Chapter 10

Soon, Li Yaozhi saw a black stone statue of the founder of the founding sect in front of him. The stone statue was huge and lifelike, with kind eyebrows and kind eyes. The hair on his head was visible, and he looked like a real person.

She stepped forward curiously and wanted to take a closer look, but she couldn't help but bend down and salute him. When she looked up, she seemed to see the stone statue smiling again...

Li Yaozhi thought she might be hallucinating, so she rubbed her eyes and looked again, then realized she must have been wrong. She laughed to herself and continued walking forward.

Ancient black and golden towers rise from the ground. Each tower has nine floors. The plaques in front of the towers read "Fharma Pavilion", "Martial Pavilion", "Dan Pavilion", "Qi Pavilion", "Yu Beast Pavilion" and "Fu". "Pavilion" and "Array Pavilion", it seems that each tower contains different techniques.

She walked a few steps quickly, picked up the hem of her clothes, and walked up the stairs into the Dharma Pavilion. Inside, there was a senior fellow sitting on a futon meditating.

Li Yaozhi hurriedly held the gift with both hands and said respectfully: "Brother, I'm here to receive the technique."

"Just call me Senior Brother Zhao. Bring me the identity jade token." Senior Brother Zhao opened his eyes, took the jade token with one hand and caressed it gently. After seeing the information on it, he asked, "But you want fire-attribute skills?"

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhao, I wonder if Senior Brother can recommend a suitable technique to me."

"Looking at the purity of your fire, which is six points, it is still a little bit behind. I recommend you the "Fire Flame Heart Technique". Although it is only a mid-level technique, the attack power of the spells in it is not strong enough, but the speed of absorbing the refined spiritual energy during practice is still good. Quickly, you can supplement with a martial art with strong attack power, and then switch to an advanced fire-based skill after establishing the foundation, and that's it."

"Yes, thank you, brother."

"The "Fire Flame Heart Technique" is on the third floor of the library. Go and get it yourself. Remember, after entering the door, a defensive soundproof cover will float on your body. Don't panic. This is to prevent you from being disturbed by other people's voices or being disturbed by the exercises. It is designed to bring injuries." After saying that, Senior Brother Zhao looked like he could no longer be disturbed and continued to practice with his eyes closed.

Li Yaozhi pursed her lips and gently raised her feet to leave. On the bookshelf on the first floor of the Law Pavilion were some paper books. Inside, a senior brother was reading engrossedly. From time to time, he stamped his feet excitedly and murmured a few words to himself. Because he had a soundproof mask on him, Li Yaozhi didn't hear what he said and why he was so excited.

She stood at the door, hoping to finally get in, so she went to see what books there were.

"Zhao Yiyun's Notes", "Qian Jun's Travel Notes", "Sun Youwen's Notes"... It turns out that the first floor is filled with books written by some senior brothers, uncles and ancestors who recorded what they saw, heard and experienced!
Li Yaozhi casually flipped through a book of "Li Erbai's Experience and Information" and suddenly saw the words "Hongmeng's Body". She quickly stopped and looked at it carefully.

I was lucky enough to accidentally enter the teleportation array and arrive at Qinglian Continent in 38, the first year of ancient times. I fell in love with Liu Yuanxi, a female cultivator from the inner sect of the Shangyuan Sect’s Golden Core Stage. I just wanted to find a way to return to Cangyuan Continent. Teleportation array, then return to the sect to hold the contract formation ceremony

Unexpectedly, Liu Yuanxi was coveted by his fellow disciples because he had a Hongmeng body, and was killed. Although I finally took my revenge, I was still distraught. In order to prevent disciples with a Hongmeng body from suffering the same disaster, I took this person away. I have written down the story, hoping that all my fellow disciples will keep it in mind.

Seeing this, Li Yaozhi started to beat faster, blinked, took a deep breath and swallowed, turned the page with trembling hands, gritted his teeth and said: "I am also the body of Hongmeng, I am too unlucky, this Hongmeng What is it about your body that makes people covet you?"

She sighed and continued reading.

The body of Hongmeng can appear after it introduces Qi into the body and enters the first level of Qi training. At the beginning, the blood is white. To solve this problem, you can practice "Hongmeng Ziyan Tianjing" to improve your physical fitness. After practicing to the fourth level, the blood can turn back to white. Red, but I have been looking for the "Hongmeng Ziyan Scripture" all my life, but I have not found it.

Li Yaozhi looked at the blood vessels on his hands. It was indeed not the purple color before, and the skin was a little unnaturally white. It seemed that what the book said was true. He touched his face again and said, "It should be able to cover it up if I go back and buy a bottle of rouge." ?”

