Chapter 39 Nebula Pavilion

Although the spiritual food was a little cold, it was still very delicious. After finishing the soup and vegetables, Jiang Mi rubbed her belly and walked around the room to eat.

It was the first time in a year that she ate other delicacies besides barbecue, and Jiang Mi was full without paying attention.

As she walked, she thought to herself: Next time she goes out, she must pack more food and put it in the space, so that she can enjoy the food slowly.

After walking for about a cup of tea, Jiang Mi felt much better. At this time, she felt sleepy, so she stopped insisting and went to bed.

After a dreamless night, Jiang Mi woke up again in the afternoon of the next day.

After she got up and washed herself, she went downstairs and out of the inn, heading towards the Xingyun Pavilion in the city.

After a trip to the secret realm, her storage bag was already full. Now she went to exchange for some spiritual stones and see if there were any talismans suitable for her.

Thinking of this, Jiang Mi couldn't help but have a headache. She was really strapped for money now. The amount of spiritual stones she had in her body did not exceed 200 yuan.

Alas, I am indeed a bit poor!

She herself didn't care, mainly because Yamo was still sleeping and had to add spiritual stones every few days.

Next is Qingluo. Although it is sleeping, who knows when it will wake up. With its gluttonous appetite, spiritual stones must be prepared in advance, just in case.

There is no way, there is a gold-eating beast in the family, and the wealth is not enough!

Jiang Mi shook her head with a smile, and then unconsciously quickened her pace.

After about half an hour, an antique seven-story attic appeared in front of Jiang Mi.A golden embossed plaque with auspicious clouds hangs above the door, with the three characters "Xingyun Pavilion" written on it.

That’s right here.Jiang Mi's eyebrows curved, then she raised her legs and walked in.

The hall is very low-key and luxuriously decorated, with several wooden counters placed against the wall.Behind each counter, there is a shopkeeper who is communicating and busy with people.

This Xingyun Pavilion really deserves its reputation.

Jiang Mi raised her eyebrows, put away the surprise in her eyes, turned around and walked to the less crowded counter to start waiting in line.

Xingyun Pavilion is also known as the No. [-] auction house in the mainland. It has a wide range of main businesses and categories, and its branches are spread throughout the Lingyun Continent.

No one knows who the master behind it is. They only know that it acts very low-key and mysteriously, but the power behind it is unfathomable and difficult to figure out.

It is not that no one had the idea of ​​​​Xingyun Pavilion, but in the end they disappeared inexplicably, leaving no trace.

Over time, those who had bad intentions towards Xingyun Pavilion all put away their greed and behaved themselves.

After these events, many people speculated that Xingyun Pavilion might not last long. After all, its actions were a bit too decisive and ruthless, which made people feel wary.

However, not long after, an auction held by Xingyun Pavilion completely shocked the entire world of immortal cultivation, and his name quickly began to be heard throughout Lingyun Continent.

Just because the treasures in that auction were extremely rare, such as the Creation Pill, just one of them could give a Yuanying Dzogchen monk more than [-]% chance of breaking through to become a god.

Another example is pregnancy and baby fruit.

As we all know, it is difficult for monks to conceive children, and it is even more difficult for monks whose cultivation has exceeded the Nascent Soul stage.

However, the Pregnant Baby Fruit can easily solve this problem, and the chance of the offspring having spiritual roots is as high as [-]%.

One can imagine how many high-level monks would fight for his head.These are just two random things to list, such as the soul-nurturing tree, the spiritual crystal fruit, the ten thousand-year ice marrow, the resurrecting grass... they are all extremely rare treasures.

When the auction comes to an end, there will inevitably be a bloody storm.During those days, everyone in the world of cultivating immortals was in danger, fearing that they would be accidentally harmed.

Since then, everyone's evaluation of Xingyun Pavilion has been mixed, but after all, it is just their own opinions. The rise of Xingyun Pavilion is inevitable!
But as long as you do business with Xingyun Pavilion sincerely, Xingyun Pavilion will treat you with sincerity and no deception.

There weren't many people queuing up, so it didn't take long to get to Jiangmi.

After the predecessors left, Jiang Mi walked to the counter in a few steps. Just as she was about to say something, she saw the shopkeeper wave his sleeves, and an invisible barrier rose up naturally, blocking the sound from outside.

Seeing some surprise on Jiang Mi's face, shopkeeper Xiao smiled and said, "This is the first time for the little fairy to come to Nebula Trading Company. No wonder! This is a soundproof formation to protect the privacy of guests."

After hearing this, Jiang Mi thought about it and understood.

There are countless monks who come to Nebula Trading House to do business every day. Although they dare not cause trouble in the trading house, there is no guarantee that they will not guess from a few words what transaction others are here for.At that time, those with evil intentions will look for opportunities to follow them privately and commit robbery and harm.

Now with the protection of this soundproof formation, this kind of thing can be prevented from happening with a high probability.

Jiang Mi nodded and smiled: "I have a batch of low-level elixirs. Can Nebula Trading Company accept them?"

"Low level." Shopkeeper Xiao did not judge people by their appearance, but asked patiently: "How many elixirs are there?"

"A storage bag." After saying that, Jiang Mi thought something was wrong, so she added: "A middle-grade storage bag."

Huh, that's a lot.Shopkeeper Xiao was a little surprised in his eyes, but he didn't say anything more. He just handed Jiang Mi a wooden sign with the number "three" engraved on it, and said, "There is someone in the room to receive you."

Jiang Mi took the wooden sign and smiled politely at him. Then she followed the instructions on the side and quickly found the room with the number "three" on the first floor.

He stepped forward and knocked on the door, and a slightly familiar female voice soon came from inside, "Come in."

Jiang Mi suppressed the doubts in her heart, pushed the door open, and immediately saw Han Yue sitting behind the table.

"Master Han!"

Jiang Mi was extremely surprised. She never expected to meet the shopkeeper of Xiangyun Clothing Shop here.

Han Yue obviously recognized Jiang Mi, and the smile on his face was sincere and enthusiastic, "Fellow Taoist, long time no see! Are you curious as to why I appear here?"

Jiang Mi thought for a moment and then nodded.

"Hey, speaking of this, I have to thank you very much, otherwise I would not have the chance to enter Nebula Trading Company and become a manager." Han Yue looked at Jiang Mi with a trace of gratitude in her eyes.

Um?What does this have to do with yourself?Jiang Mi was really curious at this moment, so she smiled and asked, "Can Shopkeeper Han please tell me?"

Han Yue smiled and said: "What's not to say? My little Taoist friend has already met me?"

Jiang Mi couldn't help but feel a little ashamed at these words. Counting today, they had only met twice in total, so how could they not see each other.

However, I can only think about this in my heart. Jiang Mi still understands the communication between people, "How come, shopkeeper Han don't be annoyed later."

"Just say it when the time comes."

After saying that, Han Yue stopped joking and turned his expression serious, "I used the silk you sold me and asked someone to refine a beautiful robe and auctioned it in the name of the store. The profit was just right. Better than those who compete with me for this stewardship.”

(End of this chapter)

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