Chapter 341

While they were talking, the wolf spider had already dug into their position.

The expressions of the three of them did not change. They just pressed the talismans in their hands, and they changed positions in an instant.

Li Yaozhi looked at the tree next to him with a surprised look on his face.

Is this tarantula stupid because it was kept in captivity on this island?He actually digs it with his claws, so what are the spiritual powers and spider silk used for?
And why didn't those three idiots just use the Earth Escape Talisman to escape?Still playing games with tarantulas here!
The amazing thing is that both parties still have a lot of fun! ! !
This is really a weird thing that happens every year, especially this year!
Let me save these poor wronged people!

A flash of cold light flashed, and the Black Ice Sword flew out of the scabbard, flying toward the Wolf Spider with a cold air. Every place where the sword flew was surrounded by a layer of ice.


A few rays of cold light flashed, and only the six wolf spider corpses were left on the ground, and the corpses had been frozen!
She calmly took out the storage bag and put the body in it!

Ever since she reached the middle stage of Golden Core, she was sometimes shocked by her own strength!
Compared with the past, it is simply not what it used to be!
With a wave of his hand, the frozen objects around him returned to their original state.

She stood by the huge pit dug by six wolf spiders and rushed inside: "Come out, they are already dead!"

After the three people came out, they looked at her with shock on her face, especially Wu Sheng.

"Brother Wu, you are so awesome!"

Li Yaozhi explained: "I used up all my spiritual power when I fired that move. From now on, I have to rely on you!"

"Brother Wu, don't worry, I will protect you!" Wu Sheng said.

Li Yaozhi waved his hand feebly: "Let's leave quickly! It would be bad if other tarantulas come again."

"Okay, let's leave quickly. Fortunately, wolf spiders usually live alone, otherwise we would be really doomed!" Zhang Cai said.

The 4 people set off again.Chang An and the other three had their own thoughts, and the journey was quiet until they met the two seniors Zhao Zhou again.

"You guys caught up so quickly, that's good! The Immortal Mansion is ahead of you, let's go quickly!"

Chang An and the other three did not speak, but just followed the two seniors, with Li Yaozhi walking at the end.

Soon, they arrived at the place marked on the map.

It's just that this place is no different from other places. There are big trees everywhere, and there's not even a shadow of the Immortal Mansion.

Chang An turned the map over and over, but couldn't find any clues, and his expression suddenly turned uglier.

Wu Sheng lazily chewed a leaf: "Can you find it? If not, let's go back home!"

Zhang Cai snatched the drawing and turned around to find the location of the Immortal Mansion marked on the map, but in the end he found that it was still the location where they were standing now.

That week, after senior Zhou admired the two people's changes of expression, he took out a piece of animal skin from his arms as if in a playful manner.

The animal skin was obviously twice the size of the map in Zhang Cai's hand, and there were densely written words underneath the map.

Senior Zhou said: "There is a formation here, so we can't see where the Immortal Mansion is! Below, you follow my command, we will destroy the formation as soon as possible."

Several people agreed, and following the instructions of Senior Zhou, they cut down a few big trees and planted the formation flags he gave them in several places.

Senior Zhou's spiritual power circulated between his hands, he made several very complicated gestures, and shouted "Broken!"

The surrounding scenery instantly collapsed and was replaced by a black mountain with rugged rocks.

(End of this chapter)

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