The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 184 Robbery of the City Lord’s Mansion Treasure House

Chapter 184 Robbery of the City Lord’s Mansion Treasure House

"Time waits for no one, let's go now!" Li Yaozhi continued.

Mo Lian nodded in agreement, "Yes."

Li Yaozhi called out the wooden hairpin for nourishing the gods. Mo Lianxin flew into the wooden hairpin and put the wooden hairpin back into its original place. Then she left the inn and headed towards the city lord's palace.

On the way, she entered a shop and sold all the things she got from Qian Dati, in exchange for more than a dozen high-level talismans.


At this time, there were more than a dozen ghost soldiers guarding the front and back gates of the City Lord's Mansion.

She walked around the city lord's mansion, but couldn't find any chance to sneak in.

Li Yaozhi leaned against a big tree, looking at the city lord's mansion from a distance, feeling a little impatient in his heart.

She turned her attention to the formation covering the city lord's palace. I wonder if, with my current abilities, I can find the weak spots in the formation and open an entrance to enter the mansion.

Thinking of this, she found a hiding place, used the invisibility charm to become invisible, and then came out, then approached the city lord's palace and studied the formation of the city lord's palace.

She was just thinking about it, but she didn't expect that she actually found a weak point.

This place happened to be in a hidden corner. She suppressed the joy in her heart and looked around, but saw no one.

She made a hand gesture with her hands to attach the Yin spirit energy in her body to the formation. As the Yin energy in her body became less and less, the formation in front of her became thinner and thinner until it completely disappeared.

Upon seeing this, Li Yaozhi showed a surprise smile on his face and quickly raised his feet to enter.

Behind him, the formation gradually returned to its original state, as if the entrance just now had never appeared before.

What Li Yaozhi didn't know was that after she entered the city lord's mansion, a person walked out from behind a big tree in the distance. This person was Chen Liusheng.

He seemed to be nodding with satisfaction, then walked to the place where Li Yaozhi disappeared just now, opened the formation skillfully, and went in...

After entering the city lord's palace, Li Yaozhi found a small corner to hide away from others, took out the nourishing hairpin, and learned from Mo Lian where they were now. According to Mo Lian, he went to find the spare key to the treasure house she had hidden. .

Since he had a high-level invisibility talisman on his body, Li Yaozhi had a lot of convenience and successfully arrived at the courtyard where the previous city lord's wife lived.

Looking around the courtyard, her spiritual consciousness saw that the backyard was full of dead branches and leaves and a dark pond, and she felt a joyful expression in her eyes.

She quickly walked to the edge of the pond and took out the water-proof beads. The water-proof beads immediately formed a protective shield around her.

Afraid of being noticed if she made any noise, she gently lifted up a layer of fallen leaves and slowly slid them down.

As soon as you enter the pond, you are greeted by darkness.

This is really old news, she thought to herself.

Gathering the Yin spirit energy into her eyes, she dived down while observing her surroundings.

It wasn't until she dived to the bottom that her consciousness penetrated the ground. After searching for a long time, she still couldn't find the ink lotus root that Mo Lian mentioned.

Could it be that the lotus root has rotted?

However, if the lotus root is rotten, the key must not be rotten, right? I didn’t see the key either!
She had no choice but to call Mo Lian out and ask.

It's a pity that Mo Lian went out to look for it for a long time but couldn't find it.

"Could it be that the key has been taken away?" Li Yaozhi guessed.

Mo Lian thought for a while and finally shook her head, "No." After saying these two words, she stopped.

Li Yaozhi, who had been looking forward to it just now, fell helplessly.

The pond is not big. If the key has not been taken away, where should it be?

Patrolling the entire pond again, she suddenly discovered that the pond was not surrounded by stones, but by layers of earth.

She felt as if she had thought of the answer...

She couldn't wait to put all her consciousness into the pool wall, and didn't miss every inch. She just wanted to see if there was anything suspicious inside.

After a long time, a satisfied smile finally appeared on her face.

found it!
Use your sword to dig out a thin channel diagonally where the wall and bottom of the pool meet, and use Yin Spirit to condense it into a thin rope. The rope penetrates into it and wraps around a black block. Li Yaozhi With a strong hand, she pulled the thing out.

The thing was heavy in her hand, and she didn't know where she moved it. There was only a "click" sound, and the stone split into two halves. She opened it and saw ten golden keys with completely different looks lying inside.

These keys are curved, and each key has a different degree of curvature. They don't look like keys at all.

There are so many keys, which one is the one?

