Chapter 36 Personal Battle 1
The five people looked at each other, and Gu all smiled happily. Jiang Yuexiong slapped Yang Zhuozhi directly to show his inner joy. Yang Zhuozhi was happy in his heart and was not prepared for him for a moment. He was hit hard and could only She glared at him with feigned anger.

Several people walked off the stage with happy faces, squeezed out of the crowded disciple viewing stage, and left the martial arts arena.

Li Yaozhi ran a few steps to catch up with the senior brothers and asked: "Brother, we have won and can participate in the singles competition in three days' time! What are your plans in the next few days?"

"I plan to go back and recuperate in the next few days and make preparations. I will not watch other people's competitions next, and I will directly participate in individual battles in three days." Yang Zhuozhi thought for a moment and said.

"That's exactly what I meant." Others said one after another.

"Okay, let's see you in three days!"

Several people held hands and said goodbye, returning to the cave with their royal weapons.


Three days later, Taiyimen Xing Wufeng performed martial arts.

In individual battles, opponents are selected by drawing lots. Each number has two lots. Two people who draw the same number will compete on the same stage. If there is one more person who cannot be assigned an opponent, they can wait until the first round of competition is over. , just choose one person from the remaining people to challenge.

Only the winner can stay to participate in the next round of competition. This is repeated, and fewer and fewer people can stay until there are only ten people left on the stage. These ten people do not need to draw lots, they only need to challenge each other, and rank one to ten. Only by ranking can you receive the rewards of this competition according to your ranking.

Li Yaozhi was wearing the disciple uniform as always, but she tied up her hair with a white jade crown, revealing her fair and smooth forehead, with a pair of big sparkling eyes underneath. She thought she was very heroic and full of momentum in her outfit today. .

She came to the martial arts arena and greeted several senior brothers, then went to the lottery point to draw numbers.

Looking at the thousands of lottery tickets in front of her, she clasped her hands in front of her chest and said silently in her heart, "Thank God, you must match me with a weaker opponent!" After praying, she stretched out her little hand and chose one. She looked at it. The wooden stick was pleasing to the eye. I held the wooden stick in my hand and gently brushed it with my spiritual power. Two red numbers "Fifty" immediately appeared on the top, and there were a few small words at the bottom "Qi Refining Period No. [-] Martial Arts Stage".

Li Yaozhi understood what it meant at a glance, and immediately grabbed the sign and rushed to the martial arts stage No. [-] during the Qi Refining Period. At this time, a circle of disciples watching the battle had already gathered around the stage. She handed the sign in her hand to the criminal hall who was guarding the martial arts stage No. [-]. After the disciple verified it, Yufeng, who thought he was very handsome, jumped onto the martial arts stage.

When he got on the stage, he saw a rather sturdy young man holding two golden hammers in his hands, waiting for a fight. Li Yao used his spiritual eye technique and found that he was a monk with the same level of cultivation as her, and he was also at the sixth level of Qi training.

Li Yaozhi thought to herself that after all, she came to this competition late, and she had just broken through the sixth level of Qi training a few days ago, so she took the lead and said: "Alchemy Peak Li Yaozhi asks senior brother for advice."

"I don't dare. I'm going down to Qin Kailuo from the Weapon Refining Peak. Junior Sister Li invites you first." Qin Kailuo stood up with his legs in front and back, and said in a good voice.

"You're welcome, then. Senior Brother Qin, be careful." Seeing Qin Kailuo generously asking her to make the first move, Li Yaozhi didn't show any pretense.

She first released the Rocket Cage move tentatively, wanting to see how strong he was.

Qin Kailuo held two golden hammers and swung them forward with all his strength. Two huge golden hammer shadows condensed by spiritual power rushed out of the golden hammers and went straight to the arrow net that rushed towards him. The arrow net was directly knocked down. Almost half dissipated.

It seems that this opponent is not weak!Li Yaozhi thought.

Qin Kailuo poured mana into the magic weapon and raised his hammer with both hands to attack her, and reminded him: "Junior sister Li, take the attack."

Li Yaozhi immediately added two spiritual power shields to her body. Red spiritual power was flowing on the long bow in her hand. There were a few traces of white spiritual power hidden in the red spiritual power. She was about to use the bow directly. Resist the double hammer.

