Chapter 201 Spirit Detecting Roots

"Okay, but our school only accepts children from 5 to 15 years old, unless there are special circumstances. Therefore, I will only test children of this age now. As for children under 5 years old, their spiritual roots have not yet matured. Not sure, it's just an accident, but you don't have to worry, I will come again in a few years, even if I don't come, there will be others." Li Yao said.

"Okay, little sister, I will do as you say."

"Well, let everyone come into the house first!"

20 children and 5 adults filled her room immediately.

"Brothers and sisters, sit down first, I will do the rest."

"Okay, little sister." The four of them said one after another.

Li Yaozhi put the wooden box in his hand on the table and called 5 children over 11 years old to him. Li Yaozhi said to them gently,

"Come on, children, come one by one and put your hands on this stone. See who can make this stone shine. I will reward him with a fruit."

She took out a red fruit the size of an egg and shook it in front of their eyes.

"Auntie, I'll come first."

"Okay, Li Yi, you come first."

The carrot heads gave way to Li Yi. He walked to the table and pressed one hand on the spiritual stone. Suddenly the spiritual stone pillar lit up in green, black and gold.

Li Yaozhi said to Li Qianlai and his wife, "He has the three spiritual roots of wood, water, and gold. Among them, the gold spiritual root has the highest purity, accounting for 6%."

The two of them were very happy after hearing this. They didn't understand the specific theory of spiritual roots in the world of immortality, but they just wanted to know that their son could become an immortal.

According to the previous promise, Li Yaozhi gave the red fruit in his hand to Li Yi and asked others to come forward to test the spiritual roots.

After the demonstration, the children rushed to take the test.

With the cooperation of both parties, all the little carrot heads soon had their spiritual roots tested.

The result is:

Apart from Li Yi, only Li Shi from the second room has spiritual roots, which are the three spiritual roots of gold, fire and earth. Among them, the earth spiritual root is the worst, and the gold and fire spiritual roots are slightly better, with 7% and 6% purity respectively.

Seeing their disappointed expressions, she comforted them: "Aren't there still some children who haven't tested their spiritual roots? Maybe next time someone will test their spiritual roots."

"Thank you for your good words from my little sister!" Li Wanzhi sighed and said.

"Actually, our family is very lucky. We live in the mortal world, but there are three people with spiritual roots. I think only four of the children in our village were tested!" Li Yaozhi said warmly.

Li Qianlai said: "Little sister, you are right, we must be content, God has not treated us badly."

"Brothers and sisters, come with me to the inner room. I have something to say to you." Li Yaozhi picked up the box on the table.

"Little sister, what's wrong?" Li Tian came to ask.

"You will know when you come." Li Yaozhi said again.

"Okay, Li Yi, Li Er, you two, take care of your younger brothers and sisters. We will go out right away." Li Tianlai ordered the two children.

"Second uncle, daddy, we know."



The four of them followed Li Yaozhi to the inner room.

She faced the four people and opened the wooden box in her hand.

"Brothers and sisters, look! These are the medicinal materials I collected in the mountains."

When the four of them saw the ginseng in the box, which was as thick as a child's arm, and the Ganoderma lucidum, which was larger than the mouth of a bowl, they were stunned. "Little sister, went out to pick these all in one afternoon?" Li Qianlai said in surprise.

"Yes, I will leave after seeing my parents early tomorrow morning. I will share the contents with you now. There are two ginseng sticks here, and one of them will be left for my parents. The money for selling this big Ganoderma lucidum will be paid to the four of you." The family is average, so life can be more comfortable.

The remaining ginseng and the herbs underneath, such as Polygonum Multiflorum, Polygonatum, Herbal Medicine, and Horse Arrow, were sold and the money obtained was used by the second brother to manage Nanshan County and handle official affairs. "Li Yaozhi said.

After hearing these words, the four people were filled with infinite gratitude.

"Little sister, you are so kind to your brothers and sisters. You are the youngest. We were supposed to take care of you, but in the end we took advantage of you." Li Wanyi held Li Yaozhi's hand tightly and said sincerely.

"Yes!" Li Tiaozhi answered.

"Eldest sister and second sister, don't be so polite to me. You took care of me when I was a child. Now that I have the opportunity, let me take care of you too!" Li Yaozhi smiled so hard that her eyes narrowed, and two pear dimples appeared at the corners of her mouth, which made her whole body look better. sweet.

"Okay, we will accept your kindness. Remember to go home often and take a look. With these things, our Li family's journey will be much easier in the future." Li Tianlai said.

"Little sister, don't worry, we won't publicize the many things we have obtained." Li Qianlai joined in.

"Well, I'm relieved then." Li Yaozhi smiled and said, "It's getting late. You go back and rest early. I will take Li Yi and Li Shi away tomorrow morning."

"Well, let's go back, little sister." Li Haozhi said.

"Okay, second sister." Li Yaozhi stopped Li Tian again, "Second brother, you have brought your tips bag. Put this wooden box in the tips bag!"

"Okay." Li Tianlai opened his collar and took out the red rope around his neck, with a black bag hanging at the end.

As soon as the wooden box came close to the kit, it disappeared, as if the wooden box had never existed.

Li Tianlai felt that the kit on his chest was even more adorable.

Seeing this scene, Li Yaozhi joked: "Second brother, why do you hang it around your neck? Don't you think it has ruined your majesty as an official?"

"Of course not, such a good baby, I can rest assured as long as it hangs on my chest. What if I accidentally lose it if it hangs on my waist!" Li Tianlai said without thinking, and the three people beside him who had not left yet Nodding together.

Seeing this scene, she understood in her heart that it seemed that they were all hanging on her chest.

She chuckled, "You're right."

Then the four of them went out of the inner room with joyful faces, took their children and went back.


After closing the door, he saw the bright moon hanging high in the sky. The moonlight was like water, flowing into the room gently and gently. Li Yaozhi felt happy and said with a smile:
"The moonlight is just right today, so let's practice!"

She took out the futon and placed it under the window, sat cross-legged, used spiritual stones to arrange a formation to cover people's eyes, and took out the Shenyun Mirror and placed it between her legs. The mirror absorbed the moonlight and turned it into white light that she could absorb for cultivation.

In her eyes, these white lights are thousands of aura points.

More and more spiritual energy points enter the soul body, and enter the Dantian and turn into a liquid shape as the exercise moves.

She was not surprised to see the white liquid in the Dantian of her soul body.

Because of this, she didn't reveal that she was also a ghost cultivator during the battle with the ghost soldiers in the North.

The Yin spirit energy that a ghost cultivator cultivates is black, but the spiritual energy that overflows when she wields a weapon is white. From this, no one would think that she is a ghost cultivator.

Only Yun Zhong knew about her spiritual root attributes, but he didn't say much after seeing her.

He always adheres to his duty as a cultivator and does not seek out other people's secrets too much.


(End of this chapter)

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