Chapter 77 Ruyifang City
Seven days later, Li Yaozhi finally broke through the sixth level of Qi training and advanced to the seventh level of Qi training. Perhaps because of the various experiences he experienced in the secret realm, this promotion was as smooth as a matter of course.

I originally thought that after three days, I would get the shuttle promised by the head master and go out to do the mission, but unexpectedly, the time was delayed because of the breakthrough.

As soon as she opened the cave, she saw a paper crane rushing in. The paper crane flew in front of her with a storage bag as big as itself in its mouth. The little bird made a sound, "There is something in the storage bag." The thank-you gifts given to you by the disciples of other sects, and the things that Master promised to give you."

It’s Senior Brother Yunzhong’s voice!
Li Yao held the paper crane in one hand and took the storage bag from its mouth with the other, and said to it: "Go and tell your senior brother that I have received the storage bag, and I will go out to do the mission soon."

The paper crane nodded and flew away.

Li Yaozhi happily returned to the room with the storage bag and stamped it with divine consciousness. The first thing he saw was a pure white flying shuttle on it. This was a top-quality magic weapon. The two ends of the shuttle were slightly pointed and carved on the surface. There is a picture of flowers and birds surrounding a phoenix. The eyes of the phoenix are inlaid with blue medium-grade spiritual jade, which is very delicate.

In the center of the shuttle stands a small palace with four rooms distributed in it.

This shuttle really suited her liking. She took the shuttle in her hand, probed her consciousness into it to obtain its refining method, and immediately started refining it.


After finishing the last trick, she learned that the shuttle could accommodate 30 people when it was fully enlarged. However, the spiritual power consumed was beyond what her cultivation level could bear. However, it would be fine if she only took a few people with her. .

At the same time, the palace will also change the number of rooms according to the size of the shuttle, which is indeed a good treasure for monks like her who go out to practice.

Li Yaozhi put the shuttle into the ring and poured out all the other things inside. When he saw the nine gifts on the bed, Li Yaozhi smiled.

"Hey! These grown-up boys are quite particular about it. They put it all in beautiful boxes. There is also a piece of paper on the box to indicate who gave the gift!"

After opening all nine boxes, a sparkling light suddenly emitted from the boxes, almost blinding her eyes.

"Wow, the best magic weapon Glaze Baihuayi, the seventh-level Fire Ganoderma, the best defensive magic weapon Ruyi Hairpin, the best Dingyan Dan, the eighth-level Fire Cloud Fruit, the seventh-level Extreme Flame Fruit, the best Huanyan Dan, the best magic weapon Stepping on the Clouds Boots, even Senior Brother Zhong gave me the Phoenix Bracelet, a top-notch offensive magic weapon. It’s really great. There are so many treasures that I can use until the early stage of foundation building.”

When Li Yaozhi's excitement finally subsided, she realized that no one was sending spirit stones, and she suddenly felt weak.

"What should I do? I still owe the library a large amount of spiritual stones! But I can't bear to sell any of these treasures. Hey, I can only owe it first."

Thinking of this, she immediately left a message to Senior Brother Zhao with her identity jade token, begging him for some grace. For fear that the other party would disagree, she immediately packed her things, and the envoy shuttled out of Taiyi Gate in a hurry.

According to what was said in the mission, Li Yao headed north. The world of immortality was a bit far away from the mortal world. After flying rapidly for nearly two hours, she arrived at Ruyifang City, which was the closest to the mortal world. She wanted to go in and see if she could. Get some information.

The shuttle stopped in a hidden place outside the square and put on a black hat. The little girl under the hat suddenly turned into a rough-looking male cultivator. She put the shuttle away and walked towards the city.

I went into the city and paid the entry fee for a spiritual stone, and bought a popular map from a little boy.

Li Yaozhi walked and looked around and found that there was also Lingyun Pavilion here, so he rushed directly to Lingyun Pavilion.

Since the time she was given for this task was one month, it was definitely not an easy task. If she stayed in the mortal world for such a long time, she had to change some things in Lingyun Pavilion that were suitable for the mortal world to make it easier to move around.

