Chapter 6 Taiyi Sect’s Ladder to Heaven
Li Yaozhi sat at the round table in the Feixian Ship room, looking up through the window to admire the red clouds on the horizon.

"Ayao, I've never seen this fruit before. It's so delicious. Why don't you eat it?" Li Jinhong said and took another bite of the Lingyuan fruit.

The first-level Lingyuan Fruit itself does not contain much spiritual energy. It tastes crisp and sweet, and the juice is rich. Although it is not worth a few spirit stones, putting such a fruit on a table is a big deal for Taiyi Sect.

The first-level Lingyuan Fruit is suitable for children under the age of ten who have not yet practiced cultivation. It has the effect of strengthening the body and cultivating the spirit. There are two full plates on the table, which is enough for four people.

"You guys go ahead and eat more. I've already eaten two and I really can't eat any more." Li Yaozhi shook his head and replied helplessly.

"OK then."

"If you can't finish eating, can you hide it in your arms and take it away?" Li Dazhuang stared at the remaining fruit on the plate with some reluctance.

Li Erzhu frowned and looked at the door, leaned forward and whispered in his ear: "It's better not to, I still feel that this is inappropriate."

"Then don't eat it if I take it with you." As he said this, Li Dazhuang reached out and grabbed two precious fruits and put them in his arms.

Li Yao looked at it, burst out laughing, and then quickly covered her mouth with her hands.

The Lingyuan Fruit itself is not small. Because he placed the fruit on his chest, there were two obvious bulges, which was very embarrassing.

"Huh!" Li Erzhu turned his body to the side angrily, "I won't eat your food."

"It's okay. Anyway, the fruit is put here for us to eat. Just bring it with you. Just hold it with your hands. The immortal masters shouldn't care." Li Yaozhi smiled on his face, relaxed and bent down, putting his arms on On the table, he held his face in his hands and said to them.

Only then did Fatty Li take the fruit out of his arms and hold it firmly in his hand.

At this time, a voice came from a vase with flowing clouds and branches in the room: "Everyone, come outside, we will be at Taiyi Gate soon."

Li Yaozhi stood up, stretched out and pulled off his clothes: "Let's go quickly!"

"Yeah, okay." The three of them said in unison.

At this time, the speed of the Fairy Ship has slowed down and it is ready to land at any time.

When a few people walked outside, Li Yaozhi found that the original heroine Wang Junya had also arrived and was silently admiring the beautiful scenery of Taiyi Gate alone.

The entire sect of Taiyi Sect is built on Taiyi Mountain.

Taiyi Mountain is not a lonely mountain rising from the ground, but there is a mountain outside the mountain. The pavilions and pavilions on the mountain are built according to the terrain. The mountain is divided into nine levels. Each level is hundreds of miles apart.

Looking down from above, five-colored clouds and mist surround it, reflecting the majestic and sacred Fairy Mountain sect.

The Fairy Ship slowly landed in the open space outside Taiyi Gate.

The monk in Tsing Yi took the lead to fly off the flying fairy ship and said righteously to them: "Come down, everyone, now go to climb the ladder to heaven. Only those who climb to the top of the mountain before it gets completely dark are qualified to become disciples of Taiyi Sect. Otherwise, , we can only send him back."

As soon as the words were spoken, a group of people hurriedly ran to climb the ladder, fearing that they would be sent back if they fell one step behind. Of course, Li Yaozhi followed closely behind.

When Li Yaozhi climbed halfway up the mountain, he saw a dozen gold ingots scattered on the ground.

She, Li Yaozhi, has seen the best spiritual stones, how could she be so confused by a few pieces of gold?

She calmly crossed the gold blocking the road.

I didn't want to see a bunch of top-quality spiritual stones appear in front of me.

Li Yaozhi continued to ignore it speechlessly.

Suddenly, Li Yaozhi found that she had come to a strange place, surrounded by an empty space, with patches of withered grass clinging to the ground, and a few black fire trees scattered in the distance.

A man in red with disheveled hair, a golden seal between his eyebrows, and whose facial features could not be seen clearly, was walking over with a sword in hand.

Li Yaozhi looked a little ugly when he saw this scene: "Why do I feel like he wants to kill me?"

Li Yaozhi wanted to run, but for some reason, her feet felt like they were growing on the ground and she couldn't move. She was so anxious that she fell to the ground as hard as she could.

"Aren't you going to run away?" The man in red looked at her softly and asked.

Li Yaozhi felt that this man was a little confused, but depending on the situation, something bad would definitely happen. She frowned slightly and said with a solemn expression: "Who are you? What do you want?"

"What do I want? I want to kill you, are you scared?" The man gently stroked the sword and whispered softly.

"You..." Li Yaozhi pointed at him, but before he could finish his words, he was stabbed in the back.Maybe it was because the man drew the sword too quickly, and Li Yaozhi lost consciousness and died before he felt any pain.

The man in red took out a piece of cloth from his arms and wiped his sword, whispering softly: "Let's see how dare you bully Ya'er in the future."

