Chapter 130

Hearing Yueyue's voice, she turned her head and looked over there. In a small corner, she saw a small puddle with blue water.

blue water!

She hurried over.

"Yueyue, what kind of water is this? Is it spiritual water?" As she said this, Li Yaozhi dipped some of it with her finger and put it on the tip of her nose and smelled it. There was no smell. She reluctantly licked it with the tip of her tongue, "Salty? There is a light smell in it. Reiki!”

"This isn', is it?" Li Yaozhi looked at Yueyue's expectant expression, and it was difficult to say the words in his mouth.

"Master, look!" Yueyue stretched out two long vines and fished out a fist-sized blue bead from the water.

Li Yaozhi took it with both hands, held it in his hands and looked at it carefully, but he didn't see why.

"Yueyue, let's go into the space and ask Ah Feng if he knows what this is."


One person and one beast entered the space and found A Feng and Bing Yu lying on the ground. The spiritual energy gathered around their bodies was stronger than before.

"Master, they are advancing." Yueyue said.

"Yes, it seems that the spiritual energy in the shell meat is very strong!" Li Yaozhi saw that the meat in the shell was completely gone, and it must have been eaten by them. She looked at Yueyue, "Yueyue, don't go out for the time being. Now, I’ll protect them here, and when Ah Feng wakes up, I’ll ask what this is!”

"Well, okay!" Yueyue was a little disappointed because she couldn't go out.

"I've worked hard for a long time, so I'll make room first." Li Yaozhi put the beads in the jade box, and then put the jade box in the ring.

"Okay." Yueyue pursed her lips and nodded.


Li Yaozhi came out of the space and scanned the entire cave with her spiritual consciousness. Except for the five scales of monsters on the ground, she didn't find anything of value. She didn't mind it either. She put the scales away in the ring and thought about it. The secret realm might be able to sell two spiritual stones, and then you would make a profit.

She put the invisibility charm on her body again, cast a protective shield, and used the escape charm to escape from the cave and far away from the lake.


"What kind of place is this? The trees are so big! They must be thousands of years old!"

As soon as Li Yaozhi came out of the underground, she saw a big tree about ten meters in diameter in front of her. She was a little excited. It would be much easier if she could cut it down and use it to build a wooden house in the space!
Then a piece of wood becomes a wall, which is great!

Thinking of this, she took out the Qingyun Sword, injected a lot of spiritual power, and slashed the giant tree with the sword close to the ground...


Not far from Li Yaozhi, a man and a woman came towards her.

The female monk was pretty and lovely, but her cassocks were in a mess. As she ran, she shouted hoarsely: ""

"Hmph~, let's see where you can run to?" The male monk held a long sword in his hand and chased the female monk unhurriedly with a fierce look on his face. Seeing the panic on her face, he burst into laughter with some pride.


"Huh... finally the tree was cut down." Li Yaozhi breathed a long sigh of relief and raised his hand to send the giant tree into the space. If the space was smaller, I might not be able to accommodate it.

She put some spiritual energy into the stump left behind and waited until two small trees gradually grew on it. This way she could conceal the existence of the big tree and her whereabouts.

It was already dusk. She swallowed two pills of recovery, left here, found a small hidden cave, arranged the formation, covered the entrance of the cave, and began to meditate to restore her spiritual power. …………

Li Yaozhi woke up from trance and faintly heard the voices of a man and a woman outside.

"Thank you Zhong Daoyou for saving me. If it weren't for you, I would have fallen into the hands of that evil cultivator..." Talking about the sad things, the woman began to cry softly, and the low sobs highlighted the woman's tenderness.

The man next to him seemed a little distressed when he heard her cry. He coaxed softly: "Fairy, you're welcome. Anyone who sees a female monk in distress will step forward to help. It's a pity that the evil cultivator ran away, otherwise I would I must say this for the fairy. If you don’t mind it, fellow Taoist, how about you practice with me from now on? It will be safer this way.”

"Of course I am willing. How can I dislike you? You don't have to call me Fairy, Zhong Daoyou. Just call me Rong Yue."

"Okay, I'll call you Rong Yue from now on."

"Yes." The woman agreed softly.

"May I ask Miss Rongyue, which sect are you a disciple of?"

"I am just a helpless casual cultivator. Thanks to my eldest brother, I am now at the ninth level of Qi training. Unfortunately, not long ago..." After saying this, the girl named Rong Yue began to cry again.

Li Yaozhi thought: This Rong Yue is really a person made of water. Compared with her, I feel like a man.

The conversation over there is still going on.

After crying, the woman said softly: "Looking at Daoyou Zhong's appearance and extraordinary temperament, he must be a disciple of a large sect, right?"

"You are right, I am a disciple of the Taiyi Sect in the Eastern Region." Speaking of the Taiyi Sect, the man seemed very proud.

"I have heard of Taiyi Sect. The disciples of Taiyi Sect are very good. They are all people with great righteousness like fellow Taoist disciples."

Hearing the woman's words, Li Yaozhi couldn't help but complain in his heart: When I heard such a blunt compliment from you, I knew you were lying.

"Yes, yes, Rong Yue is really very discerning, but our disciples of Taiyi Sect are very extraordinary." The man opened his fan and fanned twice proudly.

"It would be great if I could enter the Taiyi Sect back then, but it's a pity that the East Territory and the Northland are far apart, and I don't have a shuttle to use. Alas..." At this point, Rong Yue sighed, looking very regretful.

"Rongyue, don't be anxious. When you get out of the secret realm, I will take you to Taiyi Sect to see if your uncle from the Deacon Hall is willing to let you climb the ladder to heaven."

"Really? Thank you so much, Friend Zhong Dao!" The woman said with a bit of excitement.


Li Yaozhi really couldn't bear to listen to the following words. This woman was clearly telling lies while being miserable at the same time. She didn't seem to be a kind person!
I wonder what conspiracy she is planning!
Poor fellow Daoist Zhong, even though he is a monk at the tenth level of qi training, he is probably going to suffer a big loss!
Then he will know the power of beauty!

Thinking of this, she couldn't help but feel a little gloating.

Although there was one person who was a fellow senior in the same sect, she did not want to go out and get to know each other. That person seemed unreliable, and she was really afraid that she would be betrayed by him unintentionally.

Anyway, the formation was arranged in the cave, so it would be difficult for the two of them to find the cave, let alone anyone inside.

In order to avoid being noticed by the two people outside that there was something strange about the spiritual energy around her, and then realizing that there might be other people here, she did not meditate and practice to absorb the spiritual energy. Instead, after checking that there was no problem with the formation, she leaned against the hole with her back covered with fox fur. He fell asleep on the stone wall inside.


The next day, when she woke up, she found that the two people outside had disappeared, so she put away the formation and fox fur, and then left the cave.

She stretched and rubbed her eyes, "I woke up, it feels so comfortable! It's been three days since I entered the secret realm, and I still haven't gotten almost anything. I have to hurry up, but I feel that this secret realm is very poor! These three days I haven’t seen any valuable elixirs or herbs in the sky, how strange it is!”

(End of this chapter)

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