The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 155 Cangyuan Continent Map and Zhang Zong

Chapter 155 Cangyuan Continent Map and Huizong
A group of people who came to see the bride off stood up from the ground, bowed respectfully and bowed twice before lifting up the empty sedan and returning under the moonlight.

Gradually, their figures disappeared.


Li Yaozhi, who was hiding behind the tree, was thinking secretly.

Water God?

Could it be a monster in the water?
Judging from this man's ability to control water and the pressure he exerted on her, it is possible that this man is a powerful monster of the same level.

The strange thing is, why didn't the woman make any move of resistance?Instead, it felt like she was a little... happy inside!

It seems like she still knows that man!


Just as I was thinking about it, suddenly, the calm river surface surged.

Facing her direction, the water in the middle of the river flowed to both sides, forming a road in the middle, as if to welcome some important person.

Suddenly, she seemed to see a pair of handsome men and women in blue clothes appearing on the river. The man held the woman's waist tightly, and the woman had a sweet smile on her face and nestled in the man's arms.

After seeing the man's face clearly, Li Yaozhi turned around and ran away.

"This immortal, please wait a moment!"

Hearing the woman's voice as sweet as an oriole, Li Yaozhi not only did not stop, but seemed to hear some terrifying sound, and his pace gradually accelerated...

After she ran a certain distance and saw that no one was chasing her, she relaxed.

Unexpectedly, when she looked up, she saw the man and woman in the river standing just one step away from her.

And the next second, she would bump into the two of them.

Li Yaozhi was so surprised that she didn't have time to think about it. She immediately stopped her feet and controlled her forward leaning body.

He stood up and took a few steps back. Angry in his heart, Li Yaozhi drew his sword and said seriously: "Who are you? I have never provoked you." Looking at the man, "I have not ruined your good deeds."

"Immortal, don't be afraid. We are not bad people. We just happened to have something to ask of the immortal, so we came after the immortal." The beautiful woman with an oval face said.

"Oh, you can come to me for anything, your husband is more capable than me." Li Yaozhi retorted not believing what the woman said at all.

The woman waved her hands repeatedly, regardless of the man's obstruction, she stepped forward and bowed to Li Yaozhi sincerely with a smile on her face.

"Immortal, the girl's name is Yun Fu. She is a villager in Yunjia Village at the foot of the mountain. There was indeed a monster in the river. The people in the village decided to sacrifice the girl. In the end, they drew lots and decided that the girl would be sacrificed. The girl's family was panicked, but there was nothing wrong with it. Method.

Fortunately, Jinlang and I have known each other since childhood. When he found out, he cast a spell to kill the monster, and then he married me. But how could I, a first-level mortal, stay with Jinlang forever, so I asked the immortal to give me the gift of immortality. Law. "

Li Yaozhi put away the Xuan Bing Sword, "Hey~, your husband is very powerful. It would be easy to practice immortal skills. How could you..."

"You don't know, although this place is beyond the scope of the North Land, it is still difficult to see people cultivating immortals. I am trapped here, how can I get the method of cultivating immortals." The man said.

When the man said the four words "trapped here", his eyes were filled with chills.

Li Yaozhi was afraid that she knew too much and would cause trouble. Although the sect's techniques were not allowed to be spread to outsiders, she still had a few immortal cultivation techniques that she had obtained from others, so she gave them to them.

"I do have a few techniques here, but I have to test Miss Yun's spiritual roots first before I know if I can give them to you."

"Yes." The man said.

Li Yaozhi took out the spiritual stone and said, "Miss Yun, just put your hand on it."

"Yeah, thank you, Immortal." Yunfu said happily.

One of the stone pillars on the spirit-detecting stone lit up with black light, occupying nine of the scales on the stone pillar.

"Nine-point pure water spirit root! Miss Yun's talent is outstanding." Li Yaozhi was very surprised that in this village of mortals without a trace of aura, there was such a talented mortal. "Jinlang, that's great!" Yunfu happily hugged the man's waist.

I didn’t expect that the ancients were so unrestrained!Li Yaozhi secretly turned sideways with some embarrassment.

Li Yaozhi took out a jade slip and handed it over, "This is a water-based skill that I got by chance. It can be used by Miss Yun to practice to the golden elixir stage. After that, she will have to find another skill."

"Thank you, Immortal." Yun Fu took it and thanked her.

Seeing Yun Fu's happy expression, Li Yaozhi thought of her feelings when she first detected her spiritual roots. She smiled slightly, took out three bottles of elixirs, put them in a storage bag and handed them to Yun Fu.

"There are three bottles of pills in here, two bottles of Bigu Pill and one bottle of Peiyuan Pill. Senior Jin must know how to take them. In that case, I will leave first." Li Yaozhi handed over his hand and turned to leave.

"Wait a minute, I have a map of the Cangyuan Continent that I used here. I'll give it to you!" the man said.

A rolled animal skin flew from above his head. Li Yaozhi felt happy and hurriedly took it with both hands. When he was about to turn around and say thanks, he saw that the two people behind him had disappeared.

"Uh... He's really mysterious. I'd better get out of here!"

He unfolded the map with both hands, and it floated in front of him in a square shape. The length and width were one meter, and a small red dot lit up in the middle of the left corner.

This is where she is, on a sacred mountain on the western border of the Immortal Cultivation Realm.

This is really great. With this map, she won't be afraid of getting lost no matter where she goes in the future.

Now that he knows where he is, it will be easier to return to the sect.

Li Yaozhi immediately released the shuttle and hung it in front of him.

Fei got on the shuttle, entered the palace, and controlled it to fly towards the east region.

He took out the Shenyun Mirror and put it in his arms. The moonlight shone on the jade inlaid on the edge of the mirror. The white light emitted by the jade just shined on his forehead, which was used to treat the pain of his spiritual consciousness.


After flying rapidly for several days, Li Yaozhi finally returned to the Eastern Region.

The shuttle continued to fly for a few more hours, and then slowly slowed down when it reached Taiyi Mountain. Until it saw the mountain gate of Taiyi Gate, the shuttle slowly landed downwards and stopped in the open space in front of the mountain gate.

Change back to your original appearance, come out of the palace, follow the ladder that the shuttle descends, and step off the shuttle.

She put away the shuttle, showed the identity jade tag to the disciple guarding the mountain gate, and then went to the Deacon Hall.


It was noon, and except Master Liu, there was no one else in the hall.

Seeing Li Yaozhi coming, he glanced at her and said lazily: "Why are you here today?"

Li Yao stepped forward and held the ceremony and whispered: "Uncle Liu, do you know any doctor in the sect who can cure diseases of the muscles and veins?"

"Oh~, is it for you to see?" Uncle Liu put down the jade slip and said seriously.

"of course not."

At this time, Li Yaozhi realized that it was a bit reckless to come here to ask Uncle Liu, but Uncle Liu was the person who knew the people and things in the sect best. Asking him would get the answer he wanted faster...

"...You can go to Zhongzhong Peak to find Master Musheng."

Li Yaozhi murmured: "Master Musheng." After speaking, she held the ceremony and smiled and said: "Thank you, Master Liu, I will note it down."

After leaving the Deacon Hall, Xiao Baiyun flew towards Planting Peak.

Halfway through the flight, she remembered that there was something wrong with the blood in her body, and the spiritual energy in her dantian was also unusual. What if Master Musheng noticed it!
(End of this chapter)

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