Chapter 28
The world of immortal cultivation in Cangyuan Continent is headed by five major forces and is divided into five major regions: east, west, south, north, and middle.The location of Huatianfang City is exactly in the east of the world of immortality.

The word Huatian is taken from the meaning of Wuhua Tianbao, which refers to the various precious treasures in the city. This city is established within the sphere of influence of Taiyi Sect. Apart from Qingque Street within the sect, it is the place where disciples come most often. Of course, disciples from other sects often come to visit.

Li Yaozhi was walking on the streets of Huatianfang City. She was wearing a low-key gray robe. The first half of her black hair was tied up with a white hair crown, and the rest hung obediently behind her. Occasionally, a strand of naughty hair came to her. Her chest danced with the wind, and her facial features were transformed by A Hong into a rougher look, making her look like a handsome young boy.

Ah Feng also became as big as when he was a child, sitting on Li Yaozhi's shoulder, his little tail still holding a bunch of her hair tightly, for fear of falling.

At this time, one person and one animal were eating a piece of meat pie together, chewing the meat in their mouths, but looking around with bright eyes. The aroma of spiritual vegetables, spiritual meat, and spiritual fruits on the street was really too tempting.

Suddenly Ah Feng looked at the Taotie Tower in the distance, as if he was frightened. Then he moved to the side in a dodgy manner, and hesitantly said to Li Yaozhi:
"Ayao..., look, there is a disciple next to the window on the second floor of the restaurant in front of you..., actually... feeding other men in the blue sky."

Hearing Ah Feng's words, Li Yao's heart began to boil as he wanted to watch the excitement. He quickly pulled his eyes out of the barbecue stall and asked repeatedly, "Where is it? Where is it?"

He glanced around and finally saw the one Ah Feng was talking about... the disciple who fed other male disciples food.

It turned out to be Zhou Qingyun! ! !

As expected, he was the suspected time-traveling boss who dared to steal the heroine's spirit beast egg in public!Now, as a man, he bravely pursues the cold senior brother. It is really... courageous.

The key is that the senior brother opened his mouth and ate what was fed to him with a calm expression. It seems that being fed often happens?

Although there are some male disciples in the world of immortality who have unusual friendships, they are all relatively low-key, and they still treat each other as brothers.

Thinking of this, Li Yaozhi couldn't help but boldly glance at the appearance of the cold senior brother to see who he was.

I saw that his face was as clear as a sculpture, with sharp eyebrows and starry eyes, and a high bridge of nose. When those cold eyes looked at Zhou Qingyun, they would unconsciously show a bit of warmth. The ordinary cyan robes worn by the Foundation Establishment disciples were worn on his body. It also seems to have become unusual, just like the expensive robes in the Immortal Spreading Pavilion.

Zhou Qingyun's appearance was indeed as delicate and delicate as a woman's.

This is really... a young, beautiful, and enviable couple.


Li Yaozhi then turned around and sent a message to Ah Feng to explain: "Ah Feng, we are good brothers, isn't this quite normal! Don't I often feed you?"

Suddenly he thought that Ah Feng had not gone out since he was born, so he should not develop a solitary temperament. He said with concern: "Besides, Ah Feng, are you too conservative? Anyway, with your current appearance, others don't know who you are. Divine beast, you can go out more and interact with other beasts in the sect."

"Yeah, yeah, I know A Yao." Ah Feng sighed and said helplessly.

I thought to myself, Ayao thought it couldn't see it?He is a beast with his own inheritance. He is different from other stupid beasts. There is obviously something wrong with the relationship between the two of them... Could it be that this is also okay? ?

This was just a small episode. Li Yaozhi took Ah Feng to buy two skewers of barbecue and continued shopping.

I saw a little girl in red standing sideways at the stall in front of me. She was at the seventh level of Qi training, and she turned out to be Wang Junya!

Her makeup and hair are exquisite, and a red three-tailed snake-shaped spiritual beast is wrapped around her wrist, like a three-tailed phoenix-crowned snake.

The three-tailed phoenix-crested snake is a growth-type spiritual beast. Although it only has three tails now, it can grow into a nine-tailed crested snake through practice, and it will become a divine beast by then.

Although Wang Junya lost the mutated phantom poison beast in Qingque Street, she got a better three-tailed crested snake somewhere. What kind of luck is this?
It seems that she has to work harder. Only with higher cultivation and higher strength can she be less suppressed. Otherwise, sooner or later, she will become a fish in the mouth of others in the big web of this plot.

And it would be best if the plot is riddled with holes and errors to see how it can still contain others! ………………

Li Yaozhi thought about continuing her shopping, but when she was about to pass the stall where Wang Junya was, she heard Wang Junya calling her.

"This fellow Taoist is talking about you, come here!"

Li Yaozhi couldn't believe that her current identity had nothing to do with Wang Junya. Why did she call her?But under the public gaze, she didn't dare to do anything, so she replied in a rough voice: "This female Taoist friend, what do you want me to do?"

"Oh, it's like this. I want to buy something, but I'm short of 30 yuan of spiritual stones. I wonder if you can borrow it from my family for emergencies?"

As he spoke, his face slowly moved closer to her unconsciously, and he squinted his eyes and took a deep breath as if he was deeply intoxicated. His hands were not honest and he wanted to touch her.

Li Yaozhi was so frightened that he dropped the barbecue in his hand. He quickly took a few steps back and said in a panic: "What does the female Taoist friend mean by this? I don't have any extra spiritual stones to borrow."

"It doesn't mean anything. I just see that my Taoist friend is different from others. If not, forget it. It's all because of the recklessness of the slave family. It didn't scare you." Wang Junya smiled at her.

It's just that this smile seems a little too permeable to Li Yaozhi. He always feels that Wang Junya has bad intentions, and the Wang Junya today is very different from the one she saw during the spiritual root test. It seems that she is not the same person.

"No, I'm not scared. Say goodbye." Li Yaozhi swallowed and turned around to leave.


Wang Junya watched Li Yaozhi turn around and leave without saying a word, but her eyes were somewhat meaningful, and she strangely licked the corner of her mouth with the tip of her bright red tongue.

I pretended to take a look at the stall, and then left with some disgust.

But if anyone looked at her eyes now, they would definitely see some excitement in her eyes, the excitement of a beast seeing its prey.

At this time, she was talking to another person in her body. Upon closer inspection, she discovered that the other person looked exactly like Wang Junya.

"What were you doing just now?" another person asked.

"I didn't do anything, I just saw an interesting person."

"What do you want to do?" Another person asked again, thinking of her nature and feeling that she didn't simply find people interesting.

"I just felt that the person just now had a sweet smell that attracted me. I wanted to..." As he spoke, the tip of his tongue unconsciously licked his lips, as if he was reminiscing about something, "Eat him."

"As long as you are obedient and don't come out casually, I will find an opportunity to make your wish come true." Another person coaxed.

"Then you have to hurry up." His tone was a little happy and a little impatient.

"Don't worry, you've already put Chaihunsan on him, he can't run away." The other person felt a little disgusted when he saw her being so impatient, but he still said patiently.

It's just eating one person. If she is allowed to come out frequently, I am afraid that she will always occupy the dominant position and be fused with her.

(End of this chapter)

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