Chapter 287 The Li Family

It was not until four months later that Li Yaozhi finally ended his exorcism at Alchemy Peak.

She first reported to the head, and then went to Yunzhong. She learned from him that all the spiritual honey powder had been sold out, and some people had reserved a lot. She was very happy, and went to the space to search for some spiritual honey. Qingque Street bought the necessary spiritual herbs and refined a bunch of medicinal powder, then filled the gap and earned 10,000+ spiritual stones.

Finally, she did the math and subtracted the spiritual stones she got from selling spiritual honey powder from the spiritual stones she consumed when she advanced in the Northland, and came up with an astronomical figure!
[Note: When she was forming elixirs in the North, the spiritual energy in the north was too poor to support her in forming elixirs. It was Yunzhong who took out a large sum of spiritual stones to help her form elixirs. She had to pay them back no matter what.]

Suddenly she felt that there was darkness ahead. She had not finished this account in the past 20 years!
Hey, it seems that we have to find a way to earn spiritual stones. Otherwise, how long will it take to pay off the debt just by relying on the things in her hand?

I checked the formation of the Bamboo House and found no problems.

She entered the space to search for the products inside, including spiritual wine, spiritual herbs, spiritual medicines, spiritual flowers, seafood, aquatic products, and pearls.
The spiritual herbs and elixirs were refined into elixirs, and some were kept for personal use, while the rest were sold to Huatianfang City.

She keeps a few bottles of the spirit wine as gifts, and sells the rest in bulk within the sect. There is no middleman to make the difference, so she can ask for a higher price. She can even raise the price because of the high quality. After all, good things often have a price but no market. .

Other items are sold directly to Huatianfang City.

After such operations, she got a large number of spiritual stones, leaving 5 spiritual stones for daily use, and all other spiritual stones were sent to Senior Brother Yun.

Seeing the amount on the bill getting smaller and smaller, she felt more at ease.

At night, she was lying on the recliner, blowing the breeze and enjoying the moon. The beasts were not around, and it was very quiet here. She could only hear the chirping of a few summer insects and the sound of bamboo leaves being blown by the wind.

As soon as this person calmed down, she could not help but think of the past. She sat up suddenly and said:
“I seem to have forgotten to go to Li’s house to test the children’s spiritual roots.

But you can’t blame me. The world of immortality has been very turbulent in recent years, and I am also very busy.Even Taiyi Sect didn’t send anyone to the mortal world to recruit disciples, but now that the war between immortals and demons is over, several major sects will definitely go to the mortal world to recruit a large number of disciples to make up for the number of disciples who died in the war, otherwise , the sect's strength will definitely decline, its ranking will fall behind, and its right to speak will disappear.

As a result, the sect's threshold for recruiting disciples will definitely be lowered this time. Even those who are a little older should be fine, and those with lower qualifications can barely pass. "

Thinking of this, she breathed a sigh of relief. The children of the Li family should be able to catch up with Taiyi Sect's spiritual detection skills.

Early the next morning, she went to the Deacon Hall to find Uncle Liu and asked him who was responsible for recruiting disciples in the mortal world.

Uncle Liu: "There are quite a lot of disciples that need to be recruited this time. Several major peaks are rushing to go. Let me show you who is responsible." He turned over the jade slip, "I found it, Danfeng Wang Chaohui, Yu Beast Peak Wei Yaochuan, Wanren Peak Jiang Zixiu, Fu Feng Zhang Wanyan, Fa Peak water green and blue, Formation Peak Shi Taiqing."

These six main peaks did suffer a lot in the war, no wonder they were so active!
These people were all those who participated in the competition back then. Unexpectedly, after so many years, they have grown into big figures who can stand alone!

Since we have met each other before and we are acquaintances, it will be easy to talk!
She took out a map of Cangyuan Continent and showed him the location of the Li family, "Uncle Liu, which monk is in charge of this place?"

"It's Danfeng Wang Chaohui. He is currently in the middle stage of foundation building."

"Then when will they go to the mortal world? There are relatives of my blood here. I have something to ask of Junior Nephew Wang."

"Then come back in three days. They all set off at this time."

"Thank you, Uncle Liu."

 There was a power outage all day and night yesterday, but the call finally came today. The promised double update on Sunday will be made up today!
(End of this chapter)

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