Chapter 153 This damn girl must be a monster!

Seeing that the demon cultivator was still chasing behind him, Li Yaozhi was surprised: How could he know that I was here? The grass here was only a short layer, and the wind under my feet made no sound. How could he know my location accurately? .

A Hong said in her ear: "Master, look at an ugly white butterfly flying in front of him. Can that butterfly see the master?"

Li Yao's consciousness reached back and took a look. Sure enough, he saw a white butterfly flying in front of the demon cultivator to lead the way, but it didn't look ugly. "You're right."

It wouldn't work if she just ran like this. Sooner or later, her physical and spiritual energy would be exhausted, and by then she would really be meat on someone else's chopping board.

Thinking of this, she stopped, took out the Xuanbing Sword, injected spiritual energy into it, turned around and swung the sword at the demon cultivator following behind.

The sword flew away from his hand and hit the demon cultivator's head with wisps of cold air. The demon cultivator repeated his old trick and used the ax in his hand to protect his head.


The Xuan Bing Sword struck the black ax head hard, leaving a mark.

Finally, the Xuan Bing Sword flew back into his hand.

This demon cultivator’s ax is so hard!It can be attacked or defended, it’s too difficult!

"Hahaha, little girl, how are you? Grandpa's Dark Ax is pretty good, right? It's my turn next, so you have to pick it up." The demon cultivator laughed a few times and said in a rough voice.

Li Yaozhi showed no sign of weakness, "Huh, just take action."

Seeing this, the demon cultivator felt that Li Yaozhi was simply bluffing, and he must have been extremely scared. After all, neither of the two moves Li Yaozhi fired had any impact on him.

After saying this, the demon cultivator raised his ax and struck Li Yao's head.

The ax bigger than Li Yaozhi's head was filled with black energy and was about to chop off her head.

If this move succeeds, she will die immediately without even a chance to compromise.

The jade ruler hidden in Li Yaozhi's arms flew towards her head. The moment the jade ruler flew across her head, the ax also arrived.

There was a loud bang of "Dang".

Although it was not chopped on the head, at this moment, she still felt the pain on the top of her head.

She quickly dodged back, and the jade ruler floated in front of her.

The demonic energy in the demon cultivator quickly poured into the axe, and the black demonic energy shrouded it, almost condensing into substance, and then slashed at her waist.

Then, a huge magic ax condensed with magic energy flew out of the axe, whistling over.

Li Yaozhi gritted his teeth and used his body skills to control the wind, and rushed to the right. Unexpectedly, the magic ax seemed to have come to life, had eyes, and chased her.

She changed direction from time to time in the woods, using the cover of the trees to escape from the pursuit of the magic ax. Unexpectedly, after a long time, when she didn't even know where she was, the magic ax was still chasing behind her, without any trace of it. fall.

Li Yaozhi ran and glanced back. When she saw the magic ax falling behind her, she couldn't help but feel a little frustrated, "I..., when will I be able to get rid of it! By the way, where is the magic cultivator?"

As soon as he finished speaking, he spotted the figure of the demon cultivator in the distant forest.

Her heart suddenly froze, and in just one breath, she thought a lot:
Next, the demon cultivator will definitely take action against me. When the time comes, I will really be attacked from both sides, and it will be even more difficult to escape.

Moreover, this demonic cultivator is at least three levels higher than me in cultivation. One demonic cultivator alone is enough for me to deal with, plus this demonic axe...

In short, I have to quickly deal with the magic ax following behind.

Thinking of this, she quickly made a seal with her hands, and a thick lavender ice shield quickly formed in front of her. She chuckled lightly, and shouted to the magic ax with a look of risk-taking: "Come on!"

In an instant, the magic ax hit the ice shield hard.

"When... squeak... squeak..."

Neither the magic ax nor the ice shield could do anything to the other, and they were still in a stalemate. The magic ax and the ice shield rubbed against each other, making a "squeaking" sound.

Li Yaozhi's whole body of spiritual energy was poured into the ice shield for free to resist the impact and damage of the magic ax on the ice shield.

The demonic energy on the magic ax was also offset by the confrontation with the ice shield, and gradually became less and less.