People with the Hongmeng body practice quickly, are naturally attracted to some spiritual creatures and beasts, have strong wound healing power, and can absorb any energy and convert it into their own spiritual power.

If you get the heart of the Hongmeng Body, you can combine it with the Heart Breath Grass Essence, Dixin Lan, and Liangye Xin to make a Huanxin Pill, which can rejuvenate people with damaged heart veins and gain some of the abilities of the Hongmeng Body.

"Master put this "Record of Li Erbai's Experiences" here to really make people with the Hongmeng Body vigilant, but at the same time, it also took advantage of some people's wishes!"

Li Yaozhi closed the book and complained in his heart, "I am almost as good as Tang Monk now. I finally understand why the second male lead in the novel cut out Li Yaozhi's heart in the book. It must be to refine the Huanxin Pill! This is already It’s not a question of whether I’ll die if I don’t do something. This is because as long as my physique is revealed, the two parties will definitely face off. I don’t know what the chances of winning are then.” She rubbed her temples a little irritably, “It feels like these days I'm sighing all the time, now I'm hanging my head on my belt, now, this book must not be left here, I have to take it away, and I can't let anyone see it again."


Li Yaozhi took the "Record of Li Erbai's Scenes and Hearings" and went to the third floor without squinting. As soon as she entered the door, she saw pieces of jade slips floating in the air with flames. She looked at each piece carefully and looked at it for more than a dozen times. Only then did Kuai find the "Fire Flame Heart Technique" she wanted. The index and middle fingers of her right hand combined and touched the Dantian lightly, withdrawing a portion of spiritual power from it. She controlled the spiritual power with two fingers to wrap around the jade slip in the air, and pulled the jade slip down violently. , fell into the hand, and the flames slowly disappeared.

Fortunately, there was a defensive soundproof cover, so he was not hurt by the flames on the jade slip.

Li Yaozhi bypassed the other jade slips floating in the air and went downstairs. When he went out, he saw that Senior Brother Zhao was still practicing. He walked forward and saluted and asked: "Brother Zhao, please excuse me for a moment. I would like to borrow this book of experiences and experiences. Is it okay?"

"Yes, yes, but do you have any contribution value?" Senior Brother Zhao opened his eyes and looked up and asked.

"Senior Brother Zhao, I have spirit stones. I wonder if I can buy you some contribution points?" Li Yaozhi took a step closer and whispered mysteriously and respectfully.

Senior Brother Zhao chuckled softly: "Yes, but you don't tell others."

"I understand, I understand, don't worry, I will never tell anyone else." Li Yaozhi laughed out loud, looking very polite.

Feeling distressed, she took out a spiritual stone from her storage bag, bought some of Brother Zhao's contribution points, lent out "Li Erbai's Experience and Information", made a record, and entered the "Martial Pavilion".

She saw an uncle meditating by the door, and skillfully handed over the jade identity card and asked: "Uncle, I'm here to learn martial arts skills. Do you have anything to recommend?"

"...Since you are an official disciple, you must take on sect tasks after practicing Qi at the third level. If you want to achieve success as soon as possible, I recommend you to practice bow and arrow. Bow and arrow can attack from a long distance. At the same time, arrows can use the power of the bow to double their attack power. "It's much better than your sword and whip skills." Uncle Master pondered for a moment and then changed the topic, "Not to mention it's suitable for your small body."

"Yes, thank you, uncle." Li Yaozhi thanked him happily, but found that she didn't have a bow and arrow in her hand, and said a little helplessly, "But...but I don't have a bow and arrow, uncle?"

"You don't need to worry about this. I just have a fire-type longbow here for you to use when practicing Qi, as well as the matching fire-type archery skills."

"Well... I just walked in. Isn't this a good idea? How about this, Uncle Master, please tell me how much it will cost, and I'll see if I can buy it."

"Well, I won't cheat you. I'll give you four spiritual stones." Uncle Master looked like he would reluctantly give you a few spiritual stones since you had to give them.

"Thank you, Uncle Master. What about the martial arts skills that I have mastered?"

"I can record it for you first, and you can come back to pick it up when you need it."

"Okay, thank you, uncle."

Li Yaozhi knew that her skin color was a little abnormal now, and was afraid of attracting others' attention. He gave the only four spiritual stones left in the storage bag to his uncle, bought his weapons and techniques, put them away, and hurried back.


 Li Yaozhi devoured Bai Xiaoxuan, the spells Bai Xiaoxuan knew, the things he had experienced, etc. Li Yaozhi also knew, that is, whether he could remember it and whether he had experienced it personally.

(End of this chapter)

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