Chapter 108
In the Changshou residence of the Wang family, a middle-aged man is sitting on a futon practicing. Although his hair is covered with silver hair and there are a few shallow wrinkles on his face, it can still be seen between his brows that he must have been a handsome man in his youth. .

A man in black entered the door quietly, bowed respectfully and said:
"Ancestor, what we did may have been discovered by the righteous monks. I noticed that an outsider used the teleportation formation to enter the Wang family that day, and immediately destroyed it. Then I sent Thirteen to Wanmin City to inquire about Kuchiki. He just He has come back and said that a white-haired old Taoist priest rescued the mortals captured by Kuchiki and the others. I am afraid that the three of Kuchiki are now dead."

"Well, I understand. What will happen if the right way discovers it? The end point of the teleportation formation of the Wanmin City demon cultivator is at the Wang family. Can this convict the Wang family? There are many smart and insidious people among the demon cultivators. This is them There may be a plan to alienate the Wang family. There is no demon cultivator in the Wang family. Even if they turn the Wang family upside down, they won't be able to find anything." The ancestor of the Wang family stood up and came to the man in black. "Since the dead wood has been spent, let's look for it again. When others are on top, remember to look for more and let them disperse to different places. Don't mess up this time, otherwise don't blame me and punish you."

"Don't worry, Ancestor, Tianzong will definitely come up with a perfect solution this time and will never implicate the Wang family again." After hearing Ancestor Wang's last words, the man in black, Tianzong, trembled in his heart and hurriedly replied. .

"Well, go ahead! Once you've done the work, Ancestor, I won't treat you badly." As he said this, Ancestor Wang handed him a bottle of elixir.

Tian Zong hurriedly took it with both hands, "Thank you Ancestor for the reward." He quietly raised his head and glanced at Ancestor Wang, and when he saw that the other person had turned his back, he backed away gently.

Old Ancestor Wang stood for a while, not knowing what he was thinking. He walked slowly to the study room and waved his sleeves towards a white wall.

A portrait of a woman in white suddenly appeared on the white wall. The charming woman was holding a long sword in her hand, with a bit of heroism between her eyebrows, and she was smiling lightly at the man opposite her.

Patriarch Wang gently stroked the cheek of the person in the painting with one hand, "Xuan'er, I thought I would marry you, but who would have thought that so many things would happen? Do you know, if I didn't expose your secret at that time? Dantian, I'm afraid you will only end up with the same fate as your father. Now, I have completely controlled the Wang family and have the ability to protect you, but you... are no longer here."

His expression was gentle and he spoke affectionate words. Who would have thought that in a blink of an eye, the expression on his face would turn a little fierce, "You are such a proud woman. Without your spiritual power, I'm afraid you won't end up well." ! If you had promised to marry me before, the Bai family might not have ended up like that. This is all your own fault."

He slowly approached the painting on the wall, kissed the woman in the painting, and said in a gentle and affectionate tone, "The Zhong Yuanqing you like is married and has a son. Who else remembers you except me!"


In the Wang Family's Shuiyun Residence, after taking a break at noon, Mrs. Shui was dressing up in front of the mirror. She touched the corners of her eyes and said hesitantly: "Begonia, do you see a wrinkle appearing on the corners of my eyes?"

"Absolutely not, madam, the second lady gave you the best fixing pills and skin-rejuvenating pills, and you also used some top-quality skin care products that are not available in the East Hospital. How could you get wrinkles? You are still 16 years old. The beauty of the time.”

Mrs. Shui smiled sweetly and said, "As sweet as you are, giving birth to Ya'er was the second most correct thing I did in my life."

"Then what's the first thing?" Haitang asked in a low voice when she saw that Mrs. Shui was in a good mood.

"Of course the first thing is to become brother Ruhong's wife, so that I can live up to my wronged years in the mortal world. Otherwise, just because I am just a beautiful concubine of the Shui family with five spiritual roots, I am afraid I can only If I become a gift from the Shui family to curry favor with other monks, how can I become the wife of the Wang family today?" Mrs. Shui said softly with pride in her eyes.

"The one I love most now is my wife. As for the one in the east courtyard, I don't like her at all. The position of mistress is just in name only." Haitang glanced in the direction of the east courtyard and complimented.

Mrs. Shui was amused by Haitang's words. She laughed a few times and pulled Haitang's ears with one hand. Haitang lowered her body to cooperate.

"Haitang, don't say that. She is the mistress now. Be careful if she finds out that you said that, she will punish you."

"As long as the madam mentions a word in front of the master of the house, then the people in the east courtyard will not dare to touch you, and then the slave can continue to take care of the madam. Since the madam saved the slave in the mortal world, the slave will be born as the madam. If you die, it's my wife's fault. I will be with you for the rest of my life." Haitang tried her best to endure the pain in her ears and kept a smile on her face as she complimented. "Well~, don't worry, as long as you don't betray me, I will not treat you badly." Mrs. Shui let go of Haitang's hand and washed her hands in the jade basin nearby as if she was disgusted.

Haitang took the opportunity to rub her red ears quietly, and thought to herself: It seems that I have to be more careful with what I say in the future, otherwise, if I offend Mrs. Shui with any words, I will suffer.

Mrs. Shui came to the main hall after washing herself. There were more than a dozen exquisite breakfast dishes made of spiritual materials on the table. She was a little angry when she saw that there was no one in front of the table.

"Why didn't Master come today?"

"Madam Qi, Lan Cui went to ask. The master said that he had something to do today, so he asked the lady not to wait for him." Seeing that the lady's face was not good-looking, the maid Lan Hui beside her felt a little scared, so she hurriedly replied.

"Do you know what it is?" Mrs. Shui asked doubtfully.

"I heard that the person who came is the elder of Taiyi Sect."

Mrs. Shui spoke with a hint of panic, "What can happen if someone from the Taiyi Sect comes here? But what happened to Ya'er?"

"It shouldn't be that something happened to the second young lady, otherwise I should have called the madam over." Lan Hui consoled her.

Mrs. Shui nodded, "You are right. My Ya'er is protected by her master, the Fearless Lord, so who dares to bully her!"

"Yes, madam, the second young lady has good spiritual roots, high cultivation level, and is well-behaved. It's not too late for others to like her!" Haitang saw that Lan Hui was gradually getting favored by Madam Shui, and was afraid that the other party would steal her position, so she hurriedly answered. road.


In the evening, Wang Ruhong came to Mrs. Shui's yard. After the two of them were affectionate for a while, Mrs. Shui lay in his arms and exhaled like a blue breath: "Brother, why are the people from the Taiyi Sect here today important?"

"Nothing, just a routine inspection of the five major families, nothing else. After their inspection, my father asked me to give them some special products of the Wang family, and they went back." Wang Ruhong picked one Mrs. Lu Shui put her hair on the tip of her nose and sniffed it.

"That's good."

"Madam, don't worry. The Wang family is now an upper-class family. It is no longer the lower-class family before. No matter what happens, it will not be easily shaken." After saying this, Wang Ruhong hugged Mrs. Shui and lay down.

Mrs. Shui, who was lying down, looked at Wang Ruhong's picturesque face and thought to herself: The Wang family can't fall down, otherwise the women of the Shui family will see my joke.

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(End of this chapter)

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