Chapter 195
The four beasts in the forest cheered and flew down the mountain to the top of the hill where the cave was.

After entering the cave, they couldn't wait to share with Li Yaozhi what happened to them in the past two years. The most talked about was which monster in the forest they fought with, how the other party couldn't defeat it, etc.

After listening, Li Yaozhi praised them one by one, and then agreed to their request and sent them back to space.

As soon as they entered the space, the four beasts looked like a group of extremely hungry monkeys, jumping up to the trees and wolfing down the spiritual fruits.

After eating all the fruits on a few trees, he took out the big pot and cooked the fish and shellfish.

Li Yaozhi: "......"

Ah Hong happily lay down on a fist-sized biling fruit and ate it in big mouthfuls, finishing it quickly.

With a swollen belly, she lay on the grass and hummed comfortably.

Li Yaozhi moved it out of the space, held it with one hand, and nodded its little body with the other, "Ahong, come out with me!"

"Okay, master."

Seeing that it was unwilling to move, Li Yaozhi took the initiative to put it into the sachet under his neck.

However, before leaving the church, she had to go to the deacon hall first.

As soon as he entered the door, Uncle Liu smiled and said: "Well, he is a foundation-building monk. Not bad."

Li Yaozhi smiled sheepishly, "Uncle Liu, I'm here to register my cultivation and receive the robes of a foundation-building disciple."

"it is good."

Taking advantage of the opportunity when Master Liu was holding a magic weapon to test her cultivation level as usual, she asked curiously: "Uncle Liu, I would like to ask, what level of cultivation are you at now?"

"I am a foundation-building cultivator."

"No, I can't see through your cultivation, so... you are definitely not a foundation builder." Li Yaozhi's face was full of disbelief.

"You stupid girl." Uncle Liu said with a smile, "Well, it doesn't hurt to tell you. I am now the True Monarch of Nascent Soul. What do you think? Are you satisfied with this answer? Bring me the identity jade token."

"Oh, okay." Li Yaozhi said as he handed over the identity jade token.

She was very surprised in her heart that the majestic Nascent Soul Master was actually doing odd jobs in the Deacon Hall! !

It looks like he really likes it!

"Then... I have always called you uncle, isn't it... inappropriate?"

"Just call me Master Uncle. If other disciples knew that I was the True Monarch of Nascent Soul, they would not dare to come to the Deacon Hall to take over the mission. That would be terrible!" I don't know what Master Liu did, Li Yaozhi's The jade identity tag turned green. He handed it over and said, "Take it."

Li Yaozhi hurriedly took the jade plaque with both hands and hung it on his waist, looking at it twice curiously.

Over there, Master Liu took out two sets of women's cyan robes from the inner hall, and she quickly caught them, "Okay! Then I...still call you Master?!"

"Yes, just call me uncle."

Putting away the two cassocks, she said: "Yes, I remember, Master Liu." Then she held a salute with both hands, "Master Liu, I will leave first if I have anything else to do."

"Well, let's go."

After bidding farewell to Master Liu, Li Yaozhi released the shuttle after leaving the deacon hall. The shuttle headed towards Fangshi. On the way, she put on another cyan robe in the hall.

I took out the water mirror and took a look.

The purple cassock she wore inside was a little lighter, so she put on the cyan cassock outside and it looked pretty good.

She smiled lightly and the water mirror dispersed.

Slowly walking to the deck, the shuttle flew through the dark green forest. A tall city gate stood in front of it, with four big characters engraved on it: Huatianfang City.

The shuttle landed outside the city, and she transformed into a strange little girl, who seemed to be about the same age as her.

Stow the shuttle.

Because she had the jade medal of Taiyi Sect on her waist, she entered the market directly as before.

I sold a batch of pearls at Xiuxian Pavilion, and then went to Xianke Pavilion, where I exchanged shellfish and big fish for a sum of spiritual stones.

Then, she came to Lingyun Pavilion with familiarity and sold some elixirs, spiritual wine, and magical herbs that she could not use for the time being.

At this point, she had a large amount of spiritual stones in her hands and felt confident.

The shopkeeper received a batch of high-quality spirit wine and smiled so hard that his little eyes almost disappeared. Seeing that she hadn't left, he smiled and asked, "Guest, what else do you need?"

"Well, I want to buy a top-notch defensive weapon, either ice or fire type."

"Yesterday, the store just received a work by Master Qingyang. I will show it to the customers right now."


The shopkeeper called the waiter, who entered the inner hall and quickly brought a red wooden box.

The shopkeeper took it personally, put it on the table, opened the lid, and pushed the box in front of Li Yaozhi.

"Guest, please take a look! This pair of earrings is a top-grade fire-type magic weapon called Red Carp Playing Beads. These two carps are made of flexible movable earrings with a golden bead in their mouths. They are most suitable for little girls like you." Wear it.

