The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 173 Master, Master, why have you become like this?

Chapter 173 Master, Master, how did you become like this?

The golden aura enveloped the crowd and lasted for only three breaths before automatically dividing into 35 beams and shining around the tower.

This beam of light is like a channel!Li Yao's heart said.

Seeing this scene, everyone said:

"Hey, the divine light disappeared so quickly."

"Hey, yes!"

"But just for a while, I felt that my long-standing cultivation was a little loose!"

"Yes, I feel it too."


At this time, Li Yaozhi also discovered that his cultivation level, which he had just broken through, was showing signs of breaking through again.

"Martial arts fellow, quickly take out your credentials and stand under the divine light. It will lead you to the place of training." You Zongze said to Li Yao.

"it is good."

Li Yaozhi glanced at the crowd on the left and right, took out the small golden tower, and walked under the divine light. You Zongze chose the golden light next to Li Yaozhi.

Other golden lights are also filled with people.

Under the golden light, the small golden tower in Li Yaozhi's hand slowly rose upwards, and her body also rose...

At this moment, several big men in black emerged from the crowd.

Coming, she thought to herself.

He called Bingyu out and threw it towards the golden pagoda above his head. Bingyu's lower body was wrapped around the golden pagoda, and his upper body was wrapped around her waist.

She secretly held two mid-grade offensive talismans in her hands.

As long as someone dares to come here, things will definitely not be easy for them.

Seeing three big men flying towards them, one of them was targeting Li Yaozhi.

When Li Yaozhi saw this, he chuckled and proudly flashed the talisman in his hand. As expected, he saw the horrified look in his eyes.

Then he threw all the talismans in his hand towards the big man in black.

The big man in black hurriedly used his body skills to avoid the attack, but it was already too late.

"Boom, bang, bang..."

There were explosions one after another, and the big man in black fell from the air to the ground, his body burning with fire, and there was no good piece of meat left on his body.

He hurriedly cast water spells to save himself, and a huge water ball fell from the sky, turning the big man in black into a drowned rat.

He simply couldn't bear the powerful impact of water and fire.

With a "pop" sound, the big man in black fell to the ground, dying.

Li Yaozhi couldn't help but laugh, and then couldn't help laughing anymore.

She smiled while looking at the light pillars on the left and right. You Zongze on the right had just defeated a person who wanted to take his position. He was still standing in the light pillar, but there was a different person on her left.

After that, two more people tried to take her position, but half of their bodies were burned to death by the fire spell she cast.

Her methods completely shocked those who came after her, so they abandoned Li Yaozhi and grabbed other people's positions.

Li Yaozhi looked up at the golden pagoda and continued to rise with it.

You Zongze next to him clearly saw what Li Yaozhi did. He killed a person who came to grab the position with one sword, and turned to look at Li Yaozhi again with a soft look in his eyes.


Soon, the person in the light pillar rose to the top of the tower.

Li Yaozhi sent Bingyu back to space and saw a long corridor appeared in front of him.

This should be the passage leading to the place of experience in different time and space.The moment everyone in the light pillar stepped onto the passage, the light pillar behind them disappeared along with the entire Tower of Divine Thought.


Li Yaozhi stood in the passage and continued walking forward. Suddenly, a strong wind blew from nowhere, making her unable to open her eyes.

As soon as she closed her eyes, she heard a series of clicking sounds. Just as she was about to use her consciousness to take a look, she felt herself falling straight down.


She was startled and screamed unconsciously. She quickly covered her mouth.

I don't know how long it took before my feet touched the ground.

She patted her chest and took a deep breath, "I was scared to death. It took me so long to land. I have never flown so high even when flying with a weapon!"

A Hong looked at the horrified look on Li Yaoyi's face: "Master, master, how did you become like this?"

"Ah, what's wrong with me?"

Li Yaozhi looked down at his appearance curiously, only to find that Ahong, who was supposed to be in the sachet, was missing.

"A Hong, A Hong, where are you?"

"Master, I'm here, where are you next to me?" A Hong asked anxiously.

Li Yaozhi looked to the side, her face turned pale in shock, and she said loudly: "What's wrong with me? I...I, why is there another me here?" Then she looked at A Hong with aggrieved look on her face, and said heartbrokenly : "Moreover, Ah Hong, you are still on her body. Come down quickly. You are my spiritual beast, you... this traitor."

A Hong looked at Li Yaozhi dumbly, not knowing what to say.

There is a big question mark in its little head.

Could this place still make people stupid?
It flapped its wings and flew to Li Yaozhi, "Master, don't you know that you are just a soul now? That thing on the ground is exactly the body of the master!"

"Am I a soul now? Impossible! In my eyes, I have a body now." Li Yao said anxiously.

Although she said that, doubts arose in her heart. Could it be that everything A Hong said was true?

She called out the other three beasts, wanting to ask for proof, "A Feng, Bingyu, Yueyue, do you think I'm just a soul now? What's on the ground... is my body?"

The three beasts looked at each other and nodded in unison.

This time, Li Yaozhi completely believed what they said.

She looked at her body. The 13-year-old girl seemed to be asleep with her eyes closed, as delicate as a doll.

Looking at the surrounding environment, it was gloomy and dark, making her feel like she was in the ghost world.

"A Feng, I don't know where this place is. I will send you and my body into the space first. I will wait until I find out the situation here."

The beasts nodded in agreement.

A Hong raised her little head and said, "Master, do I want to enter the space too?"

"Well, you can go in too. It's not convenient for me to take you now." Li Yaozhi said helplessly.

"Yeah." Ah Hong flew to Ah Feng's head and said obediently.

After sending them into the space, Li Yaozhi murmured in a low voice, "What the hell kind of place is this? It actually made my soul leave my body for no reason."

Thinking that after entering the Shenyun Mirror, she didn't have any clothes on her body, she felt a little better, "Thank you, you also left me clothes, but I don't know if I can still use my magic weapon?"

With a thought, the Xuan Bing Sword came out of the space and did not fall into her hand as expected, but fell directly to the ground.

"Hey, it seems that I can't use magic weapons. By the way, I can actually use space. It seems that space is bound to my soul, which is now my soul. Hey, this will be much more convenient in the future. I don’t know why, but I couldn’t use the space when I left my body and entered the Divine Cloud Mirror!”

As she spoke, she looked around, then chose a direction at random and walked away.

The cool breeze blowing on my body feels so refreshing!
She squinted her eyes comfortably, as if the wind was not wind but some treasure.


(End of this chapter)

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