Chapter 223 Unusual

In the sky, there were three white spaceships, one large, two small, and each had the emblem of the Zhong family on them.

The speed of the spaceship was extremely fast, with the larger one in front, and the two small boats flying to its left and right in a protective posture.

Li Yaozhi took advantage of Zhong Yiming and got a room of his own on the main ship.

The days on the boat were relatively boring. She practiced in addition to practicing every day. She counted on her fingers and found that several days had passed on the boat, so she wanted to go out for a walk.

She opened the door and walked out onto the deck.

Because there was a formation on the ship that filtered the strong wind, she only felt a slight breeze.

She stretched out her consciousness and looked down, only to see a lush virgin forest. She had been looking at this scenery in her room for two days.

"Junior sister Li, are you here to get some air too?"

Suddenly hearing Zhong Yi's voice, she turned around and looked over.

Zhong Yiming was seen walking over step by step with a fan in his hand, showing off his eldest young master airs.

That's right, except for the two of them, both of them are escorts from the Zhong family on the boat, so of course he has to act like his master.

"Yes, Senior Brother Zhong, it was boring to stay on the boat, and I couldn't immerse myself in cultivation, so I wanted to come out and have a look." Li Yaozhi pursed her lips and said.

"Me too...Junior Sister Li, to tell you the truth, ever since we left home, I had a hunch that our trip won't go so smoothly."

"Brother, don't think too much. In our formation, there are 8 Jindan monks accompanying us! Even if the Nascent Soul monk comes, he has to weigh it!" Li Yaozhi was very confident.

If someone dares to hijack the ship, they are either tired of living or want to die!
"No, Junior Sister Li, you don't know. Senior brother, although I'm a bit weak in strength, I usually have good luck, and sometimes my premonitions are accurate [-]% of the time. That's why I can avoid danger by going out and practicing. You, you have to believe what I say. .”

While the two were talking, they suddenly heard the sound of flapping wings, and this sound was an enhanced version.

"Junior Sister Li!!"

The two looked at each other, looked back, and saw a group of unknown black multi-legged insects with wings flying towards them.

Four golden elixir monks and several foundation-building monks suddenly appeared on the deck, standing in front of the two of them.

The monks on the other two boats also appeared, and they were also in a state of preparation for war.

Li Yao held the Xuan Bing Sword in his hand and stared at the multi-legged insect flying in front.This many-legged insect is much larger than other insects, more than ten meters long, and its body is thicker than the mouth of a sea bowl.

And the black fluff on the body is also longer than others.

There were several purple circles on a pair of white compound eyes. It stared at the people on the boat, and the circles began to rotate, as if they were trying to suck people in.

This should be the leader!

It's still a monster with level two or above!
The leader glanced at the swords in everyone's hands, pretended to turn his compound eyes, then suddenly stopped in mid-air and let out a few "chirps".

The multipod insect behind it chirped in response, and then became more courageous and flapped its wings faster.

Li Yaozhi held the Xuan Bing Sword tightly, with the blade facing outward and slanting across his chest.

Soon, an overwhelming number of polypods came towards us. They were below and could just stab the polypod's soft abdomen, which immediately opened its belly.

The belly of the polypod was broken, and green liquid gushes out of it.

Li Yaozhi felt that this liquid must not be a good thing, maybe poisonous.

She used her defensive magic weapon to cover her body, and at the same time she dodged back, exited the range of the green liquid, and swallowed an antidote pill.

The green liquid fell on the deck and immediately corroded small pits!

She looked sharply, what on earth is this!
The material the ship is made of is not ordinary hard, and can actually corrode. If there were more green water, the deck would be completely corroded.

Others also discovered this situation and knew that the situation was not good at this time!
Li Yao was observing the lead insect while cooperating with Zhong Yiming to harvest the lives of multiple groups of insects.

When the leader saw that many of his men were being killed, not only did he not show any anger, but he narrowed his compound eyes, and the two long mouthparts below were tilted to both sides, as if he was smiling! !

Do they still have a back-up plan?

She noticed that the leader was frequently looking at the cabin, and she wondered, could there be something it liked there?
She stretched out her consciousness to look at the cabin, and found that many polypods had already entered the cabin. They chewed through the floor and reached the lowest level.

They looked in every room, as if they were searching for something?
She thought for a moment and said, "Senior Brother Zhong, is there anything special on our ship? It seems to me that those polypods are looking for something in the cabin?"

(End of this chapter)

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