Seeing the familiar plaque on Lingyun Pavilion, she walked in skillfully and went to the counter to salute the shopkeeper who was looking at the jade slips:

"Fellow Taoist, are there any utensils suitable for mortal use in the store?"

"Fellow Taoist, are you going to the mortal world?" The shopkeeper put down the jade slip in his hand and looked at her. "Exactly." Li Yaozhi nodded.

"Fellow Taoist, when you go to the mortal world, although eating a Bigu Pill can protect you from hunger for a month, you must prepare more water. You can buy a water storage bead to ensure that you don't have to worry about drinking water for a year.

Buy another warm cloak made of spirit animal skin to keep out the cold, so that mortals won't feel weird when they see you.

An auxiliary magic weapon to store spiritual power is also necessary. You must know that there is no spiritual energy in the mortal world, which will hinder the recovery of spiritual power in the body. "

After Li Yaozhi heard this, she didn't like the first two things, but she was interested in the third one.

"Fellow Taoist, please bring me the auxiliary magic weapon that can store spiritual power for me to take a look at."

"Yes, fellow Taoist, wait a moment."

Li Yaozhi stood bored. When she saw the gold and silver ornaments beside the counter, she suddenly remembered that she didn't have any money reserved for the mortal world. It seemed that she would have to change some later.

After a while, the shopkeeper came over holding a green wooden box in both hands. He placed the wooden box on the table and opened it, revealing a white jade bracelet inside.

The jade bracelet is simple without any pattern decoration. The jade color is crystal clear and moist, delicate and soft. If it were placed in the mortal world, just looking at the jade color would be priceless.

"Fellow Taoist, please take a look at this jade bracelet. It has a beautiful appearance and can store the five elements of spiritual power. It sells for 1 yuan in spiritual stones."

Li Yaozhi swallowed. Although the price was not expensive, it didn't stop her from having so many spirit stones now, right?

She put her spiritual consciousness into the white jade bracelet and said, "Fellow Taoist, it is cheaper. The spiritual power that can be stored in this jade bracelet is not much. It only has the spiritual power reserve of the Dantian of a tenth-level qi-training monk. Fellow Taoist also You see, I am now at the seventh level of Qi training, and it won’t last long.”

"It can't be cheap. This is where we are. If you were in the prosperous Dafang City, you wouldn't be able to buy half a jade bracelet at this price." The shopkeeper firmly disagreed with the price reduction, and even took the jade bracelet back after saying that. posture.

"Well, yes, yes, what you said makes sense. I wonder if I can exchange things for things." Li Yaozhi hurriedly pressed the wooden box.

"Okay, I wonder what I can give you in exchange for it?" After hearing that Li Yaozhi was willing to buy it and exchange it for something, the shopkeeper's face looked better and he said kindly to her.

Li Yaozhi took out two barrels of brewed medium-grade spiritual fruit wine from the space, "Look, I accidentally got two barrels of medium-grade spiritual wine. If you keep it for a few more years and sell it in other markets, the price It must be higher, so you can give me a real price, how much is the spirit stone worth?"

As soon as the spiritual wine was taken out, the shopkeeper knew that it was indeed a middle-grade spiritual wine, and it was a medium-grade spiritual wine of excellent quality.

I was afraid that it would be bad if the Zhongpin spirit wine was opened and the air leaked out, so I didn't ask to open it for a wine test.

"Well, fellow Taoist, you know very well! We know that we also have Lingyun Pavilion in another city. Since we are old customers, my boss has a happy event recently, and your wine comes in handy. I will make the decision. You can add two thousand Lingshi, I paid the price of this jade bracelet for you."

"Okay, then thank you shopkeeper."

Li Yaozhi dug around and took out all the low-grade spiritual stones in the storage bag, and added six bottles of elixirs to make up two thousand spiritual stones. Now she can only move the middle-grade and high-grade spiritual stones in the ring. Lingshi, you really have nothing to lose.

(End of this chapter)

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