Chapter 303
"Ah Jiu, are you waiting for me?" The next day, Li Yao went to Qingque Street early to buy elixirs for Li Jiu. When he arrived at his small courtyard, he saw him sitting in the courtyard.

"Auntie." Li Jiu stood up and held the ceremony, smiling shyly, "I practiced all night and still couldn't find the method, so I went to sit in the courtyard."

"Let me take a look!" Li Yao stepped forward and lifted his chin. When she saw the dark circles under his eyes, which looked like a giant panda, she burst into laughter!
"Are you sleepy? Why don't you go take a nap first and then I'll cleanse you of your essence when you wake up?"

When Li Jiu heard this, the frustration on his face disappeared instantly, and he said excitedly: "I'm not sleepy, aunt, I can, let's start now!"

Seeing that he really didn't feel sleepy, Li Yaozhi said, "Okay then!" He led him towards the house, "Do you have a bathtub in your house? You'll need it later."

"Some aunts, eldest and fourth brothers gave me their broken bathtubs."

That's good, then you don't have to use her, otherwise she would still have to clean the tub!
"I'm going to give you the Marrow Cleansing Pill for a while. It will definitely hurt a little bit. You have to endure it, little man!" Li Yaozhi joked.

"It's okay, aunt, I can bear it!" Li Jiu clenched his fists with a determined look on his face.

"Okay, remember what you said."

Li Yaozhi used magic to fill the two bathtubs in the house with hot water and handed him two jade bottles. "The white bottle contains the marrow-cleansing pill, and the green bottle contains the dust-cleansing pill. You can eat it in the bathtub first." Marrow Pill, wait until its potency has passed before taking Dust Cleansing Pill."

"Yeah." Li Jiu nodded heavily.

"I'll be waiting for you outside the house, don't be afraid, call me if you need anything!"

Li Yaozhi took out a large jade gourd, which contained the elixir she had prepared. She uncorked the bottle and poured it all into the tub. In an instant, the water in the entire tub turned dark green.

She explained: "This potion is good for your muscles, blood and flesh, and can reduce your pain. Okay, you go in quickly!"

Li Jiu climbed into the tub without any hesitation and swallowed the elixir.Thinking about how painful it was when she was being tortured, she decided to save some face for the children and not stay here.

She went out immediately. As soon as she closed the door, she heard Ah Jiu's painful cry. Her expression remained unchanged, and she immediately threw out a set of formations to cover the entire yard. After that, others could no longer see or hear what happened here. Not here.

Her consciousness was always paying attention to Ah Jiu in the room, and she would rush in to save him as soon as something was wrong with him.

Li Yaozhi felt relieved when he heard Ah Jiu's cry of "Ouch, Ouch, Ouch" in extreme pain.

If he still has the strength and energy to scream, that means he's fine. If he doesn't say a word, something is really wrong!

Li Yaozhi was sitting calmly in the yard, and he still had the time to make himself a pot of spirit flower tea.

Yueyue picked the spiritual flowers in the space and learned how to bake them from the jade slips. Unexpectedly, Yueyue was very talented and succeeded in making it the first time with this small bamboo tube in her hand.

She was short of money, so she asked Yueyue to lead the other three to pick all the spiritual flowers in the space and make them into spiritual flower tea for storage. When the next batch of spiritual wine comes out, she can exchange them for spiritual stones, and she will definitely make another fortune!
In this way, Li Jiu cried bitterly in the house, while Li Yaozhi, the unscrupulous aunt, drank tea, ate spiritual fruits, and read books outside. After Li Yaozhi read three books, the house finally calmed down. She saw Li Jiu was lying in another clean tub as if he was about to fall asleep.
She closed her eyes and made a gesture with her hands, and a small wind blew in the hut.

The wind was very smart. It lifted Li Jiu from the bathtub and placed him on the bed. The thin quilt on the side automatically covered him.

Li Yaozhi opened his eyes and spit out the core, "Done!"

She recognized Li Jiu in her heart. This child was tolerant and perseverant. Even if his spiritual power was a little weak, it couldn't stop him from moving forward.

(End of this chapter)

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