Chapter 69 Rescue 1
Li Yaozhi entered the secret realm in the painting to see Mrs. Hua, and asked her straight to the point if she knew anything else about the Immortal Mansion and the Demonic Cultivator. He thought that if she didn't know, he would find another Demonic Cultivator.

Mrs. Hua said that she was originally a spirit body. She had been sleeping for an unknown length of time. When she woke up, she wanted to go out and see what was going on outside. As a result, as soon as the spirit body passed through the stone wall, she saw that all the monks who entered the immortal mansion were attracted by the murals. , and then the soul was sucked into it, and the body fell into a black hole on the ground.

She originally wanted to save people, but she was just an unstable spirit and couldn't be of much help, so she sneaked in secretly, took advantage of the demon cultivator's unpreparedness, destroyed his soul, and took over the illusion in his stead. However, the illusion is created by a formation and has its own set of operating rules. She cannot use the formation to kill the demon cultivators in it. She can only trap them and release the spiritual souls.

Unfortunately, the steward's memory was banned, and she couldn't get any other information from her soul search.

After hearing what Mrs. Hua said, Li Yaozhi roughly understood what was going on now. So many people were banned, which meant that there must be a demon cultivator with a higher status here, and he was the one in charge of everyone here.

As for the situation of the underground black hole, we still need to rely on the monks in the illusion. Unfortunately, Mrs. Hua deceived a demon cultivator. After the two stopped the soul search, they did not get any valuable information.

Everything that can be known is known now, and what is unknown can only be understood after entering a black hole.

"Thank you, Mrs. Hua, but I have to trouble you here. When we find their bodies, you can release them." Li Yaozhi thanked him with a gift.

"Okay, go ahead, but you have to hurry up."

Li Yaozhi came out of the illusion in the painting and explained the situation to everyone, and everyone decided to send a few people from each sect to go down and have a look.

This time, Yang Zhuozhi and Wang Lan stayed above, and Li Yaozhi followed them down regardless of their obstruction. She had a vague hunch that there was something she needed below.

Taiyi Sect was led by Zhong Yiqing, who had the highest level of cultivation, and the other sects also selected their own leaders.

Li Yaozhi followed the disciples of Taiyi Sect and rode Xiaobaiyun into the cave. They descended quickly in the cave.

Not long after, we found ourselves in an empty space.

It was dark here, and everyone took out lighting tools in unison.

There was a black jumble of rocks at his feet, surrounded by irregular stone walls, as if everything was normal.

Everyone did not dare to be careless, and moved forward cautiously while scanning the surroundings.

Suddenly, many voices calling for help floated from the front.

"Is it the voice of a disciple of my sect? I think this voice is very familiar."

"There was a voice that sounded like Senior Brother Zhou's."

"I also heard a voice that sounded like Junior Brother Zheng's."




Everyone was discussing in low voices.

"Silence, everyone knows what the situation is now. We must stay calm and not be careless."

"There must be something fishy ahead, and we need to be more vigilant."

"We must protect ourselves to save more disciples, don't be impulsive."


The leaders of each sect immediately spoke to remind them, and no one stopped talking.Everyone continued to move forward more cautiously. Gradually, the voices they heard became clearer and clearer. The voices were feeble, as if life was about to pass away, and there were many voices. They were calling for help!
Suddenly an ominous aura enveloped my heart, and I knew that the place ahead was definitely not a good place.

Li Yaozhi clenched the long bow in his hand, ready to fight at any time.

Continuing to walk forward, I saw a dark, [-]-meter-high tree in the distance. There seemed to be something hanging on the tree, like a human figure!
A bad premonition arose in his heart, and someone put his spiritual consciousness over to see more clearly. Unexpectedly, the spiritual consciousness was absorbed by the tree as soon as it came within the range of the big tree, and big balls fell one after another on the head of the painful man. I was sweating, and I felt better after taking a tonic pill.

They continued to move forward until they could really see the scene on the big tree, and they were all stunned.

There is not a single leaf on the dark tree, but there are countless vines growing on the branches, with vines as leaves.

There is a person tightly wrapped around each vine. Some of the people wrapped up have died long ago, and their skin is white without a trace of blood; some are as angry as a gossamer, murmuring silently, and you can see surprise bursting out of their eyes. Light; some people haven't sucked much blood yet and are still shouting for help.

Obviously different batches of people were sent here one after another.

Where people come into contact with the vines, blood is sucked out, flows to the branches, and then to the top of the tree, supplying a fruit produced on it. The fruit is slowly turning from yellow to red, as if it is about to mature.

Everyone reacted instantly and raised their magic weapons to avoid the people on the tree and attack the big tree. However, whenever a magic weapon attacked, the black tree would use the vines to wrap up the people to block it.

"This tree is so cunning."

"This is how to do?"

"How about this, you attack here, I put on the invisibility charm and approach the black tree, and take the opportunity to chop down its body." Seeing this scene, Li Yaozhi also frowned. If this continues, he will definitely not be able to save anyone. After thinking about it, he sent a message to Zhong Yiqing.

"Junior sister Li, you have to think about it."

"Yes." Li Yaozhi took out an invisibility charm from his storage bag, slapped it on himself, and immediately became invisible.

"Okay, I'll cover you... be careful." Zhong Yiqing originally wanted to say: I'll cover you, but when he saw that Li Yao was invisible, he didn't know where she was or how to cover her, so he hurriedly Change your words.

Li Yaozhi used her breath masking technique to walk towards the black tree. As soon as her front foot got close to the black tree, she saw that it seemed to have seen her. The black tree suddenly rose up, and countless vines swayed towards her.

She directly threw five or six middle-grade thunderstorm talismans forward, and used the escape talisman to escape underground. Several vines were blown away in an instant, and they were all rolled up.

Zhong Yiqing, who was attacking the black tree with his sword light, saw this scene and understood in his heart that it was Li Yaozhi who was responsible. He was relieved when he saw that she was not caught by the tree.

As soon as she escaped underground, she saw two thick tree roots attacking her one after another. She took out the Qingyun Sword, poured spiritual power into it, and slashed at one of the tree roots. The tree root was cut off, and she was also pinched by the other tree root. Tightly wrapped.

Seeing that the tree roots were getting tighter and tighter, her face showed a painful expression, and then because there was too little oxygen underground and she could not stay there for long, her face turned red and she gasped for air.

It seemed that she couldn't break free with her own strength, so she hurriedly called out Ah Feng. Since the underground space was too small, Ah Feng came out in his child form. As soon as he landed on the ground, Ah Feng spit out flames from his mouth, and the flames instantly ignited the tree. Root, the tree root felt the pain and quickly let go of Li Yaozhi and retracted his body.

Li Yaozhi just breathed a sigh of relief when he heard a series of "puff" sounds. It turned out that dozens of tree roots broke through the soil and attacked them like claws.

She hurriedly grabbed Ah Feng and entered the space. Li Yaozhi, who entered the space, began to breathe heavily. It was obvious that he had been suffocating due to lack of oxygen underground.

She took a few breaths to recover, and looked at the situation outside. She saw many thick tree roots underground swimming like snakes, as if looking for Li Yaozhi.

Feeling distressed, she grabbed a handful of various mid-grade attack talismans and left the space, then threw the talismans out, and then immediately entered the space again.

There was a loud noise, and the pit outside was in a mess, leaving only the stumps of tree roots and broken wood.

Li Yaozhi came out of the space refreshed, smeared some mud and black ash on his body, and messed up his hair. He looked very embarrassed. He used the earth escape talisman to escape far away and then came back, making an escape escape. The illusion of the talisman exploding.

(End of this chapter)

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