jiang Nuannuan glanced at his spoon hesitantly, only one.

She raised her eyes and said, "How about I treat you to a piece too?"

Gu Shizhou curled his lips and raised his eyes, "Not good."

Seeing him reaching out to grab her spoon, Jiang Nuannuan picked up the cake reflexively, "If you don't give it, don't eat my saliva. If you want to eat it, buy it yourself."

She stood up and took two steps back, looking very protective of her food.

Gu Shizhou, who was sitting there with his legs crossed, saw how nervous she was. He grabbed his hair and said helplessly: "Okay, I won't eat. Don't back out. Why are you so scared?"

Jiang Nuannuan stood there and took another spoonful of cake into her mouth. The man in casual clothes behind the table got up and walked to her.

"What are you doing again?" She looked at him warily, and saw him reaching out his hand and licking the cream from the corner of her lips with his thumb.

"Idiot, it's all over the corner of your mouth." Gu Shizhou curled his lips, pleased by her prank.

On this summer day, the cool breeze blew and the green leaves of the street trees rustled.

A low-key business car pulled over, and the man inside watched the intimate behavior of the two people in front of the cake shop. His handsome face was ruthless, and his eyebrows were filled with anger.

When the little girl raised her neck in Linggang and asked him if he could see her, her eyes were filled with his face, as if he was the world.

So he hot-headedly asked his assistant to book a flight, and he rushed over to see her like a stunned young man in his youth.

The results of it?
She now raised her head, stretched out her tongue towards the other person and licked the corners of her lips, looking seductive.

The curve of the corners of Gu Tingyan's lips was cold.

A simple girl in her early twenties couldn't stand the teasing of a young man. It turned out that she wasn't very well-behaved, didn't like her much, and was easily transferred.

"Book a flight and come back tonight." Gu Tingyan looked away expressionlessly, not wanting to look anymore.

Sitting in the cab, Assistant Li felt that the little girl was quite unlucky, too unlucky to a pitiful level.

That Ji Yansen was not a good person, and neither was his CEO or Best Actor Gu. She was treated as a stand-in for two brothers at the same time, which made people want to sympathize with her misfortune.

For some reason, he lowered his side of the car window and said to himself, "It's a little hot."

There is an air conditioner inside, and the temperature outside is not as comfortable as inside.

Gu Tingyan glanced at him and said, "Let's go."

Assistant Li advised him: "Would you like to take a look again? What if Miss Jiang is not willing? After all, Mr. Gu has a good reputation. Without you, she will only live a more pitiful life than now."

Gu Tingyan's eyes were calm and he didn't say anything, which was regarded as acquiescence.Jiang Nuannuan was so disturbed by Gu Shizhou's sudden ambiguous movements that she almost lost her grip on the cake and dropped her fork on the ground.

System 66's harsh reminder suddenly sounded: "I saw Gu Tingyan in the car across the street, host! You're done!! Find a way to get back! Otherwise, you'll turn into ashes!"

Jiang Nuannuan's expression almost broke. Gu Shizhou thought it was cute that she was holding the cake in her hands, dazed, and he suddenly bent down and wanted to take a bite of the cake on the small plate, right where she had eaten it.

Before things got worse, Jiang Nuannuan let go, the cake fell from her hands, and the small glass plate fell to the ground and broke into pieces.

Cream splashed, and a lot of it got on Gu Shizhou's trouser legs.

His originally gentle and smiling expression finally changed, and his bent waist froze for a few seconds.

He stared at the plate of cake with melted glass, and understood that Jiang Nuannuan really didn't want to get close to him at all, and didn't even want to see him.

Gu Shizhou straightened up slowly and narrowed his peach blossom eyes, "Jiang Nuannuan, how much do you think I really care about you? What are you pretending to do?"

He kept trying to please her and getting closer to her, and he kept showing off. What woman would dare to do this to him?Aren’t those women who come with hooks better than her?

He was really fired up.

Jiang Nuannuan took a step back, with a cold face as well, "I don't like to get close without measure. We are not lovers, just friends. We don't do these things."

The owner of the cake shop came out when he heard the commotion, frowned and asked them to pay.


Gu Shizhou took a step back and said sarcastically: "You are really good at it."

He didn't look at her again. He went into the store and lost money. The wind chime switch on the door rang back and forth twice. The man put his hands in his pockets and walked away without even looking back.

Jiang Nuannuan breathed a sigh of relief. She didn't look at the commercial vehicle parked quietly across the street. Instead, she went to the cake shop and bought a piece of carrot cake without cream, packed it up and walked out.

There were wounds on her legs, and the only mobile phone in her pocket was taken away. Even taxis couldn't be taken in the alleys of this pedestrian street, and they had to wait on the main road.

Li Zhu also breathed a sigh of relief in the car. Looking at the photos just now, it was clear that Jiang Nuannuan didn't like Gu Shizhou. He quietly glanced at the rearview mirror and saw that his boss looked much better.

Fortunately, I made the right bet this time, but I don’t know if I can add more bonuses at the end of the year.

"Ms. Jiang's leg is still injured. Shall we go pick her up?"

Gu Tingyan glanced at him, "Do you always talk so much?"

Assistant Li heard what he meant, smiled, and quickly drove after him.

Just as Jiang Nuannuan was thinking about when he would come to pick her up, a black business car slowly moved from the back to the front and stopped at the same level as her.

She pretended to be curious and looked into the dark car window. Assistant Li in front of her stuck his head out and said, "Get in the car, Miss Jiang. Our boss will take you back."

Jiang Nuannuan's almond-shaped eyes widened and she said in surprise: "Mr. Gu?"

"Yeah, our boss."

She sat in the back seat of the car, and the man sat in the darkness, his angular facial contours vaguely visible.

The atmosphere was a little cold, and there was a faint smell of tobacco lingering in the car.

Jiang Nuannuan put the cake aside and quietly moved over, "Did you see everything?"

Gu Tingyan lowered his eyes, glanced at the paws on his suit trouser legs, and said coldly: "Take it away."

Sure enough, I was angry.

Jiang Nuannuan raised her face and explained seriously: "I didn't mean not to come out to eat with you. Your brother seemed to have dragged me out just to make you angry."

(End of this chapter)

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