Chapter 166

More and more black lines came over, gradually forming a high circular wall, surrounding them all.

Li Yaozhi used fire spells to form a thin wall of fire around him, hoping that it would be able to block the approach of the black lines, at least their approach would be slower.

After hearing the skeleton man's words, she felt dissatisfied and imitated the other man's tone and said, "Huh, that's not necessarily the case."

As soon as the two flames spit out by Ah Feng over there touched the black line, they were like a raging fire starting a prairie fire. They quickly ignited the incoming black line, and soon burned the black line wall on this side, and quickly spread to both sides...

The skeleton man held a simple long sword in his hand and fought with Yueyue and Bingyu. His swordsmanship was very good, and he had the upper hand even if he fought the two beasts at the same time.

The two beasts did not dare to be careless due to the sword in his hand. After all, they were facing each other with their bodies, so they could only deal with them and make sneak attacks from time to time.

The skeleton man was proud that the two beasts couldn't fight him. When he looked up, he saw that the black-blooded dragon's beard that he had worked hard to cultivate for nearly a hundred years was about to be burned out.

He cut off the vines that tried to bind Yueyue with one sword, and used the water dragon technique with one hand to put out the fire. Unfortunately, the water dragon jumped on the fire and failed to put out even a small flame. He was so anxious that he shouted loudly: "Shameless boy, please put out the fire quickly."

Seeing the distressed look on this man's face, Li Yaozhi felt funny in his heart, so he opened his mouth and said: "No! This black thread is not a good thing. Now I will help you get rid of it for free, as long as I don't charge you the spiritual stone."

After saying this, she raised her sword with one hand and attacked the skeleton man, and then Ah Feng joined in.

One person and three beasts fought against the skeleton man together. Even if the skeleton man had superb swordsmanship, he soon felt that he could no longer resist.

In fact, Li Yaozhi was very anxious at this time. There was no flesh on this skeleton, only a ball of red flame floating in the head, and the force of her sword was very small.

A sword thrust into the opponent's body cannot hurt him at all. If she cuts him with a sword, the hardness of his bones is comparable to a high-grade magic weapon, and her sword cannot cut him.

Only Ah Feng could leave a few deep claw marks on the skeleton.

However, as long as this fight continues, the war must be ended as soon as possible.

This man's movement was very fast, and Ah Feng's fire couldn't touch him. It would be great if he could be immobilized.

Thinking of this, she exited without leaving a trace, and the bell-shaped spiritual attack weapon appeared in her left hand, shaking gently.

The sword that the skeleton man thrust forward suddenly stopped, and his whole body remained motionless. Seeing this, Ah Feng hurriedly spit out a small ball of flame, which flew to the head of the skeleton man.

The flames in the skull of the skeleton were like a mouse seeing a cat, shrinking into a ball and hiding inside the skull.

Seeing the situation, the small flame quickly got into the skeleton and swallowed up the flame in one gulp.


It was the scream of the old man.

Is it...

"Bang, Boom!"

The skeletal man fell to the ground, his body ignited with raging fire. After a while, there was only a ball of black ash and scorched ground left on the ground.

The original tables and wooden cabinets in the hall were also burned to ashes.


At this moment, there were faint voices coming from outside. .

someone is coming!

Li Yaozhi said to the three beasts in his heart: "You advance to the space."


Putting the three beasts into the space, affixing an invisibility charm to herself, trying to clean up the traces they left on the ground, Yu Feng quietly hid in one of the rooms under her feet.

People were talking louder and louder.

"Brother Zhang, you are so resourceful and lucky that you were able to find this place. Is this... someone's fairy mansion?"

It's Yang Shu's voice!Brother Zhang?Are you talking about Zhang Chao? (Li Yaozhi thinks)

"It's really an immortal mansion. Fellow Daoist Yang, look at this cave with 'Red River Immortal Palace' written on it."

If it’s really him, Zhang Chao is not a good person, so I’d better hide away for now! (Li Yao’s thoughts)
Putting the two defensive instruments floating in front of her into the ring, she entered the space, sat in the space and secretly observed the situation in the cave.

As they spoke, the two held the magic weapon in front of them and slowly entered the cave.

"Brother Zhang, we have to be careful! There is no sea water inside." Yang Shu saw a transparent film covering the outside of the cave and said in surprise: "It's a formation!"

"Fellow Daoist Yang is right." Zhang Chao also saw the thin film formed by the formation.

The two of them walked carefully in the living room, for fear of disturbing something.

"Brother Zhang, look at how badly the fire burned inside this cave. There are scorch marks on the ground? That room was even penetrated!" Yang Shu said in surprise.

