Chapter 219
Only three sounds of "Puff, Puff, Puff" were heard, the door was pierced, and gradually dissipated.

All this seems to be illusion and reality, which makes Li Yaozhi not believe it.

She felt as if she had gained an extra section of tendons, her Dantian had become a little bigger, and the spiritual energy in her body had become more pure. This was also good news, but this forced promotion was not good after all. You must cultivate your mind more to prevent it from hindering elixir formation.

With a decision in her mind, she opened her eyes and saw Zhong Yiming standing in front of her, looking at the pattern of the stone floor boredly.

And the people lying on the ground before were gone. I think they must have overcome their inner demons!
"Senior Brother Zhong?" Li Yaozhi called.

Zhong Yiming heard Li Yaozhi's voice and looked up at her happily, "Junior sister Li, you have been practicing for 6 days, you are finally awake!"

"Six days? I think I only practiced for half a day! How come it's so fast... six days passed." Li Yaozhi widened his eyes and said in surprise.

"Yes, those people you saved have all recovered. You still didn't wake up, so I asked them to go back first. Some of them even got a little better because of this inner demon."

Zhong Yiming took out a storage bag and said, "This is the thank you gift they gave you. It's all in this storage bag."

Li Yaozhi took it and saw that it was full of spiritual stones, even a few medium-grade spiritual stones, and several jade boxes placed in a small corner.

She raised her head with a smile on her face, revealing two small pear dimples, and showed off to Zhong Yiming: "Senior brother, I seem to have made a fortune, hahaha, it's not a loss to save people this time!"

"It's not a loss! I think you've made a big loss. This little thing is worth the life-saving grace of more than 100 people. If you let them owe you, maybe you can get more benefits in the future. You must know that there are many among these people. There are a large number of disciples." Zhong Yiming hated the fact that iron cannot become steel, and felt that Li Yaozhi had not changed at all in the past few years and was still so easy to deceive.

The smile on Li Yaozhi's face stopped, and she stood up and snorted unconvinced, "I like Lingshi more than anything else. So many people owe me favors, and I'm scared. Fortunately, I was practicing before. If I were awake, so Many people thanked me and I was exhausted just talking to them.”

"You are really reasonable." Zhong Yiming was amused by her words and couldn't help laughing, "Don't worry, you are a monk now, so you won't die that easily."

Hearing this, Li Yaozhi also smiled.

She raised her eyes and looked around, and saw a weight plate embedded in the stone in the center of the hall. She walked over and dug it out.

This should be the main town board for arranging the formation.

Zhong Yiming came over with a black flag and said, "Junior Sister Li, I picked this up on the ground. It should be the same as the holding plate in your hand."

Li Yaozhi took it and put it into the storage ring together with Zhenpan.

"Senior Brother Zhong, have you searched Lishan?"

The two began to walk outside.

Zhong Yiming nodded, "Well, after we disposed of the demon cultivator's body, we walked around the cave and found a teleportation array. We thought the other end of the teleportation array should be connected to the demon cultivator's territory. We were also afraid of getting out. The wolf's den has entered the tiger's mouth again, so he does not dare to act rashly.

I will use the jade talisman to convey the affairs of this place to Master.

It didn't take long for Zhenquan Zhenjun from the Formation Peak to arrive. It only took half a day to find the location at the other end of the teleportation array. He said that we don't need to worry about this matter, and the sect will send people there. "

After Li Yaozhi listened carefully, he thought to himself that this Lord Zhenquan is really powerful. He must be a big man at the level of a formation master!

Thinking that it had taken her so long to barely reach the threshold of the formation mage, she suddenly felt that the path of this formation mage was too long and difficult!
"That's good, now that the matter is over, what are Senior Brother Zhong's plans, but are you still thinking about where to travel and gain experience?"

"No, my father told me to go to Yunhaifang City to renovate my shop, see more people and things, gain insights and temper my mind, and prepare for pill formation." Zhong Yiming seemed to be showing off and smiled at her.

Li Yaozhi secretly rolled her eyes at him, "Congratulations, senior brother. Senior brother, what's the name of your shop? If I have the opportunity to buy something in your store, please give me a cheaper price."

"My shop is called 'Yiminglou'. It is a teahouse and also sells spiritual tea. With our relationship, as long as you come, I will definitely treat you to drink spiritual tea, and I can give you some as a gift when you leave." Thinking of what he wanted to do Taking control of a teahouse, Zhong Yiming felt proud.

Thinking of the lush spiritual tea trees in the space, Li Yaozhi thought about it and smiled: "Thank you, senior brother. By the way, I would like to ask if you will accept fresh tea leaves?"

"Okay, does Junior Sister have good tea here?" Zhong Yiming turned around and asked curiously. "Of course, I have three kinds of good spiritual tea here. When I go back to clean up, I will send them to you."

"Okay, I will definitely give you a high price then."

Li Yaozhi was very happy at the thought of receiving another spiritual stone, "Hahaha, I'll thank you senior brother first."

The two of them talked and soon left Lishan.

The imperial weapon returned to the sect, and the two of them went back to their respective homes.

Returning to the top of the mountain where I live in Taiyifeng, I saw that Yunzhong's bamboo house formation was closed, and there must be no one inside.

I wanted to tell him what happened when I went out this time, but I didn't expect that he hadn't come back yet.

Pressing down on the slight disappointment in her heart, she entered the room, closed the door, opened the formation, and took Ahong into the space.

Weaving thin wooden branches into a large flower basket, he put it on his arm and led four beasts to pick young tea leaves.

The few tea trees in her space have not been taken care of for more than ten years, and now they have grown into big trees.

She directly used the light body technique to float into the air to pick tea leaves, which was quite easy.

Coupled with the eight small hands transformed by Yueyue, Bingyu's tail, and A Feng's two claws, it is also very fast.

Ah Hong wanted to help, but Li Yaozhi thought it was too small, which made him feel like an unscrupulous landlord, and he was really embarrassed to use it.

Rejected, Ah Hong was bored and flew to a nearby fruit tree with a finger-sized fruit in her mouth to look at them. Its attention was gradually attracted by Li Yaozhi's skin.

"Master, I think your skin color seems to have deepened again, almost turning into deep purple!"

Li Yaozhi lowered his head and saw that, as expected, his skin color had changed again, turning into an authentic grape purple.

Could it be that as cultivation level improves, other skills will also improve?

That should be it!
Before this advancement, my skin color was not this dark!

"Well, my skin has turned dark purple, and my body's self-healing ability has improved a lot. It should have the magical effect that the skin and flesh injuries mentioned in the jade slips will heal immediately."

"Great, this way the master won't be injured and bleed in the future!"

"The injury will still occur, but it will heal immediately after the injury, and only a small amount of blood will flow, so I can breathe a sigh of relief." Li Yaozhi said happily.

Thinking of this, her hand picking tea leaves became much faster.

All the young tea leaves on the tea tree were picked. The previous basket could no longer hold it. So she went out and cut some bamboo and wove an extra large bamboo basket according to the method on the jade slips, so that all the tea leaves could be contained.

Cover the bamboo basket with spiritual energy and put the ring in it, so that the spiritual energy in the tea leaves will not be lost.

After leaving the space, as soon as Ah Feng and the three beasts were released, they disappeared in a flash.

Li Yaozhi brought tea to Zhong Yiming on a tapestry. With the other party's surprised expression, he returned to the bamboo house with a storage bag filled with spiritual stones.

Thinking of the storage bag she got earlier, plus this one, she now has two bags of spiritual stones in her hand. Adding the spiritual stones in the ring, there are so many spiritual stones. She is really happy just thinking about it!

(End of this chapter)

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