Chapter 338

For a moment, various spells flew towards the giant eagle in mid-air.

Fireballs, vines, rockets, wooden cones, water balls, earth thorns.
Along with the cry of eagles, a black drizzle fell from the sky.

There was also the smell of burnt meat and feathers.

The giant cow below had a full meal, burped, glanced at them, and then lay down in the swamp and fell asleep without any interest.

This scene made everyone look in disbelief.

"This giant bull won't attack us anymore!?" Wu Sheng shouted happily.

As a result, Zhang Cai slapped him on the forehead: "What are you yelling for? What if you wake it up?"

At this time, Li Yaozhi discovered that the two seniors were missing: "Where are the two seniors?"

"Hey, are they really missing?" Wu Sheng asked doubtfully.

The three of them looked at Chang An.

Chang An then said: "The two seniors only told me to go ahead and explore the way first. As for the rest, I don't know."

"Aren't they the ones you called to protect us?" Zhang Cai asked tentatively with a keen eye.

Chang An's face remained as usual: "Senior, you are here to explore the way ahead to protect us!"

"I hope so!" Zhang Cai said deliberately.

"Brother Zhang, what do you mean by this?"

"It's not interesting, isn't it? Chang Diqi is just overthinking. You'd better take a quick look at the map and see which way we're going to go next!"

Chang An glanced at Zhang Cai, and the moment he lowered his head, a sharp light flashed in his eyes.

He unfolded the map, looked at it for a while, and then said, "Go left. There should be a blood vine forest in front of you."

"Let's go!" Li Yao said.

If the imperial weapon was flying, he was afraid that he would encounter the black hawk again, so he walked over.

But how can the immortal cultivators walk step by step like ordinary people? They use body skills or footwork to walk through the forest like ghosts.

Soon, everyone arrived at the boundary of the Blood Vine Forest.

Before they even entered the forest, they discovered that the blood vine was alive.

They saw with their own eyes a little bird flying over the blood vine forest. As soon as it flew into the Teng Lin, they saw a blood vine flying into the sky, instantly rolling up the bird and severing all the bones and internal organs of the bird. Instant death.

Wu Sheng seemed to be frightened. He whispered: "If we fly a little higher than that bird, can we get over it?"

"We can try!" Li Yao said.

"How to try?"

She took out a paper bird and activated it with magic power. The paper bird became the size of a person and placed a monster corpse inside.

In order to make the blood vine more interested in it, she deliberately used her spiritual power to break open the flesh of the beast's corpse and let the red blood flow down.

She controlled the paper bird to fly up into the sky, and then flew towards the blood vine forest.

The paper bird flew all the way, and the blood vines below seemed to be activated. The vines stretched out their claws and flew into the air, but the paper bird flew so high that they could not touch it at all.

The paper bird flew farther and farther into the depths of the blood vine forest
Just when everyone was happy, a blood vine suddenly sprang out from the forest. It was thicker than the three pillars of Taiyi Palace put together. The blood vine instantly rolled up the paper bird and pulled it into the vine forest.

Wu Sheng was so shocked that he stammered: "How are we going to get over here?"

"Since we can't cross the jungle, we can't go to heaven either, so we can only go to the earth." Li Yao said.

"Then try it first?!" Wu Sheng said cautiously.

"Okay!" Li Yao said.She took out an earth escape talisman and tied it to the corpse of a monster beast, and then tied the corpse with a thin spiritual power rope.

The moment the earth escape talisman was activated with spiritual power, the corpse of the monster disappeared.

His spiritual consciousness followed the spiritual power rope to the underground of the blood vine forest. The place was densely covered with tree roots, but these tree roots did not attack the beast corpse.

She took the beast corpse back and said, "Okay, the roots of the blood vine will not attack living creatures, but just in case, we should hide deeper."

Perhaps Wu Sheng had been rescued by Li Yaozhi several times, and now he was almost obedient to her words.

"Okay, Brother Wu, I will listen to you, but I only have 10 low-grade Earth Escape Talismans. The forest is so big, what should I do if I don't have enough?"

Li Yaozhi counted and found that he didn't seem to have many earth escape talismans left.

"what about you?"

"We don't have many Earth Escape Talismans!" Zhang Cai and Chang An said.
Li Yaozhi secretly rejoiced, she didn't expect that there was still business to be done here!
She took out a jade slip dedicated to explaining the drawing of talismans, a small table, and special pen, ink, paper and inkstone for drawing talisman.

Lay out the talisman paper and mix the animal blood.

Before they could ask her, she took the initiative and said: "I can draw talismans, but I haven't learned the Earth Escape Talisman yet. Just wait for me for a while. When I learn it, I can draw it and sell it to you!"

As she spoke, she calmed down and began to try painting.

The other three: "."

After this experience, Wu Sheng believed in Li Yaozhi's ability very much. He put a futon on the ground and sat down on the spot.

"Now I can finally take a break. Brother Wu, take your time and don't be in a hurry. I believe you can do it."

Helpless, when the other two people saw this, they also imitated Wu Sheng's example, placed a futon on the ground, and meditated intently.

I don't know how long it took, but it was almost dark. Li Yaozhi was surrounded by discarded talisman papers on the floor, and a pile of drawn talisman papers were already placed on the table.

Finally the talisman paper ran out.

With a relaxed look on her face, she first put away a dozen Earth-Escape Talismans, and then placed the remaining Earth-Escape Talismans in four storage bags.

Put away other things, including the discarded talismans on the ground.

Wu Sheng, who couldn't wait any longer, put away his futon and rushed over: "Brother Wu, how do you sell this talisman? Do you think you can make it cheaper for me?"

Li Yaozhi looked at the three of them and said: "These three storage bags each contain 3 high-grade earth escape talismans. The two brothers are willing to give me 30 low-grade spiritual stones for each one."

She turned her head slightly and looked at Chang An: "As for Brother Chang, after all, we have come all the way, and we have a life-long friendship. I will give you 10 low-grade spiritual stones."

"Brother Wu, can it be cheaper?" Wu Sheng said unwillingly.

"No, Brother Wu, you have to know that a middle-grade Earth Escape Talisman costs 6 low-grade spiritual stones. If I sell you 7 low-grade spiritual stones, I won't make any money anymore." Li Yao had a bitter look on his face.

"You saw just now, how much talisman paper, animal blood, pills, spiritual power and spiritual consciousness I spent to draw these talismans. It's not easy for me to earn spiritual stones!"

Wu Sheng smiled and said: "It's my fault, just pay according to the price mentioned by Brother Wu."

Zhang Cai and Chang An each took out a bag of spiritual stones and put them in her hands.

Li Yaozhi handed over the talisman: "You can inspect the goods first!"

"No, I believe you!" the two said.

Wu Sheng quickly took out a bag of spiritual stones and replaced them with talismans, fearing that they would be gone if it was too late.

"Okay, now everyone has enough escape talismans, let's start crossing the blood vine forest!" Li Yao said.

The four of them took out the Earth Escape Talisman and were about to take action when they saw two seniors suddenly appearing in front of them.

(End of this chapter)

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