Chapter 250 The Demon Clan
After looking around, Li Yaozhi found that there was no monk who had returned to the first sect on the battlefield? !
Just when she was surprised, she saw people from the Gui Yi Sect flying out from the back mountain of the Tianmo Sect. Their clothes and hair were messy, there was a lot of blood on their bodies, and their flying postures were also abnormal.

Looking at the shocked and anxious expressions on their faces, they looked like they were running away.

Seeing this scene suddenly, Li Yaozhi immediately had a bad feeling in her heart!
What on earth happened?

Looking behind them, they saw a tall man in black. This man had messy hair, special black lines on his forehead, and two protrusions on his head, as if something was about to break out of the ground.

A pair of cold eyes full of madness, hatred, and pain.

The lower half of his face was covered with a black mask, making it unclear what he looked like.

He was holding a black sword in his hand. This sword was the one that broke the formation of the elders of Guiyi Sect before!

The righteous monks present were shocked when they saw this scene: Who is this!Even so many people from the Gui Yi Sect couldn't beat him!
Seeing the miserable state of Gui's sect, the monks from the Immortal Sword Sect rushed forward to help, and then the monks from the two sects fought with the man in black.

Li Yaozhi ducked over to Yun Zhong and used the bell magic weapon and phoenix bracelet to sneak attack. Finally, the two of them worked together to kill the Nascent Soul monk who had been fighting with him for a long time.

However, it was Yun Zhong who exerted great force. The magic weapon in Li Yaozhi's hand was too low level for the Nascent Soul cultivator and could only serve to harass and hinder the opponent.

The two of them swallowed a few pills in a tacit understanding. She looked at the powerful man in black in the air and said, "Brother, do you know who this person is? When did the Demon Sect have such a powerful person, and he also succumbed to Under the Demon Sect Master!”

"If my guess is correct, this person should be the mysterious figure called 'General' from the Demon Sect. The sect only learned of this person's existence recently."

"Yeah." The demonic energy in this man was extremely pure, better than any demonic cultivator she had ever seen.

At this moment, A Feng's voice came to her ears, "A Yao, my inheritance tells me that this person is from the demon clan in the demon world, and his cultivation level is probably equivalent to the Mahayana spiritual cultivation stage. In addition, the magic weapon in his hand A magic sword, there are probably few people in this world who can match his strength." She turned around and found the three figures of Afeng on the battlefield. They were helping a foundation-building monk fight against a golden elixir monk, and she frowned. Tightly, he said in his heart: "Why are people from the demon clan in this world? Ah Feng, do you have any way to deal with him?"

"No, if I could have the cultivation level of the transformation stage, I could fight with him. Unfortunately, I am only an intermediate level cultivation level now. However, I can feel that it will not be long before I can advance to the next level, and then I will be more capable. Awesome!" Ah Feng said.

"That's great, Ah Feng!" She was very happy to hear the news that Ah Feng was about to advance, but at the same time, she was worried about how to deal with the man in black!
"Junior sister, this man in black is free to be dealt with by people from several major sects. We should kill other ordinary demon cultivators first." Yun Zhong looked at Li Yaozhi.

"Okay." They are too weak to fight against the mysterious man in black, so don't think too much about it.

The elixir in the body melted a little, and there was more spiritual power in the dantian.

The two hold swords and work together to kill demons.

Because they were using swords, their spiritual power was not very much consumed. It was not until the two of them killed three golden elixir demon cultivators that they almost ran out of spiritual power. So they found a place to set up a formation and began to meditate to replenish their spiritual energy.

After replenishing their spiritual power, the two immediately went out to kill the demons. Later, three beasts also joined their team and followed suit.

In this way, the two people and the three beasts entered and exited the formation. This was repeated countless times. The number of demon cultivators and spiritual cultivators fighting on the field gradually decreased, and the ground was filled with people.

If the Demon Sect hadn't all been wearing black robes, I might not have been able to tell whether the person lying on the ground was a righteous monk or a member of the Demon Sect.

(End of this chapter)

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