"Don't worry about it. I took a look and there should be no one in here. Let's go check out the other rooms and see what treasures there are."

Zhang Chao glanced at the rooms inside, with a hint of impatience in his words. After that, he found a direction and walked towards the largest room among them.

"it is good."

As soon as Yang Shu finished speaking, he saw that Zhang Chao had disappeared. He waved his hand in embarrassment and entered the room closest to him.

Several rooms were quickly ransacked by the two of them.

Zhang Chao left the last room and saw Yang Shu coming from the opposite side. He asked tentatively: "How about it, Brother Yang, I see you are smiling so happily, but you got something extraordinary."

When Yang Shu heard this, he seemed to realize that he was smiling too happily. He quickly put away the smile on his face and covered it up: "There is no treasure. I just thought of Xiang'er, so I smiled."

"Really? It doesn't look like it to me. Since Brother Yang has got some treasure, he might as well take it out and open my eyes. When I meet Zhang Xin in the future, I can brag about it and save him from laughing at me all day long as a poor casual cultivator. "

Hearing the words "poor casual cultivator", Yang Shu seemed to feel something in his heart. He immediately took out a palm-sized bow and arrow from his chest.

The bow and arrow are silver-red, with silver and red gas faintly flowing inside.

Li Yao, who saw all this clearly, said in her heart: So beautiful!

"Brother Zhang, look, this seems to be a long bow with both water and fire attributes, and it is also a spiritual weapon." Yang Shu said happily.

"No, this should be a long bow with ice and fire attributes. Brother Yang is lucky. Today is yours..." "No, today should be a good day for the two of us." Yang Shu said. She put away her long bow and replied with a smile.Unexpectedly, as soon as he finished speaking, he felt a pain in his Dantian.


He looked at Zhang Chao in disbelief, "You...Brother"

Zhang Chao took out his long sword from Yang Shu's body and used the cleaning technique to clean it. "You are a small monk at the ninth level of qi training. How do you have the right to call me Brother Zhang? I am a practitioner of the Great Perfection of qi training." Why, when I go back and sell this bow and buy a Foundation Establishment Pill, then I will be a Foundation Establishment monk, and you should call me senior, hahahaha, come on, call me senior and let me hear it."

Li Yaozhi in the space was shocked when he saw all this: Is Zhang Chao crazy? Why does he look a little crazy!
At this time, Zhang Chao was indeed a little crazy. In Yang Shu's horrified eyes, he chopped off the opponent's head with one sword, not even sparing the soul, and laughed:
"This bow is mine now, hahaha. I will be able to build the foundation soon. Let's see if any of you can still laugh at me. When the time comes, Zhang Xin will be the slave I step on."

He threw away the blood-stained sword and bent down to take out the bow and arrow from Yang Shu's clothes. Unexpectedly, just when his hand was about to touch Yang Shu's headless corpse, a huge ice pick appeared. Flying quickly from behind.


The ice pick completely submerged into Zhang Chao's body, and a gray soul came out of his body. As soon as the soul came out, he saw Li Yaozhi who had come out of the room.

He was so frightened that he turned around and ran away.

Li Yaozhi used the bell to immobilize the opponent's consciousness, and then used the flame-weaving technique to destroy his soul.

Then, she released two more small fireballs, burning their bodies.

"No wonder Zhang Chao is a little crazy. Seeing that his soul is not white, it turns out that he is about to become possessed."

After the bodies were burned, only their storage bags, magic swords and the ice-fire longbow were left on the ground.

He picked up the two people's storage bags and magic swords and threw them into the space, and then put the long bow into the ring.

Now that the matter is over, she wants to find where the formation eye covering the cave is.

She first searched and looked in several rooms, but unfortunately found nothing. At this time, she remembered that there was a black pool in the room where Young Master You was rescued...

Entering the room, the black pool was still black and had not become clearer due to the disappearance of the black lines inside.

My spiritual sense penetrated into the pool, and I found nine standing white formation flags at the bottom of the pool, as well as several top-quality spiritual stones placed according to the formation. This is the formation eye of this formation.

She used her spiritual power to take out all the formation flags and spirit stones and put them into the ring.

As soon as the formation was broken, the cave was quickly filled with seawater rushing in. If she hadn't taken out the water-avoiding beads immediately, her life might have been in danger.

Li Yaozhi quickly surfaced, threw out the flying magic weapon, and quickly flew over the range of Stone Mountain. Then he released the little red boat and drove it towards the direction of Purple Pearl Island.

