At some point, a red lotus half as tall as a man slowly rose from the flames. The color was so red that it almost turned black. Countless lotus petals separated from the lotus body and scattered into the sea of ​​fire.

The raging flames in the sea of ​​​​fire gradually extinguished, as if they had encountered the biggest enemy in their lives.

Li Yaozhi fell from the air, stepping on the lava as if walking flat on the ground.

Seeing this, Honglian Yehuo came forward to greet him, and Li Yaozhi smiled and touched the lotus with his hand.

One person and one fire jumped into the lava.

There was a fiery red long sword floating in the magma ground, and a red dragon sword spirit was lying on it, sleeping soundly.

"This is the Dragon Soul Fire Extreme Sword! I have to take it away quickly." Li Yaozhi said in her heart.

Lian Lian floated out from behind her and looked at the sword spirit curiously.

She forced out a drop of blood from the tip of her heart and dropped it on the sword spirit.

The blood essence fell on the sword spirit and was gradually absorbed.

He tentatively took the sword in his hand and poked the sword spirit curiously.

"Little Red Dragon, wake up, come and meet your new master." Li Yaozhi said softly.

The little red dragon rubbed his eyes and then woke up. He looked at her carefully a few times, as if to confirm if it was her: "Huo Xie pays homage to the master."

A white sword spirit floated out from Li Yaozhi's body: "Xiao Huoxie, you're fine!"

"Bing Ao, you are still the same as before. Also, remember to call me sister next time." She glared at him and said, "Why don't you come over and pay homage to the master!"

Bing Ao solemnly saluted with his two fat and short front paws: "Bing Ao pays homage to the master. I have offended you many times before. Please forgive me."

"I forgive you."

A drop of heart blood floated in the air, fell on Bing Ao, and disappeared.

At this time, the sword of ice and fire truly recognized its master.

Holding two swords in your hands means you have a pass to the next level.

Before landing, I saw high-level monsters all over the place. It didn’t take much guessing to know that this level was a test of strength.

"Fortunately, Lianlian was put away in time."

She wielded the Ice Sword with one hand and the Fire Sword with the other: "Let me see the power of these swords!"

One person with two swords breaks into the herd of beasts and fights with all his strength. Half a month later, Li Yaozhi was covered in blood. He happily dug up the demon pills from the demon beasts and collected the demon corpses everywhere.

He said happily: "I made a big fortune again, two good friends, thank you for your hard work!"

Suddenly, three doors appeared in front of them.

"What does it mean?"

Two words "Reward" appear on the door.

"I see."

She thought carefully and calmly chose the door on the far left.

The door disappears along with the person.

The ice dragon appeared on the spot: "No matter which one you choose, the result will be the same."

As soon as I entered the door, I saw a corridor made of thunder and lightning. Looking back, I saw that the door just now had disappeared.

I can only bite the bullet and move forward.

Every step he took was like pressing a lightning switch. Countless lightnings struck his body, shattering a layer of protective shield.

This corridor seems to have no end.

The magic power in Dantian was exhausted, the robes were beaten to tatters, and other protective equipment was also broken. There was no other way except to use the body to resist.

Fortunately, she had a special constitution and practiced special skills. The injuries on her body healed very quickly, leaving her skin still so white and tender.

She gradually adapted to this environment.

However, at some point, the power of thunder and lightning gradually began to increase.

The lightning struck him, almost crushing his bones.

"Hmm~" She groaned heavily.

The body cannot heal as quickly as it can be injured.

The whole person became a bloody man.

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