Li Yaozhi really wanted to ask Mo Lian when he heard her voice, "These ten keys are the keys to the treasure house. These keys must be inserted into the keyhole at the same time to open the door of the treasure house. By the way, I forgot to tell you before, You cannot use spiritual power to control the key when opening the lock, otherwise the key will malfunction."

"oh oh."

Li Yaozhi nodded thoughtfully.

With such a strict lock and key structure, she couldn't even use the Yin energy to condense the key to open the lock!
"So, we only have two ghosts, do you have a way to open the lock?" Suddenly, Mo Lian said faintly.

Li Yaozhi smiled slightly and said confidently: "No problem, I have a way. Although this key is from the ghost world, it is also a real thing. Living things must be touchable, right?"

"Yes, you are right. Could it be that your friend from the human world has come to the ghost world?" Mo Lian asked doubtfully.

"Yes, that's right. You have already told me the location of the treasure house. You can rest first and leave the rest to me!"

"Okay, that's it... I'll feel relieved!"

At this moment, Mo Lian's tense heart finally relaxed.

Li Yaozhi once again put away the sacred wooden hairpin he took out, got out of the pond, restored it to its original state, and cleaned up the traces he left in the yard.

As soon as she left the courtyard, she went straight to the location of the treasure house in the city lord's palace.

The treasure house and the library of the city lord's palace are far apart from each other, and they are both located in the center of the palace.

However, if you want to enter the treasure house, there is one more step before opening the lock, which is to break the protective attack formation outside.

Unexpectedly, when she arrived at the location of the treasure house, she found that not only were there no ghost soldiers guarding it, but even the protective formations were weak. It was so weak that if she used her Yin power even a little, the formations would be destroyed immediately.

Isn't this really a treasure trove?
Or has she been discovered by the ghost soldiers, so she has set a trap here and wants to invite you into the trap?

No, no, no, she was very cautious along the way and didn't reveal any clues. No one should find her, right? !
Thinking of the talisman added to the storage bag, she gradually felt at ease.

No matter what, we are already here. Whether it is true or false, she is going to find out!
This treasure house is actually a nine-story black tower. There must be so many good things in such a tall tower!

Thinking of this, she climbed up the high steps, arrived in front of the formation, and easily broke the formation with her shallow knowledge of formations.

Walk a few more steps and arrive in front of the tower door.

There are two doors, and there are 5 holes on one door.


Yueyue came out of the space invisible, and Li Yaozhi handed all ten keys to it.After taking the key, Yueyue stood in front of the door, and ten green vines sprouted from her body in an instant. The front end of each green vine was bent into the shape of a hand, holding a key in one hand.

Ten keys were aligned with the holes, and in the next second, they were inserted into them simultaneously.


"Master, the lock is unlocked." Yueyue said happily.

"Yueyue is really amazing. Thank you for your hard work. You go back to the space to practice first. I can handle the rest by myself." Li Yaozhi touched Yueyue's head and said softly.

"Yeah," Yueyue said.

After sending Yueyue into the space, Li Yaozhi collected the key, pushed open the door, stepped in, and immediately closed the door.

There were many huge black wooden boxes in the hall on the first floor. When I scanned them with my spiritual consciousness, I found that they were filled with silks, silks, gold and silver porcelain.

She picked up boxes with as many gold items as possible and put them into the space. When she came to her senses, she realized that the hall was mostly empty.

Seeing that it was still early, she went directly to the second floor on the principle of finally coming here.

As soon as she reached the second floor, she felt a mellow yin energy rushing towards her face. She took a closer look and found that the yin rocks here were piled up into hills.

The Yin Stone contains the energy of the Yin spirit and is used in the same way as the spirit stones in the immortal world. However, it is difficult for ordinary people to obtain a piece of the Yin Stone in the ghost world in their lifetime, as all of them are occupied by forces.

After clearing all the Yin Stones, Li Yaozhi was so happy that he couldn't open his mouth from ear to ear.

She picked up a dozen pieces and went up to the fourth floor.

There is something to see on the fourth floor. There are some well-prepared spiritual plants here. Although they are spiritual plants belonging to the ghost world, she also likes them very much.

After collecting half of the spiritual plants, she quickly entered the fifth floor. Bottles of precious elixirs were placed on the shelves in the hall on the fifth floor. Thinking of the current city leader's attack on the world of immortality, she could only loot all the elixirs here. Empty.

The sixth and seventh floors were full of ghost weapons, and they were all ordinary and primary ghost weapons. She put them all away.

As soon as she climbed to the eighth floor, she saw three treasures floating in the air.

They are two swords and a colorful stone.

Those two swords were both mid-level ghost weapons. As for the stone, she didn't know it.