It wasn't until she left the Red Sea that Li Yaozhi breathed a sigh of relief. She released the ice coffin and studied it. She couldn't find a way to open it perfectly without damaging the ice coffin, so she smashed it directly.

No wonder there are spiritual weapons with dual attributes of ice and fire in the cave. It must be that the skeleton skeleton has dual spiritual roots of ice and fire, so the ice coffin is whole and has no openings.

"Cough cough cough." Unexpectedly, as soon as the ice coffin was opened, Mr. You inside would wake up.

She hurriedly pushed Ahong in, who was squatting in the sachet and sticking his head out to watch the excitement.

"Mr. You, Mr. You, you're awake." Li Yao said with a gentle face.

You Zongze slowly opened his eyes and saw a woman in her 20s with bluish skin and delicate appearance. He considered it and said, "This girl, who are you?"

"Young master, don't be afraid. I'm not a bad person. I took over the task of finding Mr. You from the You family. My hard work paid off. After nearly half a month of continuous searching, I finally found Mr. You. We are returning to Zizhu now. The direction of the island.”

"That's it. Thank you very much, girl. Which big family is she from?"

Why did he say that I am a woman from a big family? Seeing him looking at the skin on her exposed hands, she wondered if there was something abnormal about my exposed blue skin.

"May I ask, Master, why do you say this? I am only a first-level casual cultivator, not a woman from a big family."

After hearing this, You Zongze apologized and explained: "I was offended. I saw that the girl's skin color was pure and light sky blue, so I asked this question. After all, only women from a few big families can be like this." color."

"I see, my surname is Wu and my given name is Zimu. You can call me fellow martial artist."

"Okay, fellow martial arts fellow, just call me fellow daoist wanderer."

"Okay, Fellow Daoist You." Li Yaozhi replied cheerfully.

Throwing the scattered ice cubes on the little red boat into the sea, she turned to You Zongze, who was sitting in the boat and didn't know what he was thinking, and said, "We have to sail on the sea for a few more days. If fellow Taoist You are tired, you can go to the cabin to rest or practice. It’s all okay.”

You Zongze came back to his senses, with a forced smile on his face, "Oh, thank you fellow martial artist, I happened to be tired, so I went to rest first."

"Okay, fellow Taoist traveler, please excuse me."

Watching the other party enter the cabin at the rear to rest, a simple fishing rod appeared in Li Yaozhi's hand. This was made by the three beasts in the space. She was bored just sitting there, so why not find something delicious for everyone? Besides, they If you can't finish it, you can sell it for spiritual stones.

She also thought the idea was good and readily agreed.

The little red boat had been sailing on the sea for seven days. During these seven days, You Zongze stayed in the cabin and did not come out. She followed the principle that the other party was the financial owner and did not disturb him.

She has been sitting on the bow of the boat fishing for shrimps honestly. Sometimes the fish and shrimps caught are too big, and she will use her spiritual power.


At dawn that day, Li Yaozhi, who was sitting on the bow of the boat meditating, opened her eyes and vaguely saw the Purple Pearl Island in the distance, which was as big as her fist.

They are not far from Purple Pearl Island, and they will probably get there in half a day.

You Zongze in the cabin also saw Zizhu Island, and he said to himself: "I'm finally back. I thought I would never come back!"

He walked out of the cabin and said to Li Yao: "Fellow martial artist, if the Chi and Jiang families know that you saved me, you will never have a clean life in the future, so I have to wrong you a little. When we get ashore, you will pretend to be She’s the maid who accompanies me on my trip, what do you think?”

"Well, I have no problem." Li Yaozhi said with a smile.

No wonder Zhang Chao and Yang Shu said they waded into the muddy water when taking on the mission. It turned out to be because they were afraid of revenge from the Chi and Jiang families.


At noon, Li Yaozhi was sitting on the bow of the boat when he saw a senior monk and a steward standing on the opposite shore, waiting for someone.

Yes, they must have received a message from You Gongzi, so they were waiting there early. Moreover, You Gongzi looked very similar to the senior monk. Butler You treated him with great respect. He should be You Gongzi's father. , You family leader You Zhenkun!
As soon as You Zongze came ashore and saw You Zhenkun, his eyes were filled with tears. He lowered his head and knelt on the ground in a cover-up manner, choking up and saying: "My son is unfilial and easily listens to other people's words. He almost lost his life. I hope my father will forgive me!"

You Zhenkun's eyes were slightly red, and he bent down and patted his shoulder heavily, "It's good to come back, it's good to come back, get up quickly."

(End of this chapter)

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