Chapter 298 Mutated Sea of ​​Consciousness

Smuggling through the flames went smoothly, but at her rate, people would soon find out there was something wrong here.

The flames disappeared too quickly!

She immediately stopped smuggling into the flames. There was no rush. Wait a moment.
Turn around and lean against the big stone, with your body in a meditation posture
The flames enter the tendons and are refined into spiritual power and stored in the Dantian. At the same time, the spiritual power in the Dantian is continuously exported from the body to form a layer of protective scales to replace the scales burned by external flames.

She persisted in this cultivation method for a long time, and the spiritual power she refined and the spiritual power she output gradually reached a balance.
Suddenly, I entered a state of ignorance and unconsciousness, and my cultivation relied solely on the body's instincts.

The balance was suddenly broken. She could refine more spiritual power, so much that her Dantian could not contain it, and her golden elixir became chubby.

The extra spiritual energy was squeezed out of the Dantian, followed by the spiritual energy being exported from the body to the outside, and wrapped tightly around her body.

As more and more spiritual power wrapped around her, she turned into a bright red fruit.

The core is Li Yaozhi, and the pulp is the layers of spiritual power in her body.

Her appearance can be clearly seen through the pulp.

The red fruit floating in the flames fell downward without the control of its owner.
Ah Feng had already noticed Li Yaozhi's strangeness and had been watching over him.

Seeing this scene, his small body immediately ran under Hong Guozi, his body suddenly became larger, and he hugged Hong Guozi tightly in his arms.

He originally wanted to swim upstream holding the red fruit, but for some reason, there was always a downward suction force against him. The target of this suction force was the red fruit in his arms.

He knew that Li Yaozhi's current situation was very unusual, as if he was having an epiphany! !

He didn't dare to wake Li Yaozhi, nor did he dare to ask others to help.

The red fruit fell with him, and Ah Feng calmed down and thought about what to do.

The flames below are more flexible, some are swimming forward, and some are beating upward.
The temperature of the flame seems to be higher, and the color has changed, becoming darker.

Half of it is ice and snow, and half of it is a river of fire.

Yes, Li Yaozhi came to this place again. She didn't know where it was, but she was able to come in twice.

She stood between the two visions not knowing what to do.

"How should I get out?" she asked to herself in distress.

"Where is this place?" She asked tentatively, not knowing whether she was asking herself or hoping someone would appear to answer her question.

"I'm clearly in the Lake of Fire, and I shouldn't be here. There can't be a teleportation circle in the lake. If there was, it would have been discovered by Guiyi Sect long ago. It's also impossible for my soul to leave the body, so there's only one possibility. What’s trapped here is actually my consciousness.”

She suddenly remembered that she had read in a book that there are two very important places in a monk, one is the Dantian and the other is the sea of ​​consciousness. According to legend, there are monks who are gifted, and changes will occur in the sea of ​​consciousness. What specific changes will occur? , closely related to the exercises practiced by monks and the spiritual roots in the body.

My consciousness cannot be in Dantian, so this is actually my sea of ​​consciousness? ?

However, my sea of ​​consciousness is obviously not like this! !
Could it be that something has mutated? ?
Li Yaozhi was puzzled and couldn't figure out the reason.

"If this is the Sea of ​​Consciousness, then where is my Divine Cloud Mirror?"

She looked left and right but couldn't find the Divine Cloud Mirror that should be in the sea of ​​consciousness. With a movement of her mind, she sensed the location of the Divine Cloud Mirror. Was the Divine Cloud Mirror in front? !

She raised her feet and ran towards the land of ice and snow
After running for a long time, she was panting tiredly, but the scenery around her remained unchanged. Looking back, she could see nothing but white snow and the fiery red of the Fire Realm.

"How big is this place! I've walked so far and I haven't even gotten out yet!" she complained endlessly.

There was nothing she could do, just complain, she had to keep moving forward after resting for a while.There was no night here, only daytime. She climbed over the snowy mountains with her feet. It felt like she had walked for several days. Her legs were tired and aching, and she felt like they were no longer her own.

She frowned and muttered: "I'm obviously just conscious, how come it feels so real? Reality is weird!"

She stopped. The snow-capped mountain in front of her was a bit strange. There was a cave!
The cave was bright, and she sensed that Shen Yunjing was inside.

She was a little excited, finally found it, and went in with her feet.

I don't know
As soon as she entered, she saw a bright space, which looked like her original sea of ​​consciousness.

"Then where was the place I stayed just now?"

As soon as she asked the question, she suddenly realized that she had returned to her soul and turned into a big white ball. The white ball was glowing white and looked a little furry.

"My soul seems to have grown up a little bit. I haven't done much during this time! How can my soul grow up?"

She thought of the ghost cultivation technique she practiced. Now her soul is the soul. As she practices the technique, the soul will become more solid, and the soul will become bigger!

This must be it, she thought.

The white ball flew to the hole and looked outside. Not surprisingly, he saw a patch of snow.

Li Yaozhi:
"Could it be that my soul was split? That's why I'm like this now?" She found this very unbelievable.

Bai Qiu turned in circles in the air anxiously, as if this would speed up her thinking.

In the end, she couldn't think of anything anymore, so she simply broke the jar and sighed softly, "Anyway, I don't feel any discomfort now. Maybe this is my talent. Maybe I will discover it in the future." As for the magical place, I’d better go out now, I’m still practicing in the Lake of Fire, don’t let anything happen again!”

When her consciousness returned, she opened her eyes and saw that she was tightly wrapped in a ball of spiritual power, like a jelly, and this jelly was being held in Ah Feng's arms.

"A Yao, you're awake." A Feng's surprised voice came from above.

The situation in front of her made Li Yaozhi full of questions, "A Feng, what is going on?"

"Ayao, look down!"

Li Yaozhi looked down and saw a wisp of crimson flame floating below, only an arm's length away from her.

The flame is neither big nor small, and the shape is like a lotus bud.

Seeing Li Yaozhi looking at it, the fire flew towards her enthusiastically.

Ah Feng hurriedly took Li Yao and retreated.

"A Feng, what is this?" Her face was full of questions.

Is this fire becoming a spirit?He even has his own ideas!
"This is the Hell Ghost Lotus, and it is also a Hell Ghost Lotus that is about to mature." Ah Feng explained.

Hearing what Ah Feng said, Li Yaozhi looked at the flames with eager eyes, "So, this is a treasure!"

"Yes, Ayao can give it a try and see if she can conquer it."

"Okay, let me give it a try." Li Yaozhi said slowly and confidently.

(End of this chapter)

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