Chapter 358
Wanfa Peak, Jiangxian Palace.

The Fearless True Monarch was dressed in white, holding a jade slip in his hand and sitting at the head of the throne. His thick eyelashes were drooping, and his tall nose was particularly sexy.

Wang Junya stood below in clothes of the same color, with two white ribbons on her hair instead, which made her look more fairy-like.

"Master, I want to go down the mountain to see my mother. I wonder if Master can help me make accommodations with the Criminal Hall?"

The Fearless Lord put down the jade slip, looked at her intently, and said, "You don't have to go down the mountain. The Wang family has moved away. What you have to do now is to practice well and have a baby as soon as possible."

When Wang Junya heard these words, a muffled thunder sounded in her mind.

Who harmed the Wang family?
Now that the Wang family is gone, my brothers and sisters avoid me like a snake and a scorpion, and my master treats me coldly, what do I have left!
I only have myself!

She stepped forward and hugged the other person's arm as before.

The Fearless True Monarch instinctively wanted to take out his arm, but he didn't know what he thought of and stopped moving.

"Master, don't worry. In a place like the Black Wind Rift Valley, I can suddenly realize the formation of pills. Now in the sect, the spiritual energy is more abundant, and with the master here, it is only a matter of time to form a baby."

At this point, Wang Junya specifically raised his head and glanced at the other person, and said, "I read in the book that it is not a good thing for a monk to progress too fast. Why does master always push me to advance?"

"The lifespan of a monk at the Golden Core Stage is only a short 500 years. Only with high cultivation can you live longer."

Although Wang Junya knew this truth, she did not expect that the other party would answer like this.

Sometimes, she even felt that the other person was looking at another person through her. She was raised by her aunt, and she had probably guessed the answer by looking at his eyes.

It was precisely by taking advantage of this that she was able to gain so much favor from the Fearless Lord, allowing him to break the rules for her many times.

She smiled innocently and vowed: "I will definitely successfully conceive a baby, transform into a god, become a Mahayana, become an immortal, and stay with Master forever."

The fearless True Monarch gave her the jade slip in his hand: "Take this jade slip and look at it, it will be beneficial to the baby." Then he gave her a storage jade token, "It contains spiritual stones and some cultivation resources. You take it!”

Wang Junya took it with both hands and said with a smile: "Thank you, Master."

"Well, you go to practice!"

Wang Junya walked out of Jiangxian Palace, and the smile on her face disappeared instantly.

With these things, my hope of conceiving a baby is even greater!

One day, for all those who have wronged me, I will ask you to repay them twice as much!
Returning to the cave, a black coffin appeared in her hand. The surface of the coffin was covered with bloody runes and had a strange aura.The coffin grew larger as it hit the ground.

"Come out!" Wang Junya said calmly.

The coffin lid slid down silently, and a young man in green clothes suddenly appeared in the cave.

"You have another body?" Wang Junya said.

"This body is young and handsome. I like him the most. Now in Taiyi Sect, it is much more convenient for me to appear in this form." The young man explained with a smile.

The young man looked disapproving, as if he had just changed his clothes and there was nothing strange about it.

"The sloppy and vicious old man look you had before is more suitable for you." Wang Junya mocked expressionlessly.

The smile on the young man's face disappeared and was replaced by a sinister expression. He was obviously a handsome young man before, but now he is like a ferocious jackal.

"Little girl, I would like to advise you to be careful when speaking to others in the future, otherwise you will die without knowing it, especially to people like me."

Wang Junya didn't take it seriously. Instead, he smiled and said softly: "You have been made a slave by me. I should pay attention to you. If you didn't see that you are still useful, you think I will take you out." Looking at the other party fiercely, With an unmoved expression, she said seductively, "However, as long as you help me deal with two people, I will give you your freedom."

"Is what you said true?"

"Of course, I can swear!"

"Okay, swear! Don't blame me for not trusting you. We are both the same kind of people. I don't think you would be so kind."

Wang Junya smiled: "I swear now, God is above me, if..." She looked at the young man, but she didn't know his name yet.

"My name is Wang Xie."

"If fellow Taoist Wang Xie can help me, Wang Junya, kill Shui Qingdan and Li Yaozhi, I will terminate the slave contract. If I have any regrets, I will not be able to improve my cultivation from now on, and I will suffer the pain of five thunders day and night."

Only then was the young man satisfied: "Although I, Wang Xie, am not a righteous monk, I still keep my word. Don't worry, I will definitely help you."

"Very good, you can go down the mountain immediately and help me check out the situation of the Wang family first."

"I'll go right away." In order to be free as soon as possible, he naturally wanted to complete the agreement between the two of them as soon as possible.

(End of this chapter)

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