When you make it defend, a transparent defensive cover will appear on your body, with two swimming red carp on the defensive cover.

If someone attacks, the two red carp will absorb the damage and convert it into the defensive ability of the defensive shield. However, if the opponent's attack power is too strong, the red carp cannot absorb it, and the defense will be broken. "

She picked up the two earrings and looked at them carefully, "Well, they're pretty good. May I ask the shopkeeper how much they cost?"

"Not expensive, 12 low-grade spiritual stones."

"Shopkeeper, can you give me a cheaper price? It's too expensive!" Li Yaozhi's face was full of embarrassment.

The shopkeeper thought about it for a while and then said: "11 low-grade spiritual stones cannot be lowered any lower."

In fact, Li Yaozhi knew that the price was cheap enough, but who told her to be poor now?
"Can it really not be cheaper?" Li Yaozhi asked again without giving up.

The shopkeeper looked honest and said: "I really can't do it! If someone else comes, I won't get a piece of spiritual stone cheap, but today my little friend sold me a batch of good goods, so I'll give you some face."

"Okay then!" Seeing what the shopkeeper said, Li Yaozhi gave up completely, "...I want it!"

"My little friend is a sensible person."

She took out the spirit stone that she had just received but was still warm and handed it to the shopkeeper.

"Well, little friend, keep the treasures." The shopkeeper gestured with one hand.

"...Hmm." She put away the mahogany box, said goodbye to the shopkeeper, and left Lingyun Pavilion.

As for the other things she wanted to add, she planned to go to Yunque Street in the sect to buy them, after all, they were cheaper there.

He quickly left Fangshi and immediately took the shuttle back to the sect and arrived at Qingque Street.

Since she didn't have many spiritual stones on her body, she only bought an ordinary set of formations at the Cloud Formation Building. Although it was ordinary, it could isolate spiritual consciousness and sound, and had some simple defensive effects.

Thinking of the convenience of talismans, she bought many commonly used talismans in Xianfu Pavilion.

I also bought a bunch of cheap wine-making containers from a small stall.

At this time, she had less than 100 yuan of spiritual stones left on her body.

"Hey, just keep these spiritual stones for housekeeping!"

She glanced at the lively market in despair, not daring to go shopping any more. She only spent 10 spirit stones to buy 10 bunches of candied haws made of spirit fruits for the four beasts, and then got on the little white cloud and returned to the cave.

Halfway through the journey, news came from the identity jade plaque. It was the leader's notification that the apprenticeship ceremony and foundation building would be held in half a month.

She almost jumped up with joy and hurriedly replied to the head: Master, thank you for worrying about it. I will definitely practice hard in the future to repay Master!
The leader replied: Yes, I remember it, hahaha, you must do what you say!If you can't cultivate the Nascent Soul, don't blame the master for teaching you personally.Li Yaozhi naturally promised again and again that he would practice well.

Until she returned to the cave, her excited heart was still beating fast.

"Now that the foundation has been established, I can go home and see if I can. Being someone else's daughter, I naturally have to repay some of my nurturing grace."

"Isn't the master already at home? Why do you still want to go home?" A Hong's face was full of confusion when he heard her words.

"Because I was an ordinary person before I started practicing. I was born and raised in the mortal world, so I still have a home there."

"How is the master's house?" A Hong flew out of the brocade bag and looked at her curiously.

"Of course it's good! My parents, brothers and sisters are very good to me! It's a pity that since I came to the world of immortality, I haven't been back once."

"Then...when does the master plan to go back?"

"It's better to choose a day than to hit it, let's do it today!" Li Yao said.

"so fast!"

"Yes, let's go early and come back early."


Li Yaozhi sent messages to Li Hengshan, Li Yuzhu, and Li Jinhong respectively, explaining that she was going back to Lijiacun and asking them if there was anything they could help bring.

Almost as soon as she sent the message, the three of them arrived at her cave. One of them handed her a package and thanked her.

Li Yaozhi quickly said it was nothing, you're welcome.

After the three of them said goodbye, she released the small white cloud and flew towards Fangshi.

Now, she no longer has middle-grade spiritual stones on her body, which cannot support the long-distance flight of the shuttle, and Xiaobaiyun is slow, so it is unrealistic to rely on it alone to travel, so she plans to use the spiritual stones to take a ride on the spirit ship in the market.

Even if she took the spirit boat, she didn't have enough spirit stones to buy a ticket. She sold a few bottles of elixirs and three ice spirit fruits, and then she had the remaining money.

At the inn, she spent 2 low-grade spirit stones to buy a ticket to the northern border of the Eastern Region. She distressedly took the ticket and boarded the spirit ship. The space inside the spirit ship was rectangular, with seats lined up in rows. There are no two seats connected, there is an aisle between each row of seats.

