The female supporting role points to the path to immortality from afar

Chapter 361: Song Yufeng’s martial arts battle (1)

Chapter 361 Martial Arts Fighting—Song Yufeng (1)
Back at Wuge, Li Yaozhi sat cross-legged on the futon, thinking about what just happened.

Chen Shu doesn't seem to be here to discuss matters with me, but rather to find trouble. If I hadn't been able to teleport, I might be the one lying down today.

She made such a big fool of herself today, she must have a grudge against me in her heart.

I have never dealt with her before. I wonder who she is doing this for today?

Could it be Wang Junya?

It doesn't look like it. Her hand shouldn't be able to stretch out this long. It reaches Wanren Peak.

In today's battle, she was quite satisfied with her performance. After all, she was able to win against a full-time swordsman from the inner sect.

She was very happy inside, and then began to adjust her breath to restore the spiritual energy in her Dantian.

What she didn't know was that this battle gave her a small limelight in the Taiyi Sect. After that, every few days, someone came to her door to declare a challenge.

However, those people's cultivation levels were similar to hers. With her strength, she would either win or draw.

But today, a male cultivator from the Dharma Peak who was in the early stage of Yuanying and was about to break through to the middle stage of Yuanying came.

It's two small steps higher than her, which isn't too much.

Song Yufeng has a delicate appearance, wearing a feather crown on his head and a white cassock, which makes him even more elegant.

Li Yaozhi wore a red skirt and a cassock decorated with runes embroidered with gold thread.

Her waist-length black hair was held up high by a golden hair crown, and her face was specially painted with an enchanting makeup by Wang Linlang, which directly overshadowed the delicate Song Yufeng.

[Since she often appeared on the martial arts stage, Wang Linlang has taken care of her daily look, and she looks stunning every day.

Wang Linlang said that she would open a shop in a few days. Li Yaozhi is her signature, and she must dress up in a "deadly beautiful" way. 】

The eyes of most of the monks in the audience were attracted by Li Yaozhi.

Seeing this scene, Song Yufeng's face became a little ugly. He tried hard to maintain a calm expression on his face: "Master Nephew Li, you should make the first move!"

Li Yaozhi smiled and said: "Thank you, Master Song, for the concession. I won't be polite!"

There is no need to use a sword to fight with the people from Fa Feng. It is just a good time to test how well her spells are practiced.

At the beginning of the game, it is not easy to expose your trump card with a big move. It is better to use ordinary spells first to test the opponent's strength.

She made a secret with her hands and used the Fire Cloud Technique.

Pieces of fiery red clouds flew towards Song Yufeng one after another.

Song Yufeng stood still with his feet on the spot, and only used one hand to create a wall of water to block the incoming fire cloud.

Another number of transparent ice blades appeared in the air and flew towards Song Yufeng.

Song Yufeng had just blocked the fire cloud when he saw a large ice blade coming towards him. He quickly made a seal with both hands. The huge wave rushed towards the ice blade, and the strength of both sides just canceled each other out.

"Master Nephew, let me give you one last move!" Song Yufeng twitched the corner of his mouth with a hint of pride.

"Okay." Li Yaozhi replied while making a secret to draw out the fire spiritual power in his body, and the martial arts stage suddenly ignited with blazing flames.

The two of them were in a sea of ​​fire at the same time.

Li Yaozhi has a resolute face, her hair is fluttering, her skirt is flying, and her red skirt makes her look like a goddess walking out of the flames.

But in Song Yufeng's eyes, he felt that he suddenly came to a purgatory, and the flames generated all kinds of ugly monsters, roaring and rushing towards him with teeth and claws.

A jade ruler appeared in his hand, and he drove the jade ruler to send out waves of water. The water waves fell on the monster's head and neck, and he killed it on the spot, fell into the sea of ​​fire, and disappeared.

The people in the audience could only see Li Yaozhi standing still, casting spells with only his hands.

Song Yufeng kept waving the jade ruler in the sea of ​​fire, as if he was fighting some monster.

The disciples with lower cultivation levels were confused: "Did Senior Sister Li arrange some formation?"

The monks with high cultivation level could see it clearly: "No, we didn't see Junior Sister Li setting up the formation. She must have used illusions." Just after Song Yufeng killed all the monsters, he breathed a sigh of relief. All the flames on the stage gathered together to form a giant flaming tiger that roared and pounced on him.

Everyone in the audience saw this scene and were stunned for two seconds. They didn't expect that the flames on the stage could change like this.

[This is no longer an illusion]

The jade ruler in Song Yufeng's hand suddenly grew in size, as tall as a person. He raised his head and hit the charging giant tiger.

With a muffled sound, the giant tiger suddenly shrunk by half.

"Papa papa", several sounds were heard, and the giant tiger's figure disappeared from the stage.

Song Yufeng seemed relaxed, but at this time, the spiritual energy in his Dantian had been reduced by one-third.

Li Yaozhi consumed more spiritual energy, especially the fire spiritual energy with only one-fifth left.

Song Yufeng suddenly said: "Master nephew, take the move!"

As soon as he finished speaking, the jade ruler had already flown to the sky above Li Yao and was about to hit her.

The Xuanbing sword in Li Yaozhi's hand flew out and hit the jade ruler.

The two magic weapons were locked in a stalemate in the air, and she increased the output of her spiritual power on the spiritual sword.

Song Yufeng also tightened his control over the jade ruler.

The ice and water spiritual powers faced each other, and at the same time, Song Yufeng exerted his own pressure on Li Yaozhi.

Li Yaozhi gritted his teeth and resisted the decline of the jade ruler. He mobilized the spiritual energy in his Dantian to circulate in his veins to resist the pressure.

Wang Linlang and Bai Zhiyun in the audience looked solemnly and looked at Li Yaozhi worriedly.

At this moment, Li Yaozhi felt that time passed extremely slowly.
I don't know how long it took, but finally the jade ruler was so heavy that the Xuan Bing Sword had to fall downwards.

She raised her head and glanced at Song Yufeng, and found that his face didn't look good either.

She suddenly teleported to the left to the edge of the martial arts stage, and at the same time, the Xuanbing Sword flew back to her hand at an extremely fast speed.

Song Yufeng had no time to adjust his power on the jade ruler. The jade ruler fell to the ground and made a big hole in the martial arts stage that rarely needed repairs. This shows how much force the other party used. If this force fell on her, I am afraid she would be dead today. I have to explain it here.

The expression on Li Yaozhi's face became more solemn.

The jade ruler flew upwards, intending to hit her, so she used her true magic technique, leaving a false body to deal with it.

The other three people flew towards Song Yufeng with their swords. Seeing this, Song Yufeng took out a lotus leaf-shaped magic weapon.

The lotus leaf magical weapon flew over his head, and water curtains fell down, protecting him within it.

Look at the aura of the magic weapon, it is also a spiritual weapon.

The sword in Li Yaozhi's hand stabbed Song Yufeng's eyes, and the other two fake bodies stabbed one to his neck and the other to his heart.

Unfortunately, the sword in her hand pierced the water curtain and she could no longer move forward.

After trying again, it still didn't work, so she simply pulled out her sword and hit the spiritual weapon directly.

Song Yufeng quickly mobilized the jade ruler that was fighting with the fake body on the other side to hit Li Yaozhi.

Unfortunately, it was too late, and the lotus leaf magic weapon was directly cracked by her.

She dodged the jade ruler, turned over and stabbed Song Yufeng.

Song Yufeng stepped aside and a scroll appeared in his hand. He threw the scroll towards Li Yaozhi.

The scroll captured Li Yaozhi and brought her into the painting.

(End of this chapter)

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