Seeing this, she simply sat behind the ice shield and started to absorb the magic energy from the magic ax with her hands.Perhaps this demonic energy had already formed an attacking demonic axe. When it first entered her veins, she felt a slight pain. She quickly swallowed a pulse-nourishing pill to heal the injuries on her veins.

In this way, she no longer worried about hurting her muscles and veins, and streams of almost solidified spiritual power were absorbed into her body one after another.

Soon, the magic ax shrunk by half. Seeing that the magic cultivator was about to arrive, she did not dare to stop for a moment and continued to increase the intensity of absorbing the magic energy.

In the Dantian, the white spiritual energy has occupied half of the space, and it still has a tendency to continue to increase. At the bottom of the Dantian, a group of purple energy moved to the side in disgust, trying to get away from the squeezed white spiritual energy.

The chasing demon cultivator saw a beautiful purple ice shield in front of Li Yaozhi.

And she herself was absorbing the demonic energy from the magic axe, and her mouth suddenly opened in surprise.

" you a demon cultivator?"

"Haha, you actually saw it. To be honest, I am actually the undercover agent sent to the Eastern Region by Beidi." Li Yaozhi followed the other person's words and said nonsense.

She stood up and kicked the ice shield away, and the ice shield and the magic ax on it flew towards the demon cultivator.

The demon cultivator was unable to dodge for a moment, and before he could defend himself and control the demon axe, he was hit in the chest by the demon axe.

The ice shield, as heavy as a thousand pounds, hit his head and shattered with a "dong" sound.

The demon cultivator touched his head and then his bleeding chest.

"you this……"

The demon cultivator was furious and was about to curse when his body was frozen and six rockets flew towards him.

His eyes widened in horror. Even though his body could not move, his mouth could still move. He shouted: "You damn girl, your methods are so cruel. Let me go quickly, otherwise, you will regret it."

In his panic, Li Yaozhi shot two more white arrows, which were condensed with the aura transformed from the demonic energy she absorbed.

Great power!

"Whoosh whoosh... puff puff..."

Mo Xiu was hit by three arrows and rockets one after another, but he woke up in time to dodge the other three.

Seeing the two long white arrows coming with fierce momentum, the demon cultivator raised the black ax in his hand to block it in front of his head.

Two arrows hit the ax head, leaving two deep holes in it.

At the moment when the demon cultivator raised his axe, Li Yaozhi shook the bell at the same time, fixing the demon cultivator in place again, and the Xuan Bing Sword in his hand flew towards the demon cultivator's left heart with icy cold air.

"Pfft." The Xuan Bing Sword stabbed the demon cultivator's heart exactly.

Using the spiritual energy in the white jade bracelet to cast Flowing Flames, bowl-sized red flames flew towards the demon cultivator one after another.

At this time, the body-fixing technique on the demon cultivator no longer worked. He covered his heart and spit out a pool of blood. He felt the life passing by quickly on his body and saw the flames flying towards him. His heart was filled with infinite regret and regret for himself. In a moment of carelessness, he underestimated the female cultivator and lost his life.

Who knew that this dead girl could absorb the power of the monster sealed in the Black Underworld Ax. Once the monster came out, the Black Underworld Ax was no longer a Black Underworld Ax, but just an ordinary black axe. Otherwise, how could he die today? It's him.

This damn girl must be a monster!He has to escape!It cannot fall into the opponent's hands.

The flying fire ignited the demon cultivator's clothes.

A black soul flew out of the fire and fled to the rear. Li Yaozhi hurriedly chased after him, gently ringing the bell, and the black soul was immobilized. A flame with the power of Weaving Flame fell from the air onto the black soul.

The black soul was surrounded by fire.


Slowly, the black soul was burned away layer by layer.

The crisis was over, and as soon as Li Yaozhi relaxed, he felt pain like needle pricks in his veins.

She swallowed another pulse-nourishing pill and saw no improvement. She was a little panicked. The muscles and veins were related to cultivation and were as important as the Dantian. It seemed that she had to return to the sect as soon as possible to find a doctor to take a look.

(End of this chapter)

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