Chapter 105 Mrs. Yan was destroyed

Guzang Zhenjun and Madam Yan continued to open their big mouths and bite each other. This time, the two of them bitten too much, but it was difficult to bite through, so they were hanging on each other's body.

Wang Junya saw this and pushed the opponent into the corner with all his strength.

The soul of Guzang Zhenjun was immediately squeezed into a round cake shape, and she was in a dilemma. She used her spiritual consciousness to transmit the message:
"Little girl, it's not a good thing for the soul of this evil cultivator to merge with you. As long as you let me go now and take me out to find a suitable body for me to take over, I will help you after that. You get rid of her."

"Hmph, there is only one chance for a monk to seize his body after death. You have already used it once. How can you have another chance to seize someone else's body? I'm afraid you want to gain my trust and then take the opportunity to continue to seize my body, right?" Wang Junya believed that the other party said It was a lie, so he sent the message unceremoniously.

"It is true that ordinary monks only have one chance to seize the body after death, but I have a treasure that can be used to seize the body seven times. If I had not disliked the poor qualifications of the monks who came in before, I would not have waited until now to find the secret room in the mansion. You can also choose two treasures, what do you think?" Feeling that Madam Yan was about to bite off half of her soul, Guzang Zhenjun was a little anxious, but she showed very calmly and proudly said to Wang Junya Transmission Road.

"Okay, you first help me get rid of this evil cultivator's soul, and the rest will be easy to deal with."

The more Wang Junya integrates with Madam Yan, she does get a lot of benefits, but she always feels that this has great hidden dangers. Now that she can solve this problem, of course she must seize the opportunity, even if the true master of Guzang wants to seize his body in the end. She is also confident that the other party will not succeed at all.

"You ask her to let me go first, and I'll tell you what to do when I get out." Guzang Zhenjun said.

"Mrs. Yan, let her go first. She said she would trade her treasure for a life." Wang Junya said to Mrs. Yan.


Seeing that the crisis was over, Guzang Zhenjun immediately flew out of Wang Junya's sea of ​​consciousness and transmitted a message to her:
"Have you seen the four pillars in the temple? There is a place to put spiritual stones under each pillar. If you put the spiritual stones on it, the formation will start automatically. This formation has a purifying effect on the soul of the evil monk. .”

"How do I know you are not lying to me? If it were an attack formation, wouldn't I be killed immediately? You might even take advantage of me. If you are willing to swear now, I can believe you." Wang Junya said He first looked at the four pillars engraved with runes and spoke calmly.

"Okay, I am willing. The True Lord of Guzang swears here that if what I say today is false, I will not be able to make any progress in my cultivation from now on."

As soon as Guzang Zhenjun finished speaking, a white light emitted from her soul, and the white light rushed out of the cave and straight into the sky.

After a while, a ray of white light fell from the sky back to the spirit of Guzang Zhenjun. The two knew that the oath had been answered by heaven. If what Guzang Zhenjun said today was false, he would really not make any further progress.

Mrs. Yan knew what the two people were talking about, but she never thought that what they said was related to her life.

Wang Junya glanced at Guzang Zhenjun and temporarily believed her words. He added spiritual stones under the four pillars and stood in the center of the formation.

As the white light gushing from the four pillars gradually drowned Wang Junya, Madam Yan felt a sense of crisis in her heart. This was somewhat similar to the feeling she had when she was about to die a hundred years ago. She yelled in panic: "What the hell is this?" ?What are you doing?"

"Don't worry, this is purifying the evil energy in you. Once the evil energy in you is removed, we can merge without any worries." Wang Junya coaxed.

Madam Yan laughed angrily, "Hahaha, get rid of the evil spirit? That's nice to say, the evil spirit coexists with my soul. Once the evil spirit is removed, I'm afraid I will end up at your mercy even if I don't die."

Wang Junya endured the pain of the white light invading her soul and chuckled, "Do you think I can't manipulate you now?"

"Um...w-what do you mean?"

Madam Yan screamed in pain and wanted to avoid the white light in the sea of ​​consciousness. Unexpectedly, she angered them instead, and more white light invaded her soul.

The souls of the two people were filled with white light, and the evil energy inside was squeezed out bit by bit by the white light. In the process, the two people were also suffering from the pain of tearing their souls... A long time passed, and Wang Junya's whole body The man collapsed on the ground from exhaustion, his wet temples stuck to his face, his lips turned white, like a dehydrated fish gasping for air.

Wang Junya sank her consciousness into the sea of ​​consciousness and saw that half of Madam Yan's soul had shrunk, less than one-tenth of hers, and could no longer compete with her.

"Hahaha." Wang Junya laughed without any scruples and took out the plum blossom hairpin.

"This is the plum blossom hairpin that I used to live in. What are you going to do?" Mrs. Yan slowly recovered and saw this scene and asked cautiously.

Wang Junya held one end of the plum blossom hairpin with one hand and slowly applied force, "Of course I want to kill you."

Following Wang Junya's movements, Mrs. Yan felt the pressure on her soul, and she said sternly: "In this case, I won't let you have an easy time."

There was a "bang" sound, and the sound of Mrs. Yan's soul self-destructing and the sound of the hairpin breaking almost overlapped, and it was impossible to tell who came first and who came last.

Madam Yan's unfused half of her soul suddenly turned into dots of white light floating in the sea of ​​consciousness, and was later swallowed up one by one by Wang Junya's soul.

"If I hadn't seen that you were still of some use, I would have killed you long ago. You should be grateful to me for being able to keep you until today. You dared to blow yourself up." Wang Junya's face was pale, with a cold look in his eyes. said expressionlessly.

After a long time, she stood up and swallowed a few pills to replenish the spirit. She endured the severe pain in the sea of ​​​​consciousness and began to meditate to recover from the injury.

The spirit of Guzang Zhenjun floated above the jade box, clearly seeing what happened in the palace, and thought to himself: This is really not a good thing. It seems that I have to be careful, and I can't be fooled again.


Today, Li Yaozhi's changed appearance brought Ah Hong, who had woken up, to Huatianfang City, while Ah Feng's three beasts continued to stay at Taiyi Sect.

When I came to Xianke Tower, which is on the same street as Lingyun Pavilion, as soon as I entered the door, I saw a fat guy coming up to me and said: "This fellow Taoist, please come inside."

"Okay, please, fellow Taoist, please find me a seat by the window."

"no problem."

Li Yaozhi followed the other party to a table by the window and sat down. From this position, he could look down at the bustle of half the street.

The fat boy poured a cup of tea for Li Yaozhi and said, "Fellow Taoist, have some tea." With a wave of his hand, a menu appeared on the table in front of Li Yaozhi, "This is the menu, Taoist friend, take a look at what you like to eat."

"This is my first time here. Fellow Taoist, just give me a few signature dishes." Li Yaozhi said with a smile.

"Since you are only one person, I recommend you Taoist friends to try three dishes: Feiyun Dianhe, Fengqi Wutong, and Immortal Guiding Road. These are the best dishes made by Chef Yuan." The fat waiter said enthusiastically.

"But, just these three dishes!" Li Yaozhi pushed the menu aside. The name sounded pretty good, and the dishes should be good too.

"Okay, just wait a moment."

(End of this chapter)

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