Only then did Li Yaozhi realize that she was back on the ladder again, and a voice beguiled in her ear: "The world of immortality is so cruel, and you may die at any time. Are you scared? Are you still planning to cultivate as an immortal? If you give up, I can send you back, I can also help you fulfill a wish."

"Of course I want to cultivate as an immortal. Only when I cultivate to a high level can I control my own destiny. I have to work hard to survive." Li Yaozhi immediately said sharply.

I was afraid that if I said it was too late, I would be sent away.

"Okay, then I'll give you this opportunity." The voice disappeared in his ears.

Li Yaozhi finally passed the final step of asking the heart of the ladder to heaven, and he breathed a sigh of relief.

She was working hard to climb the remaining half of the ladder.

Suddenly, an illusory figure appeared where she had been just now, talking to herself.

"I originally wanted to save some mana and give her a nugget of gold to fool her, but I didn't expect to fool anyone. Now I've lost even more spiritual power!"

Then he frowned and scratched his hair frantically: "But, why do I seem to have seen the man in red in this fantasy before?"

Then he seemed to have thought of something and clapped his hands, "Oh, no matter what, I'll go find Xiao Dongyi to make me a delicious meal later."

After saying that, the entire figure disappeared, as if it had never appeared.

The sun is gradually setting towards the west, and the entire Taiyi Mountain is bathed in golden light, dazzling and luxurious.

Li Yaozhi's whole body was soaked with sweat, and he couldn't open his eyes due to sweat, and his big bright eyes were almost narrowed to a slit.

Her legs didn't seem to belong to her anymore. They were sore and almost numb. She had never been so tired before. Now she felt like she would never get up again once she lay down. She didn't dare to rest either. After all, the weather was so bad. It's almost dark too.

Looking up at the remaining seventy or eighty steps in front of him, Li Yaozhi moved his legs up bit by bit with his hands, never stopping.

When there were still more than a dozen steps left, Li Yaozhi found a way to lie down on it and moved bit by bit. The fingers of his hands were already bleeding.

After Li Yaozhi climbed the last step, she could barely hold on until the person in charge of registration came over and asked her name. Then she lay on the ground, closed her eyes, and fell asleep.

In the early morning, the sun shines through the faint five-color clouds and mist, gently spraying on everything in the world.

A crane that had just eaten and drank in the Immortal Beast Garden flew through the sky with a low cry, heading to Zichen Mountain where low-level disciples lived. Each crane had a white storage bag hanging around its neck. The storage bag Trapped in soft white feathers, you can't even see it if you don't pay attention. The storage bag is used to store the spiritual stones and snacks it earns.

"Ayao, Ayao, wake up, how are you?" Li Jinhong shook her body worriedly.

As soon as Li Yaozhi opened her eyes, she saw the dazzling sunlight. She raised her hand to block the light and found that the injury on her hand had healed. Then she squinted her eyes and asked, "Well, I'm fine. Where am I? How can I heal my injury?" "

"This is where the formal disciples live. The injury was cured by the immortal master who brought you here yesterday and took the elixir. Ayao, you are so amazing. Only three people climbed the entire ladder yesterday, and you were among them." Li Jinhong He leaned over and hugged her and praised excitedly.

"It turns out that the immortal master yesterday was a liar. In fact, you don't have to walk the entire ladder to stay. It's just that two people with three spiritual roots only climbed a third of the ladder. Their performance was too poor and they were kicked out. I’m working as a handyman, and I’m still halfway up the climb.”

Li Jinhong let go of his hand and looked at Li Yaozhi raising her chin slightly and smiling proudly.

"That Ah Jin is great," Li Yaozhi touched her head, praised her, and then asked with some confusion, "Who are the other two people who climbed the entire ladder?"

"The other two are both Shanlinggen disciples, Tu Xingyue, a disciple of Earth Spiritual Root, and Wang Junya, a disciple of Fire Spiritual Root."

Sure enough, none of them are simple characters. Not to mention the original heroine Wang Junya, I remember that Tu Xingyue in "Jun Ya Xiu Shen Ji" is also a well-known figure in the world of cultivation. Thanks to his earth spirit root, he can perform the earth escape technique like no one else. And, when you go out for training, you can always turn danger into safety.

"By the way, Ah Jin, why is there only one bed in this room? Where did you sleep last night?"

Li Yaozhi sat up and found that there was only one bed in the room. There should be only one disciple assigned to live in the room. He wondered where Li Jinhong lived yesterday.

"I live in the utility room now. I heard from the senior sister in the utility room that I can become a formal disciple after the fifth level of Qi training. Then I can live here and keep you company. By the way, Ayao , these are the clothes and storage bags distributed by the sect yesterday. Please put on the robe quickly. This robe can automatically adjust the size, which is very convenient. Also, we will have breakfast in a while, and then we will go to class. Na."

Li Jinhong happened to tell her everything that happened while she was sleeping, which also prevented her from missing any important news.

"Okay, you wait for me to tidy up." After saying that, Li Yao got out of bed, changed clothes, washed up, tied a double bun, and then followed Li Jinhong to the Lingshan Hall for dinner.

(End of this chapter)

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