Chapter 34 Design Tracking
When the sun rises, the sky is filled with rays of rays of light.

It was originally a very beautiful picture, but it was completely ruined by the rogue cultivator station in front of the exit of the secret realm.

When the genius had just begun to shine, those casual cultivators began to have fun humiliating them day after day.

They were flogged with salt water, beaten and cursed, finger pinched, fed with hot coals, branded with fire marks, etc. The torture methods cannot be listed one by one, they are extremely cruel.

The tortured monk was in agony, full of despair, but had no way to die, and gradually began to feel resentful...

"Hey, Liu Lao Er, have you heard about it?" Bao Hui, an ordinary-looking and thin man, squeezed next to Liu Xinhua and asked mysteriously.

Seeing him like this, Liu Xinhua looked impatient, "What did you hear?"

Bao Hui turned around and looked around, then said with a proud face: "I heard good news. There is a strange fire deep in the desert to the east!"

"What?" Liu Xinhua looked shocked and grabbed Bao Hui's shirt in excitement, "Is this serious?"

Bao Hui couldn't struggle, his face was red from being strangled, and he could hardly breathe, "It's really... really, this matter is... many people know about it!"

After hearing this, Liu Xinhua pushed Bao Hui away and his expression became extremely irritable, as if something that belonged to him was about to be coveted.

Bao Hui got up from the ground with lingering fear, and took two steps back unconsciously. Seeing Liu Xinhua's irritable appearance, he swallowed his saliva and asked: "Xin, Xinhua, when will we set off? Many people in the station are heading there. Gone to the edge."

Since entering this secret realm, Liu Laoer, who used to be gentle and honest, suddenly became violent, which is really puzzling.

Liu Xinhua glared at him angrily and scolded: "Go away and prepare your things. We will set off in half an hour. If you are delayed, watch your skin carefully."

Bao Hui's heart trembled, but there was a flattering smile on his face: "Go, go, I'll go now, I won't miss the time."

Seeing Liu Xinhua wave his hand impatiently, Bao Hui turned around and left very wisely.

Damn it, Liu Laoer, didn't he just get the appreciation of that adult? What's so great about it? If he hadn't been counting on him to make connections, I would have stopped serving him a long time ago. Do you really think that you are a person?
Shortly after Bao Hui left, Liu Xinhua avoided everyone and went all the way to a cave to the north of the station.

The cave was deep and winding, dark and damp, and there seemed to be traces of water washing on the cave walls. After passing through several bends, I saw a middle-aged male cultivator sitting cross-legged in the middle of a relatively wide flat land.

"How did you come?"

Liu Xinhua looked at him and asked, "Your Excellency, aren't you here?"

"Well, my lord is asleep at the moment. Are you in a hurry?"

Liu Xinhua suppressed his anger, took a few steps forward and said, "Something happened over there at the station, and I wanted to come over and ask for your opinion."

"Wait, I will wake you up soon." After saying that, the middle-aged male cultivator closed his eyes after performing a few spells.

Liu Xinhua was pacing back and forth impatiently. He was now thinking about the strange fire, fearing that if he stayed here any longer, the strange fire would be caught first.

"Why did you call me?"

Hearing this, Liu Xinhua suddenly came back to his senses, then turned around and took two steps forward, saluted and said respectfully: "Sir, there are rumors that there is a strange fire deep in the desert to the east. After hearing this, the monks stationed in the camp have already set off to go. "

When the Lord heard this, he became angry and shouted: "Then why didn't you stop it? Everyone has run away, who will take care of the imprisoned monks?" Waste, they are all waste. After hundreds of thousands of years, there is still no progress. Dull as a pig.

Liu Xinhua was so frightened that his knees weakened and he knelt on the ground with a plop. "Sir, please calm down. When I learned the news, it was already too late. Those monks set off secretly as if they had discussed it in advance." Friend or Taoist friend, someone has to take the blame, otherwise you will never be able to spare him.

"Hmph! Those who fail to achieve anything but fail to do so, go back and guard the station, and then send people to the east to convey my orders. Anyone who disobeys my orders will be killed directly by me."

"Yes, I will go back and make arrangements now." Liu Xinhua raised his sleeves and wiped the cold sweat from his forehead. He stood up shivering and saluted before leaving the cave.

The cave gradually became quiet. After a long time, a slightly aggrieved voice sounded: "It's all Jiuling's fault. If he hadn't fought to the end, I would have..."

Before he finished speaking, his expression suddenly changed. He raised his hand and struck the stone wall in front of him with a heavy blow.


A large hole was instantly punched out of the stone wall. Large broken stones poured onto the ground, small stones flew everywhere, and the entire cave shook three times.

"Why is Xiaoxiao doing such eavesdropping? If you come out obediently, I can save you from death."

Only fools go out.

Jiang Mi rolled her eyes in her heart, secretly swallowed the blood in her mouth, lay motionless on the ground, and turned a deaf ear to his words.

After the trial just now, she was basically sure of one thing.

That is, this gentleman does not seem to be very powerful, or it may be said that the way he appears now puts him in a lot of constraints.

You must know that although the third-level invisibility talisman can shield people's breath, it is only for monks below the foundation establishment stage. The monks at the foundation establishment stage can be somewhat sensitive to this.

It can be seen that this adult's current cultivation level must not exceed the foundation building stage. Although she does not know why, this is indeed excellent news for her.

"Little guy, I have seen you. Come here and admit your mistake. If I am happy, how about I help you improve your cultivation?" The hoarse voice was full of temptation.

If a weak-minded person suddenly hears these words, his heart will definitely be shaken, and this is your purpose.

Once someone accidentally leaks their aura, he can lock them and silence them.

Jiang Mi lay on the ground without moving, secretly observing this adult while measuring her own strength.

From the appearance point of view, he is just a relatively ordinary-looking middle-aged male cultivator, with a Chinese character face, thick eyebrows and big eyes, and fairly regular facial features.

I just don’t know how this adult is stored in his body, possessed?Two souls in one body?The old man in the sea of ​​knowledge?Or is it controlled remotely by a clone?
But no matter what method it is, judging from the things he has done, he is definitely a big devil.

Maybe he is the monster sealed in this secret realm. The purpose of doing this is to accumulate strength and escape the suppression of the seal.

What Jiang Mi didn't know was that her random guess made her guess pretty well.

After waiting for a while, no one came out. The master's patience was obviously about to run out. He endured his anxiety and continued to threaten and coax.

"Little thing, you have to think clearly. Come out now. I won't be angry yet, and you still have to improve your cultivation. If you delay for a long time... Humph! That might be a problem."

Jiang Mi's mood was not fluctuating. The last thing she lacked was patience. The best hunter would always hit the target with one strike at the moment when the prey was relaxed.

Whether it was due to her own speculation or the justice in her heart, she must find a way to kill him today.

 Thanks to the cutie 'Yuan Cheng Yi Mo Zi' for your reward and monthly ticket!

  Thanks also to the cuties who voted for Dede!Love you!

(End of this chapter)

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