The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 210 About the name of the eight-clawed fish

Chapter 210 About the name of the octopus
Li Yaozhi never believed that Wang Junya was kicked out so easily!
You know she is the heroine!

Black Wind Rift Valley, in fact, its previous name was Black Wind Valley. It is said that a space crack suddenly appeared around the valley ten thousand years ago. Although the crack only lasted for less than half a stick of incense, all the disciples in the valley were sucked into the space. Cracks, no more traces.

Some people speculated that they were dead, and some said that they had reached other continents. However, most people still believed that they were dead. After all, it was almost impossible to reach other continents through space cracks.

At this point, Black Wind Valley was privately called Black Wind Rift Valley, and people kept calling it. Its real name was also forgotten, and Black Wind Rift Valley became its real name.

Black wind blows every day in the Black Wind Rift Valley. Only after dusk, the wind blows less for an hour, allowing people to go out and move around and look for what they need.

The usual black wind is very sharp, and there seems to be thousands of sharp blades hidden in it. When scraped on a person's body, it can cut off a piece of skin and flesh, even a foundation-building monk can't avoid it.

However, as the saying goes that all things are interdependent, there is something that can restrain it here, and that is the black mountains here. No matter how strong the wind blows, it just can't do anything about these black rocks.

So for all the monks who come in, if they can get out in a short time, it's okay. They can just find a black cave and wait for a while. If they are destined to never get out in this life, they might as well just crash to death on the black mountain. Save A life of hardship.

Moreover, there is a lack of spiritual energy here, so it is not easy to practice and improve your cultivation.

Time went back to yesterday's dark night. Two criminal hall foundation-building disciples came to the Black Wind Rift Valley. As soon as they closed the restriction and opened the huge black stone door, a wisp of black wind cut off a strand of hair on his temples. He was busy He took a few steps back and breathed a sigh of relief when he saw the wind flying back.

"My hair on the left side has just grown out, and the hair on this side has been cut off again. It belongs to his grandmother. Bah! If this wind were a human being, I would have to beat him to death. I'm so blind."

"Junior brother, you are the same. You are a big man. How can you compete with it? What can you do with a few strands of hair? You can grow it out quickly with your magic power."

"Senior brother, I'm just talking about it!"

As he spoke, he touched the spirit beast bag on his waist. A bloody body appeared on the black gravel at the mouth of the valley, lying face down on the ground. It was unclear whether he was dead or alive.

The two male disciples didn't even look at the people on the ground. As they spoke, they closed the stone door, opened the restrictions and left.

The black wind was raging in the air, and the bloody corpse on the ground was spared.

Suddenly, a ball of red fur flew out from under the body. It flew to the side unsteadily, and spit out a top-quality rejuvenation pill that emitted spiritual light and had nine golden lines from its mouth. The rejuvenation pill flew in mid-air.

The red fur ball turned into a giant red eagle as tall as a person. It gently turned over the bloody corpse with its wings. The corpse's face was covered in blood, and she couldn't see its face clearly.

The giant eagle lowered his head and said softly: "Master, wake up. Open your mouth so that I can feed you the elixir to heal your wounds."

Strangely, the almost breathless man on the ground opened his red lips automatically, and then the elixir flew into his mouth. The wounds on the bloody man's body healed quickly, and his skin became smooth and white, as if he had never been injured.

The person on the ground suddenly opened his eyes and kneaded with one hand. The blood on his body disappeared completely, revealing a stunning face. However, the ferociousness on this person's face destroyed the beauty. He looked so tight.

If Li Yaozhi were here, he would definitely exclaim: Wang Junya really is not that easy to die!

Wang Junya looked at the fierce black wind above, gritted his teeth and said: "Li Yaozhi, Shui Qingdan, when I go out, none of you can run away!!"

At this time, there was a big mystery in her heart. How did Shui Qingdan know where she hid Xitianxing tonight.

Because of this, she was mistaken for a traitor by Xi Tianxing.

It seemed that... every step she took tonight was clearly seen by Shui Qingtan, and then easily destroyed by Shui Qingtan, that's why she lost so quickly.

Suddenly, she thought of a possibility. Could it be that... Shui Qingdan could predict the future?She shook her head and rejected the answer in her heart. Although Shui Qingdan had good spiritual roots, her chances were indeed poor, and she was not as good as herself. She would never have acquired such an incredible method.

With one hand he touched an irregular transparent stone hanging around his neck, with a scary smile on his face, "Now that the sky stone is in hand, it will only be a matter of time before the pill is formed. I will definitely get out!"

"Master, Black Wind is going to hang down soon, let's find a cave quickly!"

Wang Junya stood up and revealed a long red sword in his hand, "Okay, Flame, we will enter the valley immediately."



Li Yaozhi used her sword to practice with Yun Zhong for a day. Although she didn't win once, she made great progress. She agreed with the other party that they would practice again tomorrow, and then she returned to the bamboo house.

After wiping away the sweat, I cast the cleaning spell again and still smelled sweat on my body, so I used the spell to get half a bath of hot water and took a bath.

In this way, Yun Zhong came to practice sparring with her whenever he had time. The two became more and more familiar with each other and their relationship became better and better. In the words of the leader, they really looked like a pair of brothers and sisters.

It's another summer.

At this time, her swordsmanship had greatly improved.

A month ago, when she was fighting with Yun Zhong, she unknowingly created a fake body out of desperation. At this point, her "Flash Illusion True Technique" also entered the second level. This was the first time she defeated the opponent.
She was so happy that she called the senior sister from Lingshan Hall and cooked a delicious meal using the ingredients in the space. Since the variety of seafood in the space had increased a lot in the middle world, she was lucky enough to cook them all this time.

She still remembered to send a copy to the leader.

Both humans and beasts ate so much that they couldn't lift their heads. They ate from noon until the sun went down.

Looking at the large wooden plates stacked up on the long table, the three people and the three beasts touched their round bellies and lay comfortably on the chairs without wanting to move.

"I haven't eaten so much delicious food in a long time. It's so comfortable!" Li Yaozhi squinted his eyes and licked the corners of his mouth.

"Junior sister, if you want to cook next time, call me. I'll wrap it up for you with seasonings. I'm sure it will be more delicious than today's. If I cook the sweet shrimp today a little tender and add the seasonings I mix, it will definitely be delicious. It’s delicious, and there’s that spider-like thing with eighteen legs. Next time I bring the red pepper, it will definitely be more delicious.” The person who helped cook last time was named Chu Xiuhong. The senior sister in red smacked her lips and stared at the empty plate in front of her.

"Senior sister, that's called octopus." Li Yaozhi corrected again.

"If you ask me, it should be called the Eighteen-clawed Spider. Not to mention that it doesn't look like a fish, and it doesn't have eight legs. Junior sister, this is a bad name for you." Chu Xiuhong argued.

"Chef sister, I didn't pick this name. I bought this thing from a girl selling fish when I went out for training. The girl told me this name. Otherwise, I wouldn't think of such a strange-looking thing. I know how to buy it!" Li Yaozhi held her chin and pouted.

"Okay, okay, an octopus will be an octopus. That girl must have thought that by naming it like this, the thing would be easier to sell, so she called it eight-clawed fish."

"I think so too." Li Yaozhi put down the hand holding his chin with a look of agreement.

Hey, who made her accidentally call out the name of this thing, and also met the serious chef sister, so this scene happened now.

Yun Zhong listened to what the two of them said to each other, silently running his skills, converting what he ate into spiritual power.

(End of this chapter)

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