Chapter 41 Drawing the Second-Level Talisman
Jiang Mi laughed off the shopkeeper's words. She didn't know whether the items were good or not, but she only knew that they were indeed to her liking.

"If you buy a lot of things, the shopkeeper should buy them cheaper." She was serious about bargaining, and she would count on the few dollars she could save.

While preparing the talisman paper and talisman ink, the shopkeeper said: "Don't worry, little fairy. Although our shop is small, we are honest and honest, and the price is slightly cheaper than the shops nearby."

Jiang Mi smiled slightly after hearing this, and then didn't say anything more. She just stood aside and waited patiently.

It didn't take long for the shopkeeper to prepare everything and place everything on the counter.Then he took the abacus and reported the number to Jiang Mi while calculating the price of things.

"Twenty bundles of talisman paper, totaling 40 pieces. Each bundle costs [-] yuan of low-grade spiritual stones, totaling eight hundred."

"Twelve bottles of Fu Mo, each bottle cost 60 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones, totaling [-] yuan."

"A brocade and silver talisman pen is worth 500 yuan of low-grade spiritual stone."

"The above totals 20 yuan for low-grade spiritual stones. Do you still have any questions, little fairy?" The shopkeeper then added, "All fractions from the price have been erased before calculation. It is already a very favorable price."

Seeing the shopkeeper's slightly helpless look, Jiang Mi felt a little funny, but this did not affect her thoughts at all.

After thinking for a moment, she felt that the price was indeed as good as the shopkeeper said.So he nodded secretly, took out the spirit stone and handed it to the shopkeeper, then put everything into the storage bag and left the grocery store.

After leaving the grocery store, Jiang Mi seemed to be wandering on the street, but in fact she was secretly watching to see if anyone was following her.

Although the security of Tianxing City is good, it cannot completely rule out those people with ulterior motives who maliciously follow and stalk the city and take advantage of the situation to rob.

Although there are express regulations prohibiting fighting in the city, there are no such regulations outside the city.

If you are accidentally targeted, unless you can stay away from the city for a long time, when those who are following you lose their patience, they will change the target.Otherwise, a fierce battle will definitely be inevitable.

After walking around a few streets and finding no one following her, Jiang Mi returned to the inn.

It was just about dusk, and there were not many people in the inn. After Jiang Mi went to the counter to pay her rent for the day, she ordered some spiritual food and sat in the lobby downstairs to dine.

Not long after we sat down, two people came across the table, chatting about interesting humanities in the world of immortality while eating.

"Hey, have you heard? Some time ago, Fairy Biqing from the Hehuan Sect met Jin Xiu, and she became deeply in love with him and never forgets him. It is said that she has been guarding outside the Immortal Sword Sect every day these days just to see him. ." The young male cultivator whispered.

The friend of the young male cultivator heard this and sneered, "Looking at your tone, are you still jealous? Don't be stupid. How many of those witches in the Hehuan Sect are pure and pure, and have long-lasting love?"

The young male cultivator glared at him angrily, "Where are you thinking? I am such a superficial person. Yes, I am a little jealous. Who knows that Jin Xiu not only looks like a banished immortal? , is also extremely talented, and is already a golden elixir monk at the age of 52. When those female cultivators see him now, they rush to him like flies seeing shit."

"Cough cough... cough cough..." Hearing this, the young monk's friend suddenly choked on his tea and coughed violently.

Only then did the young male cultivator realize that his words were a bit vulgar, and then he muttered with a blushing face: "What are you talking about?"

" still say that!" The friend of the young male cultivator calmed down and then said: "Talent is important, but hard work is also essential. Just like you have been fishing for three days and drying the net for two days, When can we build the foundation? After you go back this time, be careful that Uncle Lu breaks your legs." Hearing this, the young male cultivator seemed to have thought of something terrible, and immediately shrank his neck, with a timid expression on his face. , "Don't go complaining. My father doesn't recognize his relatives. If he knows that I missed my cultivation, he will beat me to death."

Because they were across the table, Jiang Mi could clearly see the young man's expression and tone when she raised her head.

At this moment, she really wanted to laugh, but she still tried her best to hold it back, mainly because she was afraid that people would become angry and come over to argue with her.After all, it’s okay to just listen, but it’s a bit too much to laugh at others.

After hurriedly disposing of the spiritual food, Jiang Mi stood up with a blush on her face, then left the lobby without looking back and walked to the guest room upstairs.

After returning to the room, Jiang Mi thought about what happened just now and still couldn't help but want to laugh. The male cultivator's temperament was quite interesting.

After a while, Jiang Mi slowly put away the smile in her eyes, took out the array disk to activate it, then took out the talisman pen, some talisman paper, and talisman ink, and placed them on the table one by one.

After reciting the Purifying Mantra silently twice, Jiang Mi picked up the talisman pen and dipped it in ink, and began to draw the first-level talisman calmly.

Although I accidentally made a second-level Thunder Explosion Talisman in space before, after all, after a few months, the original inspiration has slowly disappeared.

If you forcefully draw at this moment, the chance of success is very low, but the possibility of accidentally injuring yourself is very high.

Therefore, Jiang Mi wanted to start with first-level talismans and then look for inspiration. In this way, she could not only consolidate what she had learned, but also save some talismans for self-defense or sell spiritual stones. It was simply killing two birds with one stone.

After drawing several first-order fireball talismans, the movements in Jiang Mi's hands became smoother and smoother, almost in one go, without any hesitation.

As more and more first-level talismans were made, the spiritual energy in Jiang Mi's dantian was consumed at an extremely fast rate.

After an unknown amount of time, after drawing the golden blade talisman in her hand, Jiang Mi put down the talisman pen and took a breath of turbid air. Then she stood up and walked aside to start meditating to replenish her spiritual energy.

Now her success rate in drawing first-level talismans has reached [-]%, and even the integration of spiritual power has reached [-]%.

But if you want to officially break through to the second-level talisman master, it doesn't rely on this. The key depends on one's understanding of talismans and the use and control of spiritual power.

The seal script is complex and the strokes are many and varied. If you want to successfully make a talisman, the strength when starting and finishing the pen, the priority and even the amount of spiritual power when integrating it are extremely particular and demanding.

However, there is no specific definition of these so far, and the talisman master needs to understand them on his own.

This is why those with extraordinary talents can easily become Talisman Masters, while those with insufficient understanding, even if they have difficulty getting started, have an extremely low chance of breaking through to high-level Talisman Masters in the future.

After replenishing her spiritual power, Jiang Mi stood up and came to the table, picked up the talisman pen again and started drawing talismans.

Fireball Talisman, Golden Blade Talisman, Earth Thorn Talisman, Thorn Talisman... The writing is smooth and the speed is getting faster and faster...

Jiang Mi, who was completely immersed in the sea of ​​talismans, did not realize that the aura around her was gradually becoming more mysterious, as if she had entered a state where human and pen were one, making her feel relaxed and comfortable, and she could use her pen freely.

(End of this chapter)

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