Chapter 115

Not far from Li Yaozhi, a group of blackbirds with similar looks crowded together, screaming and fighting for a black straw bag. As long as one bird grabbed it, it would be surrounded by other birds. Until it lets go and gives up the bag, otherwise it will die immediately.


When Li Yaozhi's consciousness reached due west, a person appeared in his sight. She was a female monk!

The female monk has a slim figure, a delicate appearance, and black hair. Even if she is randomly wrapped in black grass, her beauty cannot be hidden.

Li Yaozhi marveled at the beauty of the other party and was very excited at the same time. She finally found someone!
She quickly climbed to a shorter tree, broke off a trunk as thick as her wrist, and tore off the branches and leaves.

She walked towards the man with a wooden stick weapon...

When I was almost close to the female monk, I found a tree and climbed up to hide. After a while, I saw the female monk coming over. She leaned on a wooden stick and took a breath and said happily:
"I'm so exhausted! It's strange that I actually feel tired. After being dead for hundreds of years, it feels so good to feel alive again!"

"Really?" Li Yaozhi asked.

The female monk heard the human voice and reflexively searched for the source of the sound. Unexpectedly, when she raised her head, she saw a girl jumping down from the tree. The girl held a wooden stick in both hands and hit her with her head. If this stick was straight, If he hits her on the head, she will really die this time, and she will not even have the chance to take over her body.

She hurriedly hid to the side, but in such a short period of time, she could not escape. The girl's stick hit her on the shoulder.

"It's because I have never fought with anyone in so many years. Today, you can hurt me. Next, you won't be so lucky, Li Yaozhi." The female monk covered her shoulder that was so painful to the bone with one hand and sneered. road.

"Oh, senior knows my name. In that case, can you tell me who you are and how you came to my cave?" Li Yaozhi asked doubtfully.

"Hmph~, it's okay to tell you, but even if I tell you, you don't know me. My name is Guzang Zhenjun. As for what I came to do in your cave, you should be able to guess it!"

"It turns out you are the True Monarch of Guzang. I have heard of your name before. It is rumored that you are a female monk with unparalleled beauty and powerful cultivation. People like you have rarely appeared in thousands of years. Junior I have the honor to see you in person today, and I truly feel that you are truly worthy of your reputation!"

"Oh~, is that so? Seeing that your mouth is so sweet, I will let you die a little more beautifully. You are also a soul who came in! Do you dare to accept the challenge?" The female monk's eyes looked at Li Yao up and down.

"Of course I dare." Li Yaozhi pretended to be afraid of being underestimated, and said forcefully.

"Okay, in that case, how about we fight like this today?" The female monk used the wooden stick in her hand as a sword and held the wooden stick across her chest in the posture of holding a sword.

"Okay, of course." Li Yaozhi saw the other party's purpose and probably wanted to kill her right here!

"Well, you're quite brave." The female monk praised with a fake smile.

She held a stick in one hand and hit Li Yaozhi on the head. Seeing this, Li Yaozhi raised the stick with both hands and moved it forward, with the sticks of the two touching each other.

Li Yaozhi's soul was not as strong as Guzang Zhenjun, and she was slowly bent over by the wooden stick blocking her weapon. This was not going to work, so she simply lay down on the spot, rolled over, and escaped the opponent's attack. scope.

The wooden stick in Guzang Zhenjun's hand was jabbed at Li Yaozhi who had not yet stood up.

Li Yaozhi then rolled around to avoid the stick, and then quickly got up. She ran a few steps, climbed onto a tree, and used the power of the tree to swing the stick at the opponent.

Guzang Zhenjun quickly dodged to the side to avoid Li Yaozhi's stick, turned around and hit her in the chest.

Li Yaozhi hurriedly bent down to dodge, and hit the opponent's waist with a stick.

When Guzang Zhenjun saw this, due to her height advantage, she stepped on Li Yaozhi's wooden stick and hit her head with a winning smile on her face. If she was hit, she would not die on the spot. Even the outer physical body will die.

Li Yaozhi made a prompt decision, grabbed the other person's clothes with one hand, and took him out of Shen Yunjing.

————After exiting Shen Yunjing, Guzang Zhenjun saw Li Yaozhi lying on the bed at a glance. She sped up and flew over to snatch the body.

When the four beasts outside saw the two people coming out, they hurriedly hit Guzang Zhenjun with their weapons, claws and tails. Unfortunately, they couldn't get close to each other. However, they also gave Li Yaozhi some time to fight for.

Just when Guzang Zhenjun was about to enter Li Yaozhi's forehead, Li Yaozhi took a step ahead, and the soul entered the physical body. Li Yaozhi, who was lying on the bed, immediately got up and got out of bed, staying away from Guzang Zhenjun's soul.

Seeing this, Guzang Zhenjun still chased Li Yaozhi and wanted to continue to seize her.

"A Feng, release your fire and burn her soul." Li Yaozhi said hurriedly.


Ah Feng spit out a red fire snake from his mouth and attacked the opponent. Li Yaozhi also released fire in front of him. It was useless. At least the opponent would not fly in her direction unscrupulously when seeing the fire close by. After all, it had always been done before. People will definitely not remain indifferent when seeing spell attacks now.

Li Yaozhi thought well. Seeing the fire in front of her, Lord Guzang immediately turned around and went around to her rear.

But the fire from the two people quickly ignited the wooden house. Seeing that the wooden house was about to collapse, they hurriedly rushed out of the wooden house.

Although they were a little flustered, they did not delay the fight at all.

Ah Feng's red fire snake flew behind Guzang Zhenjun and soon caught up with her spirit. Guzang Junya was very surprised. She actually felt the heat of the fire. You know, ordinary fire cannot hurt her at all. to her.

"What kind of fire is this?" Guzang Zhenjun was shocked.

Seeing that the fire was about to burn her, the fire snake's attack range was very large, and she had no place to hide.

"Let me go. As long as you let me go, I can give you all the treasures I have hidden." Guzang Zhenjun prayed to Li Yaozhi while flying forward as hard as he could.

"This is true." Li Yaozhi was overjoyed when he heard that there was a treasure, and he quickly replied.

"Of course, I will never lie to you, as long as you let me live." Guzang Zhenjun said anxiously.

"Okay, no problem, Ah Feng, you..." Before Li Yao could finish her words, she saw the spirit of Guzang Zhenjun being burned by Ah Feng's fire in front of her, and was burned away in the blink of an eye.

In fact, Li Yaozhi couldn't save her after Guzang Zhenjun said the word begging for mercy, because Ah Feng only tried to prevent fire, but he couldn't control it.

Furthermore, if you really want to save Guzang Zhenjun, there is only one way, which is to remove her soul from the space.

However, in this case, if Lord Guzang escapes after leaving the space, Li Yaozhi's losses will be great.

After all, Guzang Zhenjun knew about her Divine Cloud Mirror and space. Even if she was not sure that the place she stayed in after coming out of the Divine Cloud Mirror was in space, based on her experience, she should be able to get the answer quickly.

It would be a bad thing to seize Li Yaozhi's space and Shen Yunjing at that time.

At this time, Li Yaozhi was also thinking about this. After feeling sorry for the loss of the treasure in Guzang Zhenjun's mouth, he became afraid.

Fortunately, Ah Feng's fire had already burned into Guzang Zhenjun at that time. Otherwise, she might have done something stupid just because he was willing to offer the treasure.

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(End of this chapter)

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