Chapter 301

Li Yaozhi was very happy and thought: I have an ordinary sea of ​​consciousness and an altered sea of ​​consciousness, not bad!If I encounter someone who wants to seize her body again in the future, I will bring her into the mutated sea of ​​consciousness and let her taste the power of ice and fire!
She looked at the jagged remains of the book and decided to let it go and not tear out the last page.

Anyway, the mutation in her sea of ​​consciousness is different from that of the Hongmeng body. No one else but herself will know about it, and there is no way to detect it!
After making up her mind, she pretended to be normal and put the book back in its place, looked at the other books and then went out with a disappointed look on her face.

Seeing her coming out, Guan Shoudao stood up respectfully and said, "Uncle, walk slowly!"

"Well, I'm leaving, you can continue practicing!" She replied casually.

At this time, Li Yaozhi once again felt the benefits of high cultivation. She remembered that when Senior Brother Zhao was here, her cultivation was still low, and she had to say hello to him when she entered and left the house. Looking at herself now, it feels good to think about it!

Feeling very happy, Li Yaozhi left the courtyard of the Library Pavilion and saw some ordinary children going to the Lingshan Hall on the way back.

This should be the new disciple this year!
She remembered that she had asked Wang Zhaohui to go to Li's house, but she didn't know if he had come back yet.

Let’s ask Li Yi and Li Shi first!

She picked up the jade identity card and sent a message to Li Yi, asking him if any of the new disciples this year were from the Li family?

Soon the other party sent a message: Auntie, during this spiritual root test, only one person in our family has spiritual roots. He is the 10-year-old younger brother Li Jiu. Everything has been settled. He is now learning to introduce Qi into the body.

After reading the news, Li Yaozhi sent some words of concern to Li Yi and promised to visit them in two days.

As soon as she sent it, she received a word of thanks from Li Yi. Li Yaozhi could see the other party's expectations from these words, and she couldn't help but smile happily.

It’s not a bad feeling to be an elder for the first time in two lives!
Li Yaozhi thought for a moment and flipped through the messages in the jade slip. Sure enough, she found a message sent to her by Wang Chaohui. This message was mixed in between two sect announcements, and she ignored it.

It read: Uncle Li, the matter you have entrusted to me has been completed. One of your family members has been found to have spiritual roots. His name is Li Jiu, and he has four spiritual roots. He lives in Zichen Peak. In addition, your family asked me to give it to Master. My uncle brought a letter. When I came back, I saw that you never replied, so I gave the letter to Li Yi.

She replied to Wang Zhaohui: Thank you, Master Nephew Wang, for taking the trouble. I already know the matter.

Wang Zhaohui immediately replied to her: Uncle Li, you are so polite. I would like to ask if Uncle Li still has the wine you gave me?I want to buy it!
Seeing the word "buy", Li Yaozhi perked up and replied: Yes, how many bottles do you want?

Wang Zhaohui was excited. Could it be that Uncle Li still had a lot of spiritual wine in his hand?
He asked: How many bottles does Uncle Master have in his hand?

Li Yaozhi thought about leaving 2 bottles for herself, so there were still 2 bottles left. She immediately reported the number to the other party: two bottles.

Wang Zhaohui said he wanted both bottles and would buy them now.

Li Yaozhi looked around and replied: I am not far from Danfeng now. I can go there. Let's trade at Danfeng Ningdan Pavilion!

Wang Zhaohui naturally agreed happily.

When Li Yaozhi arrived at Ningdan Pavilion, Wang Chaohui was already there.

Wang Chaohui smiled and said, "Uncle Li!"

"Master Nephew Wang, sit down. Let me show you the spirit wine first." As he said that, two white jade gourds appeared on the table.

She sells a lot of spiritual wine, so she knows it well and understands that there is more than one advantage to a well-packaged product.

As soon as her two bottles of spiritual wine appeared, Wang Chaohui's eyes lit up: "Packed in such a good jade bottle, it must be better than the spiritual wine that my uncle gave me!"
"You can open it and check it out," Li Yao said.

When the jade bottle was opened, a pleasant aroma of wine came. It tasted sweet, with the taste of Qingmai fruit and Yunling fruit.

Wang Zhaohui immediately tightened the cork on the bottle, fearing that it would spoil the wine.

"Uncle Li, there's no problem with the wine. I want both bottles of wine. Please tell me the price."

Li Yaozhi held out four fingers: "Forty thousand low-grade spirit stones. These are the best two bottles of spirit wine I have left for myself. You can see how good they are. It's a bargain at this price!" Wang Zhaohui: " .I'll buy."

He didn't have any extra storage bags, so he put the spirit stones on the table and piled them in a small pile.

Li Yaozhi only glanced at it and put it into his storage bag.

At the same time, Wang Zhaohui put away the spirit wine.

Li Yaozhi didn't want to let Wang Chaohui go like this, thinking that the few packets of medicinal powder she refined later would be sold to him, so she opened her mouth and said: "Master Nephew Wang, I have two packets of medicinal powder here that are specially designed to deal with evil monks. Do you want it?" Get two packs."

Seeing Wang Zhaohui's interest, Li Yaozhi explained the efficacy, usage, and price of the medicinal powder. Wang Zhaohui was also very cooperative. He was tricked into buying a bunch of them. He also wanted to reserve a few bottles of the next batch of spiritual wine with her, and she agreed immediately. .

Both of them were very satisfied with this transaction and went back happily.

Back at the bamboo house, Li Yaozhi refined another batch of medicinal powder and scraped three bottles of new spiritual honey, thinking that he would sell it to a suitable customer next time he met him.

I checked the newly brewed spirit wine and found that it was all fermenting normally.

Nowadays, her brewing skills are getting better and better. She can complete the brewing process by herself without the help of Ah Feng and others, and not a single barrel of the brewed wine is bad.

After relaxing for a long time, Li Yaozhi sent a message to Li Yi, packed some food, and then took a tapestry to Zichen Peak.

It turned out to be Li Yi’s small courtyard.

Three men in the courtyard sat at the stone table facing the courtyard door.

Although the three of them are older and younger, it can still be seen that they have many similarities in their facial features, and they must be brothers.

The two men on the left and right were dressed in white. They were tall and straight, with a high nose and a pair of eyes slightly longer than almond eyes. They were all men with a relatively heroic appearance.

Li Yaozhi: These two children looked different when they were young, but now they look more and more alike!

Looking at the young man in the middle with red lips and white teeth, he looks particularly thin against the backdrop of the two of them.

Li Yaozhi pushed the door open and went in with a genuine smile, "You are waiting for me specifically!"

"Auntie!" The three of them stood up and saluted.

She waved her hand, asked them to sit down, and took out two plates of spiritual fruits, "These are first-class blue berries. You must have never eaten them. Please give them a try."

As she said this, she also picked one. Since the fruit had grown, she had not had time to eat one. She only picked this one after hearing Ah Feng say it was delicious.

“Mmmm delicious”

"good to eat."

The three of them all praised it, and Li Yaozhi also liked it very much. The fruit had a strong aroma, a sweet taste with a bit of sourness, and a lot of juice. It was more delicious than any fruit she had eaten in modern times.

After eating a spiritual fruit, she drew water to cleanse her hands. A small breeze blew by, and the water on her hands had disappeared.

Li Yi bit the second spiritual fruit and took out a letter and handed it to Li Yaozhi: "Auntie, there is a letter here, please read it."

"Yeah." She took it with one hand.

There are four words written on the envelope: Third sister personally expresses it.

(End of this chapter)

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