Chapter 26
The two of them left Youyue Valley smoothly, and Li Yaozhi drove Xiao Baiyun to take Wang Lan to Taiyi Sect.

Li Yaozhi saw that Wang Lan's wound had healed after taking the elixir, but there was still black demonic energy lingering on it. It looked a little strange, and she couldn't bear it, so she said:

"Senior Sister Wang, what should you do with the demonic energy on your wound?"

"Junior sister Li, don't worry. Just find a few exorcism pills when you return to the sect." Wang Lan felt grateful after hearing Li Yaozhi's caring words and smiled slightly at her.

"That's good. I dare to ask Senior Sister Wang, how did you meet that demon cultivator? If it's inconvenient..." Li Yaozhi asked casually.

"There's nothing that can't be said. It's just that my mother has been unable to break through the golden elixir for several years. I happened to hear that there is Jin Yuanguo, the main medicine of the golden elixir, in Youyue Valley, so..." As he said this, He was a little frustrated again, "I didn't expect that I met a demon cultivator and almost lost my life."

"Oh..., shouldn't Jin Yuan Guo grow on the cliff? How can it be found in Youyue Valley?" After hearing what Wang Lan said, Li Yaozhi was extremely confused and said it out loud.

"This..." Wang Lan reacted after hearing Li Yaozhi's two words. She was a little flustered and frowned unconsciously, "It's all my fault. I care about the chaos. I actually believed such an obvious lie. Could it be that someone specifically lied to me?" Am I here?"

"...It's very possible that Senior Sister Wang still remembers that person's appearance." Li Yaozhi pondered for a moment and asked.

Unexpectedly, she just said something carelessly and said one more sentence casually, but now it is involved in so many things. Wang Lan in the book is dead, so who instigated it?Who are the beneficiaries?
Suddenly, an answer came to Li Yaozhi from the bottom of his heart.

Could it be the heroine Wang Junya! ! !

Of course, she wasn't completely sure that it was Wang Junya who did it.

"I remember, but... I have never seen that person on Wanren Peak." Wang Lan didn't believe that someone really wanted to harm her, but after hearing Li Yaozhi's words, she was sure of the answer.

Li Yaozhi was awakened from her thoughts by Wang Lan's words.

"Senior Sister Wang, think about it, but you have a grudge against someone, or...are you blocking someone's way?" Li Yaozhi reminded her deliberately, and then gave a vague meaning.

"No, we people from Wanrenfeng have always spoken and acted in a way that we have grudges and repay them in this world. We never delay. Even if it is a means of revenge, it is just a fight on the martial arts stage. We will never do this. Scheming." Wang Lan looked at her chest, which although she had recovered, was still filled with black demonic energy.

"That should be the people on other peaks... Senior Sister Wang should be more careful when going out in the future, just for fear that the other party will fail... and try another trick."

Li Yaozhi looked at Wanfa Peak where Wang Junya of Taiyi Sect was located in the distance, thinking that if the heroine was really the heroine, it would be very difficult for Wang Lan to escape the opponent's plot.

"Thank you, Junior Sister Li, for reminding me. I have made a note of it. The matter of demon cultivation cannot be delayed. We will go to Taiyi Hall to report this matter to the sect now." Wang Lan said solemnly.

"Yes, Senior Sister Wang."

Taiyi Hall is the place where the head and the elders discuss matters, and it is also where the head usually handles sect affairs.

The two got off the magic weapon and before they arrived at the Taiyi Hall, they saw that Yang Zhuozhi and the four of them who had gone to Youyue Valley with her had already returned and were standing there waiting anxiously.

"Junior sister Li, fortunately you are back safely. When you came, did you meet other disciples who were fleeing with us?" Yang Zhuozhi saw Li Yaozhi at a glance and couldn't help but walked over quickly and said.

"No, Senior Brother Yang, I didn't see any of the disciples. What's the situation now?" Li Yaozhi didn't see the other disciples who were running away together, and he was a little confused.

"The man and two women we met at that time did not come back. In addition, the male disciple who was the first to shout that there was a demon cultivator, run away. We didn't see his face clearly, and we didn't know who it was. Whether he came back or not, but ..., I still remember his breath."

"We have reported the situation to the sect before, now you go in quickly." Seeing that they had explained the current situation, Lin Yuexiong came over to remind him that the elders and heads of the provincial palace had been waiting for a long time.

"Well, junior sister, thank you to the four senior brothers for waiting here for my return. You should go back quickly. Senior sister Wang and I will take the first step."

Everyone said goodbye.