Just a "bang" sound was heard, the long bow and the golden hammer collided together, and a scene of golden spiritual power and red spiritual power resisting suddenly appeared on the stage. The two frowned and looked solemn, probably neither of them expected the other's spiritual power. The force is so powerful.

At this time, the two sides are in a stalemate, and it depends on which side has insufficient spiritual power and will be defeated.

This is a struggle between spiritual power and spiritual power. "Hey, who do you think will win between the two of them?" A male disciple in the audience stared straight at the two people on the stage, poking the two people beside him with his hands without looking back.

"It must be Senior Brother Qin! I see that Senior Brother Qin's golden hammer weapon is not simple!" said one of the disciples.

"Senior Brother Qin has broken through the sixth level of Qi training for a long time. His spiritual power is stronger than that of Senior Sister Li. He will definitely win." Another disciple said.

The stalemate cannot continue any longer and must end as soon as possible, otherwise, the spiritual power in the body will be exhausted. Without spiritual power, Qin Kailuo will definitely not be defeated.

Thinking of this, Li Yaozhi took advantage of the red spiritual power above to quietly input more white spiritual power into the long bow. Suddenly a force burst out from the long bow, knocking Qin Kai gong back.

A group of disciples in the audience were stunned. They didn't expect that Li Yaozhi's spiritual power was so powerful.

Li Yaozhi took the opportunity to use his body skills, quickly took a few steps back, and distanced himself from Qin Kailuo. He released the magic power of his right hand to quickly condense arrows. In an instant, six-layer arrows and several fire shadow arrows shot at Qin Kailuo one after another.

Qin Kailuo was pushed back two steps by this force. Only then did his brain react, and he quickly used his magic power to create a thin golden wall behind him, and then he stopped retreating.

As soon as he stood firm on his feet, he saw six red rockets flying towards him as fast as lightning. They were in front of him in the blink of an eye. He quickly made a secret and erected a spiritual shield in front of him, and then waved his double hammers to knock them away. Rockets, but in the end, a Hokage arrow pierced the shield with insufficient spiritual power and plunged into his chest.

Seeing this, Li Yaozhi hurriedly flew forward and fired a rocket cage to trap him. He condensed a rocket in his hand and put it on his bow. He aimed at Qin Kailuo and said, "Senior Brother Qin still wants to fight again."

"Junior sister Li has superb archery skills. I'm afraid there are not many people in the sect who can match you. Senior brother, I admit defeat. If there is a chance in the future, please give me a chance to compete with me."

Qin Kailuo was hit by an arrow in the chest and lacked spiritual power in his body. He was not someone who could not afford to lose, but if he surrendered immediately and quickly, he always felt that it would be a bit disgraceful, so he praised Li Yaozhi, which would make other people lose. Outsiders knew that even if he lost, it was because the opponent was too strong, not because he was weak.

Seeing that he had decisively admitted defeat and was willing to give him face, Li Yaozhi smiled and said: "Junior sister is always waiting for you. Whenever senior brother Qin wants to learn from each other, just come to me."

"NO.50 Alchemy Peak Li Yaozhi wins." The old man's voice pronounced in their ears.

Qin Kailuo paused and wanted to get up but couldn't.

She waved her hand at Qin Kailuo, and the arrow net that trapped him and the arrows in his chest dissipated in the air. She gave him another rejuvenation pill and was relieved to see that the wounds on his body had healed.

"Senior Brother Qin, let's get off the stage quickly. There are others waiting to use the martial arts stage below."

Qin Kailuo stood up, picked up the two golden hammers on the ground, and saluted with both hands, "Thank you, Junior Sister Li, for the rescue."

Li Yaozhi hurriedly returned the greeting, "Senior Brother Qin is joking. After all, the injury on your body was caused by me. Fellow fellow disciple, I can't bear it."

"Junior Sister Li is righteous." He didn't expect Li Yaozhi to value the friendship between fellow disciples so seriously. Qin Kailuo couldn't help but think highly of her.

In fact, there was another reason why Li Yaozhi saved him. There were so many disciples in the audience and so many eyes were watching. If she didn't save Qin Kailuo and step down, she would have to wait for the disciples of the Criminal Hall to drag him away. This would make her look bad. It wouldn't sound good if it was spread out.

As soon as the two of them stepped off the stage, Qin Kailuo was taken away by his close friends.

One of Li Yao went to the drawing point and waited for the next round of drawing.

(End of this chapter)

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