Chapter 12
Within the spiritual source space.

Jiang Mi got up from the ground, reached out and patted her heart, her little face full of joy.

Thinking of the thrilling scene just now, Jiang Mi still felt frightened.If it weren't for the space, even if she was lucky enough to survive this time, she might not have been able to escape serious injury.

After calming down for a moment, Jiang Mi suddenly remembered the reason for this distress and frowned unconsciously.

Did I really understand the meaning of “fusion” wrong?If that's true, why are they mutually exclusive?And why did it explode?

"Chaos gives birth to the five elements, and when they merge, they create new life." Jiang Mi recited this sentence silently no less than twenty times, but she still felt it was a bit obscure.

She scratched her hair in distress, wrinkled her little face and sighed, "Oh! The technique is good, but it's a bit mind-consuming."

Then looking at a few black hairs falling between her fingers, she silently added three words: "...and hair!"

"Huh!" He breathed lightly, and the green hair between his fingers fell to the ground in the wind.

Jiang Mi raised her eyebrows and threw a small fireball at the ground, and the few black hairs instantly turned into fly ash.

Fire spiritual power, five elements!

Jiang Mi's eyes lit up and she suddenly became enlightened.

Yes, all things are divided into five elements, and the five elements generate and inhibit each other.

Metal generates water, water generates wood, wood generates fire, fire generates earth, and earth generates metal.The five elements are mutually reinforcing each other and cyclically reincarnating, so that life and death are endless, and only then can we achieve the Tao, the law of nature.

On the contrary, metal defeats wood, wood defeats earth, earth defeats water, water defeats fire, and fire defeats metal.The five elements are in conflict with each other, just like water and fire are incompatible.

Before, I forcibly used wood spiritual power and earth spiritual power to fuse. The two were in conflict with each other. No wonder they would repel each other and eventually explode.

After fully understanding the relationship between the five elements, Jiang Mi's eyebrows suddenly curled up, and she was filled with excitement.

After calming down, Jiang Mi began to mobilize the wood spiritual power and fire spiritual power in her body, placing them in her palms respectively for fusion...

This time, the two groups of spiritual energy did not repel each other, but merged very smoothly.

Looking at the two-color spiritual power ball in her hand, Jiang Mi curled her lips unconsciously. It seemed that this method of mutual generation and fusion of the five elements was indeed feasible.

However, after observing for a while, Jiang Mi discovered that although the spiritual power of two mutually reinforcing attributes was easy to control, it was not as powerful as the spiritual power of two mutually incompatible attributes.

Moreover, this fusion method seems to be slightly wrong. It is not only time-consuming, but also energy-consuming.

If she was facing an enemy, she might be killed by the enemy before she could take action.

After waving away the spiritual power in her hand, Jiang Mi frowned and fell into deep thought.

Chaos gives birth to the five elements, and their fusion is rebirth. The five elements and fusion should refer to the method of the five elements' mutual generation and fusion.

What the new life refers to... could it be that after the five elements are fused, they circulate in the body endlessly!
There was a trace of shock on Jiang Mi's face, and she couldn't imagine what it would look like after the five elements were truly integrated.

This Chaos Creation Technique is indeed extremely mysterious. I didn't expect that those short ten words contained so much profound meaning and Taoism.

It's just that the integration of the five elements and even the rotation of the five elements is not a simple matter, and you need to think carefully about it.

Anyway, the space cannot be left for the time being, so it is better to concentrate on practicing here for a while.After the matter subsides, we will find space to practice again...

And the facts proved that Jiang Mi's decision was correct.

At this time, not only were the elders and stewards paying attention to the cliff outside, there were also many disciples staying there out of curiosity or other reasons.

As for what's going on outside, Jiang Mi has no time to care.

At this moment, she was sitting cross-legged, with a row of Huaxian leaves in front of her, and she heard a sweet cry: "God-Destroying Thorn!"

In an instant, invisible force penetrated the leaves, leaving a hole as big as a pinhole.

Seeing this, Jiang Mi felt excited. She didn't expect that the spiritual attack method in the God Refining Technique would be so unpredictable.

Just now it was just a thin needle condensed with a small ray of spiritual consciousness, but it has such penetrating power.

