Chapter 132

After a flash, she activated the phoenix bracelet and saw a phoenix shadow flying down from above and attacking the woman.

Because the woman had suffered internal injuries from her first blow, and now she couldn't resist it, she immediately took out two defensive charms from her storage bag and slapped them on her body.

There was a phoenix cry, and the phoenix shadow collided with the protective shield on the woman's body. The two offset each other, and the protective shield and the phoenix shadow slowly dissipated.

The woman escaped this encounter and was filled with resentment in her heart, "Who are you? Don't hide, just come out and fight openly!"

"Guess what!"

When the woman heard Li Yaozhi's voice, she immediately determined the other party's location, and then whipped at Li Yaozhi.

Before the other party made a move, Li Yaozhi had already left his previous position.

Since the Imperial Phoenix Bracelet requires a lot of spiritual energy, these three attacks actually used up one-third of the spiritual energy in her Dantian. In contrast, fighting with a long bow would save a lot of spiritual energy, so she immediately took it. Draw out a long bow and shoot a fire arrow at the opponent's Dantian.

Then he used the bell to attack the opponent's consciousness so that the woman could not easily discover the location of the Hokage's arrow and herself.

Sure enough, the woman's body froze slightly, and in her frightened eyes, the Hokage's arrow pierced her Dantian.

The woman spat out a mouthful of blood and looked down at the burned wounds left after the arrow feathers dissipated in her dantian. She was in disbelief, "You..."

Li Yaozhi did not dare to give the other party a chance to breathe. As soon as the woman said a word, she was hit by an arrow, which was inserted right into her heart.

The woman raised her head and stared straight at Li Yaozhi with her eyes. Then she fell heavily to the ground, and her soul collapsed.

It was time to use the invisibility talisman on Li Yaozhi, and her figure slowly emerged.

In addition, the two people who were fighting fiercely noticed the situation on Li Yaozhi's side and looked over one after another.

When the young man saw the silent woman lying on the ground, he used an iron ball to block the long sword of the man in black and said in surprise: "Fellow Taoist, you are so powerful!"

At this time, the man in black was a little panicked. Although he was at the twelfth level of qi training, he could not defeat this young man for a long time. Now plus this girl, if he fought with the two of them at the same time, he would probably lose it today. Even if you don't die, you will lose some skin.

This He Rongyue was so incompetent that she was actually killed by a little girl. If he hadn't seen that she was pretty and useful, he wouldn't have brought her in with him. Now it's her own fault for losing her life.

Thinking of this, he made a decision in his mind: he was going to escape!There is no need to worry about running out of firewood to keep the green hills. What's more, he is now at the twelfth level of Qi training and should be able to enter the foundation building soon. By then...

The man in black took advantage of the blink of an eye while the young man was talking to Li Yaozhi, put away his sword and fled away.

When Li Yaozhi saw the man in black running away, he quickly took off the woman's storage bag and shouted: "Chase!"

"Okay!" The young man responded after hearing Li Yaozhi's words.

The two men chased the man in black one after the other.

Seeing the man in black running further and further away, the young man saw that the two of them would soon be unable to catch up. He took out a short-distance teleportation talisman from his storage belt, activated the talisman and was in front of the man in black in an instant.

"Watch where you are going!" The young man threw the chain in his hand at the man in black and tied him up before the man could react.Seeing this, Li Yaozhi, who was a hundred meters away, condensed three flaming arrows in his right hand and placed them on the long bow. Using his spiritual consciousness as an aid, he accurately shot the three arrows at the man in black, hitting his chest and Dantian, then the arrow slowly dissipated.

The dantian was destroyed, and the man in black could not use any means he could. Blood flowed out from the three somewhat charred holes, and soon half of his body was dyed red.

At this time, the man in black was still breathing and was not dead. He only felt a large amount of blood in his chest rushing up to his throat, and his vision was dark. He reluctantly said weakly: "I will not give you advantage in vain. "

Hearing the words of the man in black, Li Yaozhi, who had just walked over, and the young man who was holding on to the chain tightly felt something bad.

The young man threw down the chain and hurriedly retreated with Li Yao.

"Bang!" After a loud noise, both of them fell to the ground.

The first time she encountered this situation, Li Yaozhi was a little confused. After a while, she slowly got up from the ground.

She stepped forward gently and took a look. She saw that the man in black had turned into a pile of minced meat. It was very uncomfortable to see. She immediately released a fireball and burned the man's body to ashes.

The young man picked up the storage bag, the iron chain magic weapon and the long sword in the distance, walked over to her and said: "This junior sister, my name is Zhong Yiming, and I want to thank you for saving my life. The storage bag of this man in black Just keep the bag!"

"I am Li Yaozhi. Senior Brother Zhong said that the favor of saving his life is serious." Li Yaozhi looked at the other party's defense from head to toe and smiled, "Even if I don't come, I believe senior brother can escape unscathed."

"Hahaha, Junior Sister Li is such an interesting person." Zhong Yiming lowered his head and looked at the defensive robes, defensive belt and defensive boots on his body, feeling a little embarrassed for a moment.

"Brother, let's divide the contents of this storage bag equally. Give them all to me. Is there anything wrong?" Li Yaozhi waved his hand and refused.

"There is nothing wrong. Since Junior Sister Li insists on this, I will accept this sword. How about you keep the storage bag?"

"That's fine." Li Yaozhi then took the storage bag and put it in her arms. Seeing that the other party didn't move anymore, she pretended to look up and smiled, "Senior Brother Zhong, for those one hundred thousand low-grade spiritual stones, Senior Brother is paying now. Or should we wait until we get out of the secret realm?"

Only then did Zhong Yiming seem to remember this, "Oh~, I'm sorry, Junior Sister Li, my brain was shocked just now and I forgot about it. Senior brother didn't bring so many spiritual stones with him. When he returns to the Eastern Region, I will definitely have one." I’ll give a lot of stone to my junior sister.”

"Well, I believe that senior brother will definitely not default on the debt." Li Yaozhi complimented a few words, and then she sighed softly, with a helpless tone, "It's also that junior sister is too poor, otherwise she wouldn't be able to earn senior brother's spiritual stones. Please forgive me, senior brother. !”

"I understand, I understand, junior sister, you're so polite!" Zhong Yiming looked like he could empathize with him. If Li Yaozhi hadn't roughly understood the prices of the magic weapons he had on him, it would have been easy for him to believe him.

After Li Yaozhi saw him put the long sword of the man in black into the storage instrument, he tapped the iron chain in his hand, and the iron chain instantly turned into a bracelet with four small balls, which he put on his wrist.

"Senior Brother Zhong's magic weapon is very unusual!" Li Yaozhi couldn't help but praise when she saw that the originally rugged magic weapon became so cute when it became smaller.

"This magical weapon was refined by my uncle. He is the new peak master of Jiuxiao Peak, Jiuli Zhenjun. He is naturally very extraordinary." Zhong Yiming was very proud in his words.

"It turns out that it is a magic weapon from the hands of True Lord Yuanying. It is indeed a rare treasure!" Li Yaozhi complimented with a smile.

At this time, seeing the tone and demeanor of Zhong Yiming's words, she felt that this person was a bit familiar. He looked like the silly guy who was being teased outside her cave last night!

 Thank you very much to reader Thor Little Cutie for your monthly vote. Thank you for your support and encouragement of this book!
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(End of this chapter)

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