The Taiyi Hall is paved with the finest white jade below, supported by nine heavy trees carved with dragons and phoenixes in the middle, and topped by the cloudy sky. From the outside, it looks like an ordinary roof. Could it be a formation or an illusion?
Standing in front of the main hall is an elegant and handsome young man. He is wearing a white robe with complex golden patterns embroidered on it. He wears a golden jade crown on his head. He is tall and tall, but he has an aura of majesty around him, which makes people look at him. Then he felt fear in his heart. It was obvious that this person had been in a high position all year round, and he should be the leader.

Next to him stood another monk in green clothes. It was the uncle who went to Qingshan Town to lead a team to recruit disciples. I don't know who he is now, but his status should not be low, otherwise he wouldn't be here.There are more than a dozen elders sitting on both sides of the hall, wearing dark robes and tying their hair with jade crowns of the same color.

"Wang Renfeng Wang Lan."

"Alchemy Peak Li Yaozhi."

"Greetings to the leader and elders." Li Yaozhi and Wang Lan bowed down to salute respectfully.

"Well, no courtesy, don't be afraid. Just explain clearly what happened today. Let's get started." The leader said warmly.

The two stood up and looked at each other. Wang Lan and Li Yaozhi explained the development of the matter in "details".

When talking about Ah Feng, Li Yaozhi only said that he was a red-haired spirit dog that hatched from a spirit animal egg that he got by chance on Qingque Street.

She didn’t say anything about the black armor. She also wanted to find an opportunity to dispel the demonic energy on it and use it for herself. Besides, the demonic cultivator had such a powerful defensive weapon and could be killed by her. Wouldn’t this expose A Feng’s power? Spiritual fire is not ordinary.

"Yes, I understand. Do you still remember the appearance and aura of the person Wang Lan mentioned?"

"Disciple only remembers appearance." Wang Lan's face was solemn.

"Well, you can imagine his appearance in your mind and use your spiritual consciousness to print it on the jade paper." The leader glanced at the monk in green who stood below him.

The monk in green took the jade paper from the table behind the headmaster, took a few steps forward and handed it to Wang Lan. After waiting for her to print the portrait, he took the jade paper and handed it to the headmaster.

"Li Yaozhi said just now that the demon cultivator should have found you following the instructions of the compass. Did he stay behind?"

"The demon cultivator was burned to death, leaving nothing behind. And even if it wasn't burned, I wouldn't dare take the demon cultivator's belongings." Li Yaozhi said obediently with a wink.

The headmaster looked at the elders and saw them nodding their heads one by one, then said:
"Well, the elders and I have understood that since you have done great work in exorcising demons, Wang Lan can go to the Deacon Hall to get a bottle of exorcism pill, and Li Yaozhi can also go get a bottle of Peiyuan Pill. You can go back first."

"Yes, disciple, I obey. Thank you, Master, for giving me the medicine." The two said goodbye.

After the two of them walked out of Taiyi Hall and went to the Deacon Hall to get the elixir, Li Yaozhi sent Wang Lan back to Wanren Peak with his royal weapon.

Li Yaozhi had something to say to Wang Lan, but was afraid of being heard by others, so he first added a soundproof cover to the two of them.

"Senior Sister Wang, thank you for hiding from me the fact that I had spiritual consciousness to attack the magic weapon when I was in Taiyi Hall." Li Yaozhi looked at Wang Lan and thanked her sincerely.

"Don't be too polite. This is your opportunity. You should cherish it. Moreover, it is rare for spiritual consciousness to attack magical weapons. I am really grateful that you are willing to take them out to save me regardless of being exposed. So I help you hide the magical weapon. I really don't mind. It’s worth mentioning, this is what I should do.”

Seeing Li Yaozhi like this, Wang Lan quickly grabbed her hand with both hands and wanted to tell her not to be so polite.

"Okay, neither of us should be so polite in the future. If Senior Sister Wang doesn't mind, would you like to become a close friend with me?" Li Yaozhi saw that Wang Lan had such a good temperament, so he couldn't help but make her a good friend.

"Of course, I am lucky to have a good friend like you." Wang Lan quickly replied, fearing that it would be too late and Li Yaozhi would regret it.

After finishing speaking, Li Yaozhi and Wang Lan looked at each other with heartfelt smiles on their faces.

The sun sets in the west, shining golden light on the two of them...

 Li Yaozhi sat on the futon in the cave and began to narrate his daily life: "Sure enough, people who are too good will always think about hiding their clumsiness! When I reach a higher level, I won't have to hide it. I will definitely be among the crowd. The brightest cub!”

(End of this chapter)

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