Of course, all three items were taken away by her in the end.

Lifting her feet up to the ninth floor, her eyes were all attracted to the blue sea bead in the middle.

It’s Haizhu!
What she had been looking for was unexpectedly found in the ghost world!
But there was a formation around Haizhu. She got close to the formation and studied it, but unfortunately she didn't have any clue.

It must be an advanced formation.

Li Yaozhi was a little surprised when his spiritual consciousness lightly touched the formation, but he didn't feel any rejection from it.

I think this legal system is broken.

When her consciousness touched Haizhu, there was still no rejection. She simply withdrew her consciousness and directly released her Yin power to fly into the formation, wrap around Haizhu and bring it out.

After getting Haizhu, she still felt a little unreal.

Throwing Haizhu into space, she immediately flew downstairs and soon came out of the treasure house.


He hurriedly drove out of the Treasure Pavilion and looked up to see that it was almost dusk.

Li Yaozhi's feet moved faster. She had to rescue Crow Crow and Qi Yu before early this morning.

Just after Li Yaozhi left, Chen Liusheng's figure appeared in front of the treasure house. He walked up the steps. He didn't know what he did in front of the treasure house. In the blink of an eye, the shaky formation that originally enveloped the treasure house suddenly became Be firm.

Then, his figure gradually disappeared...

Li Yaozhi returned to the area where the formation was weak when she came in, only to find that the formation there had become stronger.

Helpless, she had to look for other opportunities to get out.

But she wandered around the mansion for a long time, but couldn't find a time to leave the mansion. She came back here again dejectedly, and was pleasantly surprised to find that the formation here had become weak again! ?
It wasn't like this just now, but now... could it be because there was no time just now?

must be so?

Only I know about such a big loophole. Hehe, it will be much easier for me to enter and exit the City Lord's Mansion from now on!
She left the city lord's mansion happily and found a suitable place to remove the invisibility charm from her body.

Li Yao, who was walking on the street, thought of Crow and Crow, and her mood dropped again.

She had no clue as to how to find the two ghost boys.


Suddenly, she thought of the letter sent by the kidnapper.

I took the piece of paper out of the storage bag, but luckily I didn't throw it away.

Finding a ghost-free corner, she called out Ah Feng, who had turned into a palm-sized figure, and let him smell the paper.

Li Yaozhi looked at Ah Feng expectantly. Seeing that he was mumbling words, he pointed in four directions with his paws and made a strange posture before saying:
"Ayao, the aura on this paper is very light, but since my cultivation level has improved, my abilities have also improved. Now, the owner of this paper should be due west, about 1 kilometer away from here."

"Oh, then I'll go now, Ah Feng, you can go to the first space."

Seeing that Ah Feng was a little reluctant, she persuaded again: "A Feng, my cultivation level is only at the ghost level now, so you will be coveted by ghosts if you follow me! Just wait until my level is higher, be good! "

"Okay then!" Ah Feng was a little frustrated.

"Uh... To express my apology, you can eat the spiritual fruits in the space as long as you like. How about that?" Li Yaozhi said in a negotiating tone.

Seeing A Feng nod, Li Yaozhi sent him directly into the space.

Then she headed west, fearing that she would lose time and direction along the way, so she did not dare to relax for a moment.

Finally, they arrived at the place A Feng mentioned. There were rows of semi-underground haunted rooms. She didn't know which room Ya Ya and the others were in. She wanted to use her spiritual sense to check, but she was afraid of disturbing people who shouldn't be disturbed.

He called Ah Feng out for questioning and determined the specific location.

She immediately followed A Feng's words and walked towards the haunted house invisibly.

As soon as they approached the house where the kidnapper was, they heard the voices of two male ghosts.

"Brother, when we have money tomorrow, we can go to Jiaohong Mansion. Qian Wudi told me that the female ghosts inside are all as beautiful as immortals. Oh my, they are so beautiful."

"Second brother, don't stay with those Qian guys. Sooner or later, we will take you to the ditch. After we finish this job, we will find a place to practice well. We will come out when our cultivation level is high. By then, we will be able to Everything will be there.”

"Brother is right, but I don't want to practice in seclusion. I heard that the Lord of the City is recruiting ghost soldiers now. Why don't we go and have a look, maybe we can be recruited! By then, we can make great contributions, good elixirs, good weapons, and beautiful women. Yes, brother, do you agree?"

"You're right, why don't we..."

While the two were talking, they saw the door of the room suddenly opened for no apparent reason, and a sword flew from the outside and stabbed one of the ghosts, followed by two high-level talismans.

(End of this chapter)

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