If a few strands or more of the divine consciousness were compressed and condensed into needles, it would definitely be able to pierce the monk's defense and even shatter his sea of ​​consciousness.Suppressing her excitement, Jiang Mi began to try to compress and condense her consciousness.

However, after several attempts, he failed to succeed. Instead, he consumed a lot of his spiritual consciousness.

Jiang Mi frowned, gathered her consciousness, and looked down at the Huashan leaves on the ground in trance: How can she compress her consciousness into shape?

While thinking hard, Jiang Mi suddenly remembered the opening summary of the God Refining Technique.

"The spiritual consciousness is invisible, and the thoughts are turned into hammers. Only after they are hammered and refined can they be shaped."

In the past, when practicing this technique, I repeatedly tempered my spiritual consciousness and sea of ​​consciousness, making them continuously refined and strengthened.

And this process is like refining a weapon, except that spiritual consciousness is used as the material and thoughts are used as the hammer.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mi's eyes became brighter and brighter.

The sea of ​​consciousness is huge, so it takes a lot of time and energy to refine it repeatedly.

The God-Destroying Thorn only requires a small amount of spiritual consciousness to be tempered and condensed into a needle, which can be completed within a few breaths.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mi couldn't wait to follow this idea and start condensing.

Destroyer Thorn!
I saw the Huasang leaves on the ground burst into pieces instantly.

Seeing this, Jiang Mi felt happy. It seemed that this idea was right!
It's just that it took ten breaths to condense just now, which is enough for me to die several times on the ever-changing battlefield.

Jiang Mi shook her head, let out a long breath, and then continued to practice hard on the God-Destroying Thorn.And the little pride that had just risen in her heart was instantly shaken back to its original state.


There is no time to practice, half a year has passed in the blink of an eye.

In the past six months, Jiang Mi spent most of her time integrating spiritual power, practicing the God-Destroying Thorn and basic sword skills such as chopping, stabbing, chopping, and picking.

Only when your spiritual consciousness is almost exhausted, you will meditate and practice or comprehend the exercises.

After repeated verification by Jiang Mi, she found that practicing the Divine Refining Technique after exhausting her spiritual consciousness can achieve twice the result with half the effort.

On this day, after Jiang Mi's spiritual consciousness was exhausted again, she was practicing the God Refining Technique cross-legged as usual.

Suddenly, a tearing pain was felt. Jiang Mi couldn't help but groaned, and a look of pain appeared on her face.

She hurriedly quit practicing, and the pain that made her soul tremble slowly dissipated.

how so?Could it be that something went wrong in cultivation?Jiang Mi frowned in thought, but soon she shook her head to deny the speculation.

Because if there was really a problem with her cultivation, her spiritual consciousness would never be able to break through to the middle stage of foundation building.

After repeated deliberation, Jiang Mi felt that the reason was most likely related to the technique.So she began to look up the God Refining Technique carefully in her mind.

The God Refining Technique is a technique that specializes in cultivating spiritual consciousness, with nine levels in total... When the nine levels are perfected, you can create the world through the ocean of consciousness, and your soul will be immortal.

Those who practice this technique must remember: the cultivation of spiritual consciousness must not exceed the two major levels of spiritual power cultivation, otherwise, they will suffer the pain of soul separation from the body!Remember, remember!
The soul is separated from the body?Doesn't that mean he's dead? ! !

Jiang Mi: "..." There is a saying called "Mama Pi" that I don't know whether to say or not?
Such a matter of life and death is actually recorded at the end of the exercise in extremely small words?

At this moment, Jiang Mi suddenly felt like she wanted to cry without tears.

But can you blame anyone else?cannot!I can only blame myself. I started practicing without reading it from beginning to end.

Fortunately, it was discovered in time and no substantial harm was caused.

He only needs to stop cultivating his spiritual consciousness and improve his spiritual power to solve this hidden danger.

After figuring this out, Jiang Mi breathed a sigh of relief, then she tidied up briefly and left the space.

If it were not for long-term seclusion and cultivation, it would easily make the foundation unstable. Jiang Mi really wanted to practice in space for a hundred or eighty years before leaving.

(End of this chapter)

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