The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 168: Unexpected moves to defeat the enemy

Chapter 168: Unexpected moves to defeat the enemy
This ball of gas was to be put into the sea of ​​consciousness to protect her consciousness, but when she thought about this thing entering the most important part of her body, she couldn't help but worry in her heart. What if this thing had any side effects?
Thinking of this, she sealed the gas in a jade box, thinking that after she went back, she would ask the head master to take a look at it.

Put the other things into the ring first. She won't need these things yet.

For such a long time, she had been tensing up on the boat, always paying attention to the situation at sea, for fear of suddenly encountering some high-level sea monster, so she was really tired now.

Entering the bedroom, lying on the bed, closing the window curtains, the next second, she appeared on a big bed in the space.

Ah Feng and the others had already learned the house-building skills in Jade Slips, and built a two-story wooden building in the space half a year ago. A month later, even the furniture inside was ready.

What Li Yaozhi is most satisfied with is that he has a large bed that is 2 meters long and 2 meters wide, and with a soft mattress on it, it is so comfortable.

She was lying on this bed now, closing her eyes, rubbing the pillow comfortably, and then fell asleep.


Time flew by, and in the blink of an eye, half a month had passed. During this time, Li Yao was practicing his physical skills, and would also enter the space from time to time to cook some delicious spiritual meals for one person and three beasts.

Today is the day they set off for the City of Shenxi.

In the courtyard lies the long cart pulled by nine beetles.

As soon as Li Yaozhi arrived in the courtyard, she saw You Zhenkun, You Zongze and You Guanjia walking towards. She hurriedly stepped forward to greet him: "Senior You, Senior Guanjia, Fellow Daoist You."

"Martial arts fellow." You Zongze returned the greeting.

"Little friend Wu, get in the car quickly!" You Zhenkun said.

"Well, it's senior." Li Yao said.

Li Yaozhi and You Zongze followed You Zhenkun into the carriage.

Along the way, Li Yaozhi was a little bored, so he took out the formation jade slip and began to reason.

It happened that You Zongze saw that he was also very interested in it, so he came over to discuss it with her. Maybe they met something they both liked, and the two chatted very speculatively.

Li Yaozhi was talking enthusiastically when suddenly the carriage became unstable and had a tendency to fall downwards. However, it recovered immediately.

"What's going on?" Li Yaozhi asked doubtfully. As she said this, she looked out through the window and saw a circle of male cultivators wearing black clothes and flying magic weapons around the car.

"The robbers are here, you two don't panic, we have people too." You Guanjia smiled.

Li Yaozhi looked at Butler You in confusion. Could it be that he was talking about the four of them? !

At this time, a dozen monks wearing green clothes and holding long swords suddenly appeared in the carriage, which startled Li Yaozhi.

No wonder this carriage is so long, it turns out it was used by Tibetans!
Fighting in the air is always a little inconvenient. The car lowered to the ground, and the black-clothed monks also lowered to the ground and attacked them with long knives in their hands.

The green-clothed monks filed out to meet the black-clothed monks who were attacking.

Each of these black-clothed monks has a cultivation level above Foundation Establishment.

Upon seeing this, Li Yaozhi took out a handkerchief embroidered with white plum blossoms and put it in front of her. Her body was surrounded by layers of white petals. She pulled out the Xuanbing sword and rushed forward.

You Zongze followed closely behind.

She had just taken two steps when she suddenly thought that her cultivation level was too different from that of the men in black. In a head-on fight, she might not be able to defeat either of them... Then let them have a taste of Ruanjin San.

This Ruanjin Powder has no smell. Once it is inhaled by a monk, the whole body will be paralyzed. He cannot hold the sword or cast spells, but it is very damaged.

She took out the antidote from Software Powder and swallowed one pill, then grabbed You Zongze and handed him another pill, "I'm going to put poison to prevent accidental injury. This is the antidote. Take it quickly." After saying that, she didn't care whether the other party would take it. , she took the paper bag containing Ruanjisan and ran away.

Seeing the man in black and the man in green fighting, she opened the paper bag in her hand and sent a message to You Zhenkun who was watching their fight: "Senior You, please send a message to the monks in blue to tell them to hold their breath." After hearing the other party's answer, Li Yaozhi used her skills to convert spiritual power, and used the wind spirit technique to blow all the powder in the paper bag toward everyone on the battlefield. Fearing that it was not enough, she added two more bags.

"1, 2, 3." Li Yaozhi muttered.

"Bang, bang, bang..." The men in black fell to the ground one by one, and were then easily killed by the monks in green.

Seeing this scene, You Zongze became interested in the medicinal powder in Li Yaozhi's hand. He came over and said, "Martial arts fellow, you... do you sell this medicinal powder?"

Unexpectedly, she did a favor today and helped with business.

"Sell, of course, 1000 yuan of spiritual stones per pound. This thing is not weighed down. There are many in one pound! What's more, the spiritual herbs and elixirs used here are also expensive!" Li Yaozhi opened his big round eyes. , seemingly honest.

"Okay, I'll buy it."

The two of them handed over the spiritual stone in one hand and the medicinal powder in the other. The transaction was completed, and the monk in green also cleaned up the battlefield.

Everyone entered the carriage and continued towards the City of Shenxi.

Li Yaozhi was very curious as he watched a dozen monks in green clothes disappear into the carriage.

You Zongze saw her expression and smiled softly, "Fellow martial artist, a folding formation is used in this carriage. The extra space has been hidden by the formation, so you can't see them."

"I see!"

This means carrying a bodyguard with you!Life is so good for this big family!There are so many people with advanced cultivation to escort you.


The speed car had just flown over the island and arrived over a sea, when six more monks in black appeared in the distance.

"It's the golden elixir monk!" You You Zhenkun said.

"Senior, do you know who they are? Why do I feel like they know our walking route! They are definitely not ordinary robbers." Li Yao said.

"You are right, they should be killers sent by the Chi and Jiang families." You Zhenkun said.

"What should we do? They are Golden Core cultivators!" Li Yaozhi was very worried. Those were six Golden Core cultivators.

"Don't be afraid, you forgot about Ruanjin San!" You Zongze said with a smile.

You Zhenkun answered, "That's right. When I came here, I thought they would take action, but I didn't expect it would be such a big deal. We can also have such a good thing as Ruanjin San." As he said that, he laughed out loud. "So, their master may be disappointed."

With a smile on his face, Butler You walked up to You Zongze and said kindly: "Young patriarch, please give me the powder. I happen to have wind spirit roots. I must make sure they never come back."

Li Yaozhi pursed her lips and smiled. She didn't expect that Butler You, who usually didn't like to laugh, had such a funny side.

Butler You took over a big baggage, opened it, and was about to cast a spell.

Li Yaozhi: "...Senior Butler, you haven't taken the antidote yet."

She hurriedly gave out two more antidotes to everyone. Butler You took the antidote and swallowed it in one gulp, and then began to cast spells.

Seeing his actions, the others swallowed the medicine much faster.

At this time, they were exactly about 20 meters away from the six golden elixir monks. The medicine powder blown over by Butler You's spell slowly floated towards the six people.

When the flying car arrived in front of the six people, the six Jindan monks dropped into the sea one by one like dumplings.

(End of this chapter)

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