Chapter 327

Sure enough, she was not disappointed!
Taking off the lid of the box, there are three miniature saplings with fiery red bodies inside.

It doesn't look like the real thing, but looks like three exquisite tree-shaped toys.

The heat wave is rolling, the water vapor in the air is quickly evaporated, and the space becomes rapidly dry.

The water spirit beads hanging on the boy's waist rippled with water, helping him resist the scalding heat.

Li Yaozhi has two spiritual roots of ice and fire, so he is not affected at all.

"Senior, please see, these three are the Fire Nether Fruit Fruit Tree, the Red Flame Immortal Fruit Fruit Tree and the Fire Ling Fruit Tree Vine. The first two are level 6 spiritual fruit trees, and the third one is the level 8 spiritual fruit tree vine."

Seeing that Li Yaozhi was silent, the waiter smiled again and said: "The fruits of these three kinds of fruit trees can not only provide monks with a large amount of fire spiritual power, but also have the effect of purifying spiritual power. Just talking about purifying spiritual power is incredible. You You also know that purifying spiritual power is equivalent to strengthening a monk's magic power. In a battle between monks of the same level, as long as you are a little stronger than the other party, you will definitely win, don't you think?"

Li Yaozhi: It seems that these three spiritual fruits have no other special effects besides replenishing fire spiritual power!Also, if it had a special function, it wouldn't be her turn to buy it, but that's exactly what she wanted.

The fruit produced by this spiritual fruit tree is best eaten before advancing.

"How much do they cost?"

The clerk who was originally worried about whether she would buy it said hurriedly: "The Huomingguo fruit tree costs 60 low-grade spiritual stones, the Red Flame fairy fruit tree costs 66 low-grade spiritual stones, and the Fire Ling fruit tree vine costs 90 low-grade spiritual stones."

Li Yaozhi made a small calculation in his mind. There were 216 million low-grade spiritual stones in total. Any one of them could be sold for more than 80 low-grade spiritual stones in the Eastern Region. It was a huge profit!

"It's not easy to sell your spirit fruit leaves. Most people don't have level 6 or 8 spirit fields. I bought this as a gift for a friend. You can make it cheaper for me!"

Guy: "...I, I can't make the decision on this. I'll ask the shopkeeper for you."

Li Yao was delighted: There is a way!

Her face was very calm, and she slowly picked up the teacup and drank tea, "Okay, go ahead!"

Soon the guy came back and said, "The shopkeeper said this is already the lowest price and it can't get any cheaper!"

Li Yaozhi hesitated for a moment, then reluctantly said: "Okay, let me test things first." The clerk was so happy that he grinned and said: "Please!"

As soon as the Huoling fruit tree vine left the box, it became as tall as her. Its fiery red and crystal clear leaves were as beautiful as handicrafts.

"This tree vine is a hundred years old. As long as it is planted in a spiritual field of level 8 or above with sufficient spiritual energy, it can easily survive and bloom in the second year." The clerk explained.

"After flowering, how many years will it take for the fruit to mature?"

"It matures every eight years."

Li Yaozhi put the fruit vine into the jade box, and the fruit vine became the size of a palm again, "Well, seal it again!"


The clerk closed the lid and affixed the talisman.

Li Yaozhi also placed a bulging black storage bag on the table.

After the clerk finished counting, she put the jade box into the space, told Ah Feng, who was licking his lips, to plant it next to the fire pool, and then left the shop.

She spent a lot of spirit stones today and it was getting late. She planned to find an inn to stay in first.

But as soon as she left the shop, she felt someone was following her!

I think I missed some money today.

Even if this person's cultivation level is not low, it is expected that he would not dare to do anything directly in the market, so it is not a cause for concern.

She found a larger inn on the street behind her as originally planned and booked a room to stay.

(End of this chapter)

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