The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 234 I already have a body that belongs to me in my heart

Chapter 234 I already have a body that belongs to me in my heart
Tian Mozong

In a dark room, formation runes lit up on all four walls, and the rune lines were twisted wantonly, like slender snakes coiling on the wall.

Weird yet mysterious!

A group of black balls floated in the air, opening and shrinking, absorbing the black yin energy gathered by the formation.

(This black ball is Xiantianxing who escaped from Taiyi Sect. His physical body was destroyed and now only his soul is left.)

Suddenly the door was opened, and a tall man in black walked in against the light. This man was the current leader of the Heavenly Demon Sect, Xian Lumen!

The black ball sensed someone coming in, swung in the air twice, and then actually spoke.

"Dad, have you found a suitable body for me?"

Xian Lumen walked up to Black Ball and said in a low voice, "Found it! Tian'er, let's see which one you like?"

He said it casually, as if he was just asking the other person which clothes he liked!

Lumen waved his hand gently, and more than a dozen bodies of young men appeared on the ground. These men all had a common feature, they were handsome and still alive.

The black ball flew over the bodies and commented one by one, "This nose is a bit low, this one is dark, this one is too short, this one has a big face, this one's mouth is too small, this one's eyebrows are too short..."

Every time Black Ball said something, the wrinkles on Lumen's brow increased.

The black ball flew back to the center of the formation, with some dissatisfaction in his words, "Dad, these people are too ugly. Send someone to find better ones for me."

During this period of time, Lumen had heard such words no less than a hundred times. No matter how good a father he was, he was still a little irritated. What are you looking for?”

The black ball flew in front of Xi Lumen's eyes, "It's not as good-looking as my original body. I won't change it."

Hearing this, Xian Lumen was filled with disbelief, "This is why you have been dragging a dilapidated body for hundreds of years, studying medicinal classics and medical classics to treat yourself, drinking medicine and acupuncture, rather than taking over your body and rebuilding it." reason?"

The black ball flew up and down twice and said: "Yeah, luckily I took after my mother in my appearance. If I were like my father, I would have taken away her body long ago!"

After hearing the words of this unfilial son, Xilumen flicked his sleeves and put away his body on the ground, and walked out with his hands behind his back, "Then just waste it like this. I don't think you can find the right one in your life."

"Dad, actually I already have a spiritual body in my heart, which is located in Taiyi Gate!!"

"Oh!" Xian Lumen turned around instantly and said in surprise: "My son, tell daddy quickly and I will send someone to bring the body right away."

"I don't know his name, but I know what he looks like. Dad, bring me a piece of jade paper and I will engrave it on you with my spiritual consciousness."

"Okay!" Xilumen immediately took out a piece of jade paper. The jade paper floated in the air, and the black ball flew over. After a while, a portrait of a man appeared on the jade paper.

"My son has good eyesight. This man is handsome and handsome, with picturesque features. His peach-blossom eyes are very rare. His eyes are shining with different colors. I wonder if it is caused by his martial arts. Don't worry, Tian'er. Dad will definitely meet you within three days. I’ll bring this man’s body to see you.” After that, Xian Lumen went out.

Watching the door being closed again and the black ball returning to the formation, he trembled as if going crazy: "It's a pity that I was dragged down by that broken body earlier and couldn't break through the Nascent Soul. If I can seize that person's body, I can transform into a cultivator." With this technique, I can become a Nascent Soul Demonic Cultivator without any effort, hahaha... It seems that God still favors me, hahaha..., Ya'er, don't worry, as long as this plan goes well, I will definitely go. Taiyimen saved you!"

(End of this chapter)

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