Chapter 349

You Zongze was seriously injured, and now he could only fight with two men in black, and soon fell into a disadvantage!

Li Yaozhi used the "Flash Illusion True Technique" to transform into three fake bodies holding swords and rushed into the room with the real body, slashing at the two men in black in the room with one sword.

At the same time, the fake body and the real body moved rapidly in the room, and the attacks of the man in black failed.

She grabbed You Zongze and rushed out!
The men in black inside and outside the room all attacked them. A ball of flame appeared in Li Yaozhi's hand. The flame seemed to have spirituality. It flew out of her hand, flew around the man in black, and then flew back to her hand obediently. .

The man in black ignited a blazing flame. They didn't pay much attention to it, but they didn't expect that the fire couldn't be extinguished!

Even this room was inevitably on fire!

The men in black were so panicked now that they screamed in agony!

"What fire is this, ah, my hand, my hand"

"My face, I can't see it, ah"

Seeing this, Li Yaozhi pulled up the long bow in his hand, and several flaming arrows flew accurately towards the man in black.

The man in black, whose whole body was lit with flames, roared and rushed towards her, just in time to hit the arrow. This time, the flames on their bodies became more fierce.

After several "bang bang bang" sounds, the men in black fell to the ground one after another.

In order to eliminate the root cause, she pulled up a few more arrows and shot at the man in black.

After confirming that all the men in black were dead, she helped You Zongze and walked out the door. As soon as she threw out the flying magic weapon and was about to fly away, she saw the innkeeper approaching with a smile!

"My little friend, you ruined the best guest room in my place, Chenghui 1 low-grade spiritual stones!"

Li Yaozhi's flesh ached, and she took out a storage bag. The storage bag flew from her hand to the shopkeeper!

Then she waved her hand and the fire in the room was extinguished. She stepped forward to salute and said respectfully: "Senior, I accidentally damaged your guest room. These spiritual stones are my apology to you. Please forgive me! The shopkeeper weighed the storage bag and said with a smile: "Easy to say, easy to say, you can go!" After that, he disappeared without a trace.

Upon seeing this, Li Yaozhi immediately jumped on the shuttle with You Zongze and flew eastward!

On the shuttle, she saw You Zongze clutching his chest, his face turning pale, and asked with concern: "You Daoist friend, are you okay?"

You Zongze waved his hands with difficulty, tried hard to put himself into a meditating posture, and said weakly: "I'm fine, I'll be fine after meditating for a while!"

Li Yaozhi took out a bottle of elixir and put it in his hand: "This is a bottle of the best recovery elixir. You can take it to heal your wounds!"

You Zongze held the elixir bottle with one hand and his eyes were full of smiles: "Thank you, Fellow Daoist Li! It just so happens that I don't have any healing elixirs on me."

Li Yaozhi smiled and said, "Just tell me if you need any elixirs. I am an alchemist now, and there are plenty of elixirs."

You Zongze uncorked the bottle and poured out an elixir. The golden elixir pattern on it shone faintly in the night. He put the elixir into his mouth without hesitation and swallowed it. The elixir turned into green light in his abdomen. , treating shattered organs and broken ribs.

Feeling that the pain in his body was reduced, he smiled and said: "Among the same-grade elixirs, this top-quality recovery elixir from Fellow Daoist Li is much more effective than the one I used before. I will look to you to buy elixirs from now on!"

When someone buys elixirs, Li Yaozhi naturally welcomes them: "Okay, fellow Taoist You, if you buy my elixirs, I will definitely give you a good price."

The two people who were talking had forgotten Chang An, who was scared and hiding in the corner in the inn room.

Chang An was originally hiding in the inner room holding the formation flag that controlled the room. Unexpectedly, the room suddenly burst into flames. He wanted to go out, but he thought that there were scary men in black outside. Going out would mean death, so he could only hide in the room. There is no corner on fire, praying that you can survive this disaster.

Just after he finished praying to his ninth generation ancestor, the fire in the room was suddenly put out. He was stunned, and then jumped up happily.

"I wonder what the name of my ninth-generation ancestor is, but it is so effective. I have decided that I will change my name from now on to Ninth-Generation Ancestor to thank my ninth-generation ancestor for his life-saving grace!" After that, he also Bow twice to the north wall!

(End of this chapter)

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