Find your seat according to the number, sit down and wait for the boat to sail.

The boat was filled with people one after another, and the spirit boat finally set off.

Xu Shiling Ship activated the stealth formation, and the journey went smoothly, except that he encountered a group of second-level golden eagles some distance along the way.

The captain and the eleven golden elixir-level shipguards fought fiercely for half an hour before killing all the vengeful eagles.

At this time, Li Yaozhi no longer worried about the price of the ferry ticket. Sure enough, it was expensive for a reason!If she had driven the shuttle by herself, she might not even have the body.

When the spirit ship flew to the northern border of the Eastern Territory, she was the only one on the ship.

Others have already used their flying magic weapons to get off the spiritual ship on this road.

Before getting off the shuttle, she negotiated with the ship owner that she would wait for the ship here 10 days from now, and asked the other party to make sure to drive the ship here.

If it were anyone else, the captain might not be willing, but he saw that Li Yaozhi was a foundation-building monk of the Taiyi Sect at a young age and must have a profound background. He agreed because he had many ways to make friends with others.

Li Yaozhi was completely unaware of this and thought it was the captain's kindness, so he thanked him profusely and then ordered Xiao Baiyun to disembark.

Take out the map, unfold it, and see where you are.

"I'm in Qixing Mountain now, and I have to go further north to get to Lijia Village." She calculated, "Xiao Baiyun will have to fly for two days and two nights to get there. Fortunately, I still have plenty of time."

Put away the map, use the invisibility charm to make her and Xiao Baiyun invisible, and send Xiao Baiyun to fly north.

The invisibility charm only needs to be used during the day. When it gets dark at night, the night is the best invisibility charm.

During the process, I exchanged spiritual stones for Xiao Baiyun several times, and finally arrived at Lijia Village.

The little white cloud descended on an uninhabited mountain. This mountain was familiar to her. It was the same mountain where she met Bai Xiaoxuan.

As a foundation-building monk, even if the mountain road is rugged, she can walk on flat ground.

At the foot of the mountain, the aunt with her head wrapped in a blue cloth was carrying a bamboo basket and was about to go up the mountain when she suddenly saw a girl in luxurious clothes walking up the mountain.

"Girl, did you... come down from this mountain?"

"Yes, aunt! My home is on the other side of the mountain, and I came here to visit relatives today."

"Visiting relatives? Which relative are you visiting?" The aunt looked Li Yaozhi up and down. She really didn't know which family in their village could have such relatives.

"Auntie, I am a relative of Li Qianlai's family."

"Oh, is it from Li Ju's family?" The aunt suddenly became enthusiastic towards her.

"Li Juren?"

"Yes, it seems that eight years ago, Li Tianlai passed the exam and the village always called him Li Juren. Even if he later became an official, his title remained unchanged."

"I see. Now that they have become officials, where are they now?" Li Yaozhi asked.

"I don't know about this, but the patriarch must know it. Girl, you can go find the patriarch."

"I understand, thank you ma'am, you're busy!"

"Hey, hey, good."

She released her consciousness, took a look, nodded, and walked to the location of the Li family ancestral hall.

Under the big tree in front of the ancestral hall, two children, one big and one small, were sitting there, eating fried soybeans in their hands.

These two were brothers, the older one was called Li Qing and the younger one was called Li Cheng. They were both grandsons of the clan leader. Of course, Li Yaozhi didn't know about this.

Li Yaozhi took out a fruit that looked good but had no aura and placed it in front of the two of them.

Sure enough, the two of them were immediately attracted by the strange fruit in her hand, staring at it closely.

"You just need to answer a question from me and I will give you the fruit. How about that?"

"Okay, okay!" Li Cheng was completely attracted by the beautiful fruits and replied without thinking.

"What do you want to ask?" Li Qing's eyes were alert.

"Don't be afraid, I'm not a bad person, I just want to find my relatives, but I don't know where they are, so I want to ask the patriarch, do you know where the patriarch's home is?"

"Are you really not a bad person?" Li Qing asked again.

"Of course not. Have you ever seen...a bad person like me?"

The two shook their heads in unison.

"Okay then, I'll take you there, you... just give me the fruit!" Li Qing put his hands under the fruit, turned his head away, and pretended that he didn't really want it.

Li Yaozhi chuckled lightly and put the fruit in his hand, "You two can share it later."

"Yeah, I'll take you to find grandpa now."


Li Qing put the fruit in his arms, led Li Cheng, and walked home.

Along the way, Li Cheng was very dishonest and kept trying to take the fruit in his arms, but he couldn't give it to his brother. He had to go back first and let his grandfather see if he could eat it.

(End of this chapter)

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