Chapter 226 The plot has collapsed
"You're not going?" Zhong Yiming asked doubtfully. .

Li Yaozhi nodded with a serious expression, "Yes, we will discuss the details on the ship. The smell of blood here is too strong and it is not advisable to stay for a long time."

Seeing Li Yaozhi's serious look, Zhong Yiming was infected by her and immediately ordered: "Uncle Da Kuan, bring out the spacecraft, let's leave quickly!"

"Yes, Master!"


In this way, the group returned along the original route.


on the ship.

Zhong Dakuan led two Jindan monks to meditate on the deck so that if anything was wrong, they could be discovered in time.

Li Yaozhi and Zhong Yiming came to the room filled with spiritual tea first.

In order not to be discovered by other bug beasts when he returned, Zhong Yiming unlocked all the talisman restrictions on the box, and then put the box into a storage container, along with the spiritual tea inside.

[The function of the prohibition: In addition to being fireproof, waterproof and impact-proof, it also has the function of prohibiting it from being put into the storage container. In this way, if someone outside the Zhong family wants to steal the goods, and cannot get rid of the prohibition, they can only carry it away like a mortal. This way it will be easy to be discovered by them]

Coming out of this room, closing the door, the two of them walked in the corridor, Li Yao said: "Brother Zhong, do you know about the genocide of the Bai family hundreds or even thousands of years ago?"

Zhong Yiming looked embarrassed, "I have never heard of what happened so long ago. I would like to hear the details!"

In order to increase the authenticity of what he said next, God Li Yao spoke mysteriously,
"Senior Brother Zhong, I accidentally got a secret from an ancient book, that is, the annihilation of the Bai family nearly a thousand years ago was closely related to the Wang family.

Think about it!At that time, the Wang family was just a small and inconspicuous family. His strength was as strong as an ant compared to several major families. How could such a Wang family destroy the Bai family?

So I guess the Wang family must have help!And who do you think that helper is? "

For a moment, Zhong Yiming was frightened by what Li Yaozhi said. He spoke with difficulty, "You mean, these black-clothed demon cultivators today are helpers of the Wang family, and their purpose is to get rid of the Zhong family?"

"Yes, I have this guess, but there is still one thing I can't figure out: your Zhong family ranks first among the major families. Once the dirty things the Wang family has done are discovered, they will definitely face catastrophe, so , I want to know who gave him such courage?"

At this time, unknowingly, the two of them had reached the door of Li Yao's room.She opened the door and said, "Senior Brother Zhong, come in and talk."

"it is good."

The two of them entered the door. Zhong Yiming sat on one side of the table. Li Yaozhi poured hot tea and sat on the other side.

Zhong Yiming frowned and held the hand holding the teacup for a long time, thinking over and over in his mind, "Demon cultivator? The one who can cultivate so many multi-dimensional infant demon cultivators at once must be the Demon Sect? The Wang family does not have such power. "

He tapped the tea cup with his two fingertips and said, "Junior sister Wang, to tell you the truth, a few years ago, the spies sent by the Zhong family to the Wang family came with news that people in black robes were often seen coming in and out of the Wang family's inner courtyard. , it was speculated that this inner courtyard should be the courtyard where the ancestors of the Wang family lived, but I didn’t pay much attention to it at the time, I just thought it was the Wang family doing something that was not visible to outsiders."

Li Yaozhi nodded, "Senior Brother Zhong, I also have news to tell you. When I was doing a mission in the mortal world a few years ago, I discovered that there were demonic cultivators who were arresting mortals. After I eliminated the demonic cultivators, I found a teleportation array in their stronghold. After that, I took this teleportation array and came to an abandoned yard of the Wang family."

"There are indeed shadows of the Wang family in these things. It seems that the Wang family is really ambitious." Zhong Yiming's eyes were fierce, and the teacup in his hand rattled.

"The Wang family sent so many multi-dimensional infant demon cultivators to kill people today, which means you should be very important to them! Senior brother Zhong, do you... have a high status in the Zhong family?" Li Yaozhi blinked and looked at him.

"My father is the acting patriarch, but he has been acting for a long time. It has been a hundred years."

"It seems that he wanted to kill you first and then start with your father. However, his plan was wrong! When they find out that not only did we survive, but we also killed those men in black, they will not be angry. If he dies, the Demon Sect will definitely not let him have an easy time, after all, he has lost so many high-level monks at once." Li Yaozhi gloated and smiled.

"You're right."

The two of them sat at the table, each with their own thoughts.

Li Yaozhi held the teacup in both hands, feeling surprised.

The plot in the novel has collapsed with the disappearance of Wang Junya, and the demon sect is now involved. How do I think this is a sign of launching a war between immortals and demons?

Suddenly something occurred to her!
Could it be because Xiantianxing was seriously injured in Taiyimen and escaped?

After all, in the novel, this doesn’t seem to happen at all!

Furthermore, if we follow the plot, Wang Junya may not have met Xi Tianxing at this time, and the author has not yet written the scenes of Xi Tianxing, let alone the things that are happening now.

However, she also wondered how powerful the Demon Sect was to dare to launch such a big war!Is there any other power behind the Demon Sect? !
(End of this chapter)

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