Chapter 29 Fierce battle with wolves ([-])
At this time, the wolves seemed to have finished mourning the first wolf. They stopped howling and stared at them fiercely, with full murderous intent hidden in their green eyes.

"Little Taoist friend~, I..."

"Holy shit, you have to hold on for me. Now that the alpha wolf is dead, these wounded and disabled generals are nothing to be afraid of."

Jiang Mi was full of anger. Seeing that the battle was about to be won, she did not want to sacrifice her comrades at the last moment.

Chi Yuting's eyes moved slightly, but she didn't say anything anymore, just tightened her hand on the spirit sword.

If she can get out alive this time, she must practice hard, work hard to become stronger, and become a being that can compete with him.

Suddenly, she felt herself being pulled by someone. As soon as she regained her senses, she heard an angry voice: "Why are you so scared? You're not hiding even if wolves are coming at you?"

Jiang Mi glanced at her bloody left arm and was almost furious. At this critical moment of life and death, she actually dared to lose focus?It's really too long to live.

Jiang Mi gritted her teeth, quickly swallowed two rejuvenation pills, then turned around and slashed at the prairie wolf that flew toward him with its mouth open.

The small half of the prairie wolf's head was cut off, and he screamed "Ouch!" and fell to the ground not far away, dying.

When the few remaining prairie wolves saw this, not only did they not retreat, but they became more ferocious and greedy, almost looking like they would die together.

Jiang Mi was already a little exhausted at this moment. Looking at the increasingly ferocious and violent prairie wolf, a flash of ice flashed in her eyes. If she didn't want to run away, then she should stay.

After swinging her sword to split open the charging prairie wolf, Jiang Mi grabbed Chi Yuting's wrist, pulled her and ran towards the gap.

Seeing this, the prairie wolf chased after him.

Jiang Mi had been waiting for this moment. She took out a handful of talismans and threw them into the wolves, then continued running wildly.


snort!I can't blow you up!
After running a certain distance, Jiang Mi's footsteps gradually stopped. Phew, she was so tired and couldn't run anymore.

Chi Yuting lay directly on the ground without any image, opening her mouth wide and breathing heavily, like a fish stranded on the shore.

Fortunately, because of the wolves, the surrounding monsters have stayed away from each other, so it is relatively safe here now.

It's just a pity that the pile of wolf corpses should be worth a lot of spiritual stones!

Jiang Mi turned around and looked at the fire not far away, with a flash of regret in her eyes. Forget it, her life was at stake. If it didn't work, she would just eat a few meals.

Qingluo: (╥_╥)Why?He is just an ordinary jobber.

Looking away, Jiang Mi lowered her head and glanced at Chi Yuting, who was still lying on the ground breathing heavily, and thought to herself: This physical fitness is too bad, at least her cultivation level is two small steps higher than hers, that's it?This won't be the first time you come out to practice, right?

Sighing, Jiang Mi resignedly took out a defensive isolation array plate and activated it with spirit stones, and then said: "Hurry up and recover. This place is too close to the battlefield and the smell of blood is heavy. It is not suitable to stay for a long time."

After speaking, Jiang Mi was stunned. She looked at herself and then at Chi Yuting, finally remembering the details she had ignored before.

Damn, Chi Yuting, dressed in blood, is a living bait. No wonder the wolves are targeting them.

well!I also blame myself for ignoring such a fatal issue after being pestered by her for a while.

"Fellow Daoist Chi, please change your robes." Jiang Mi reminded.When Chi Yuting heard this, she glanced at the blood-stained low-grade cassock, and suddenly she felt bad. Before, she was only focused on chasing the little fellow Taoist, but she ignored her own embarrassment. Wait, those wolves couldn't be caused by herself. Are you coming?

Thinking of this, Chi Yuting couldn't help but widen her eyes, and the guilt and self-blame that followed made her eyes red.

"I'm sorry, fellow Taoist, it's me who has caused trouble to you." Chi Yuting sat on the ground and said with her head lowered.

Hearing this, Jiang Mi glanced at her in surprise, then thought for a moment and said, "It's okay. I'll learn a lesson and be cautious in the future."

well!This little girl just has too little experience. Apart from her somewhat innocent personality, everything else is pretty good.

Seeing that Jiang Mi didn't blame her, Chi Yuting couldn't help but breathed a sigh of relief. She looked up at Jiang Mi and said sincerely: "Thank you, little fellow Taoist, can you tell me your name?"

Being stared at by her wet eyes, Jiang Mi felt a little uncomfortable all over (actually, she was embarrassed), so she pursed her lips and said helplessly: "Jiang Mi!"

After saying that, he stopped looking at her and took out a set of ordinary blue robes to put on. Then he sat cross-legged and began to meditate and adjust his breathing.

Seeing Jiang Mi like this, Chi Yuting couldn't help covering her lips and snickering. She didn't expect that Tangtang, who was like a little adult, could be shy...

Time passed, and three hours passed quickly.

Jiang Mi stopped meditating, slowly opened her eyes, and then checked her body with her spiritual consciousness. She saw that except for the left arm scratched by the wolf, all other small wounds had healed. She couldn't help but let out a long sigh of relief.

Nowadays, the situation of this secret realm is unknown, and there are still a group of casual cultivators who are robbing for fun. Being able to regain their strength as soon as possible will also be a guarantee for their situation.

Jiang Mi smiled, stood up and moved her slightly numb limbs. Seeing that Chi Yuting had also finished healing, she put away the formation disk and said gently: "Let's go." When she met other sect members on the road, she would talk to her again. They parted ways.

Chi Yuting was stunned when she heard this, and then she seemed to think of something, and she was so happy, "Tangtang, Tangtang, you are so good!"

She didn't know Jiang Mi's inner thoughts, she just thought that Jiang Mi finally recognized her and agreed to her following.

"Tangtang?" Jiang Mi turned back and looked at her doubtfully.

Chi Yuting took a few steps to catch up with Jiang Mi, and said with a smile: "Jiang Mi is too raw, and Mi Mi sounds like a secret, and Mi means sweet, and sweet is not sugar, so it is right to call you Tangtang."

How else can it be explained this way?All right!Jiang Mi, unable to refute, could only acquiesce.

The two of them walked and stopped along the way, collecting elixirs and fighting monsters, but they did not encounter any fatal danger.

Looking at the full harvest in the storage bag, Jiang Mi expressed that she was very satisfied with it, except of course, except for her ears that were poisoned by a squeamish guy around her.

However, although there was a lot of nonsense, Jiang Mi still understood the context of many things.

After she accidentally fell into the secret realm that day, a pillar of light suddenly appeared where she disappeared, attracting many monks and monsters, who all thought it might be the legendary dragon's secret treasure.

But later, after many investigations and verifications by the powerful seniors, they came to the conclusion that this was a small secret realm for Qi training that suddenly appeared.

Everyone was disappointed, and then the monks at the foundation-building stage and above left one after another, but the monks at the Qi-training stage were overjoyed.An unexplored secret realm!There must be a lot of treasures!
With this idea in mind, they naturally tried their best to explore this secret realm. Maybe they would suddenly get lucky and pick up a magic weapon, inheritance or the like?
Although Chi Yuting was curious, she had not lacked any cultivation materials since she was a child, so she just followed her uncle to watch the excitement.

But who would have thought that when he was sending the qi-training disciples of the sect into the secret realm, he was suddenly pushed from behind, and then he became a little bit bloody.

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(End of this chapter)

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