Chapter 49 Apprenticeship ([-])

Apprenticeship?Jiang Mi was stunned when she heard this. The emotional boss had been threatening her silently for a long time just to accept her as his disciple!

If you had told me earlier, she would definitely agree with it with both hands and feet, and would never oppose it!

It was better than being so nervous and scared to death. Anyway, in her opinion, apart from life and death, there was no big deal in life.

After thinking about it, Jiang Mi calmed down and then said firmly: "I do!"

Since the matter has reached this point and she can't change it, she can accept it happily and leave a good impression on the other party.

Upon seeing this, Daojun Lingxiao couldn't help but reveal a happy smile on his face. It was obvious that he was extremely satisfied with Jiang Mi, his destined disciple.

Otherwise, with his temperament, even if it is a destined master-disciple relationship, if the other party does not suit his wishes, he will not accept it.

"But is there anything else to deal with? If not, then just follow me back to Tianling Peak!"

Hearing this, Jiang Mi turned around and quickly put away the bedding on the ground, and then said, "Disciple has packed it up."

Daojun Lingxiao nodded lightly, then raised his sleeves, rolled up Jiang Mi and disappeared...

Tian Ling Feng

Jiang Mi felt her eyes go dark. When she opened her eyes again, she found that she was in a palace with simple and low-key decoration.

At this time, Lord Lingxiao, who was sitting at the top, spoke, "Little girl, let's perform the apprenticeship ceremony!"

The low and gentle voice instantly brought Jiang Mi back to her mind. She immediately took two steps forward, knelt on the ground with a plop, and said solemnly: "Master, please accept my disciple's bow!"

After saying that, Jiang Mi kowtowed three times very seriously, then stood up and took the tea cup hanging on the side, walked to Taoist Lord Lingxiao, and said respectfully: "Master, please have tea!"

Taoist Lord Lingxiao reached out to take the tea cup, drank it with a serious look, and handed Jiang Mi a storage ring, and then said loudly: "From now on, you will be my only direct disciple. As long as you don't make any principled mistakes, no one in the Qingxu Sect will dare to touch you."

After Jiang Mi heard this, her eyes lit up instantly. It seemed that the identity of the master she had just recognized was not simple!

"Disciples will remember Master's teachings and will definitely control their behavior and practice diligently."

Seeing Jiang Mi's mature and steady appearance at such a young age, Lord Lingxiao couldn't help but smile and said, "You don't have to be reserved in front of your master."

"Yes, disciple, listen to Master." Jiang Mi grinned, looking obedient and sensible.

Daojun Lingxiao was helpless, knowing that for a while, the young apprentice would not be able to completely relax, so he said: "My master has summoned the deacon for you, you can go and settle down first, and come here tomorrow at midnight to find the deacon." division."

"Yes, Master, that disciple will leave first." After saying that, Jiang Mi bent down and bowed, then exited the palace.

It was already evening, the sun was setting in the west, the twilight was dark, and the scenery of Tianling Peak seemed to be covered with a trace of mist.

After standing quietly outside the palace for a while, Jiang Mi saw a figure running towards her quickly from a distance.

She lowered her eyes and thought for a few moments, then raised her steps and walked towards the person.That person should be the deacon summoned by his master for him.

When he first received the summons from his peak master, Xue Linhai was extremely shocked because his peak master, who had been in seclusion for nearly 20 years, not only came out of seclusion, but also quietly accepted a direct disciple.

If this is true, then the younger generation of disciples within the sect and even several major families will be completely heartbroken and despairing.

Thinking of this, Xue Linhai raised the corners of his mouth, and his steps unconsciously accelerated a bit.Xue Linhai was extremely in favor of his Peak Master's sudden acceptance of disciples. Don't think that he didn't know what the disciples outside who clamored to worship the Peak Master as their disciples all day long were thinking. He came here for his own status and interests as the peak master.

Alas, it is only to blame that the peak master of his family is too outstanding. He is only [-] years old and is already in the late stage of divine transformation. He is also a direct disciple of the founder of the Qingxu Sect. It is no wonder that those people are so attracted to him. I want to worship the peak master as my teacher.

But fortunately, I can only think about it. For hundreds of years, the leader of his family has not had enough food, rice, oil and salt. Oh no, it should be that he refuses to listen to advice and inducements, and only has the word "cultivation" in his heart.

Once upon a time, he had the same idea as those outside, thinking that the peak master would probably never accept a disciple in this life.

Unexpectedly, the peak leader of his family did something big without saying a word, and it was a big thing that would most likely cause a sensation in the entire Eastern Region if word spread.

As his thoughts turned around, Xue Linhai soon met Jiang Mi.

He looked at the 11-year-old girl in front of him and couldn't help but be stunned. Is this the future young master of their Tianling Peak?It seems a bit naive. If he participates in a sect competition in the future, can he beat the young peak masters from other peaks?

Although he was a little suspicious in his heart, Xue Linhai didn't show any signs of it on his face. He just said with a slightly respectful smile: "I guess the little fairy is the new disciple that the peak master just accepted!"

Peak master?It should be Master, right?Jiang Mi frowned and hesitated for a few breaths, then said with some uncertainty: "About... yes."

She had become a teacher inexplicably and could not even figure out the specific identity of the teacher. Jiang Mi thought that she was probably the only one in the world.

Xue Linhai smiled when he saw this, and a glimmer of understanding flashed through his eyes. At the same time, his impression of Jiang Mi instantly improved a lot. It seems that this young uncle is still different from those "wild bees and butterflies" outside. of.

At least when she became a disciple, she was completely unaware of the identity of the peak master.

"Don't be surprised, little master uncle. The peak master has a cold temperament and has never accepted a disciple, so it is inevitable that he will overlook some things."

Jiang Mi shook her head when she heard this, saying she didn't mind.

This is the first time she has become a master and apprentice, and she should get used to it slowly. Besides, she has not let down her guard herself, so who has the right to find fault with others?

Isn't the title "junior uncle" a bit too awkward?

After all, the person opposite looks like she is almost 30 years old, and she is not yet 11 years old. When she hears this title, she feels like she has aged several decades for nothing.

Seeing that instead of complaining on Jiang Mi's face, she looked understanding, Xue Linhai nodded secretly, his eyes full of approval.

Then he took out a very realistic map and unfolded it, pointing to the marked places on it and said: "This is the map of our Tianling Peak. These places are all excellent treasures. Let's see which one you like, little uncle?"

"Oh, by the way, I almost forgot to introduce myself." Xue Linhai smiled awkwardly, and then said: "My surname is Xue, and my name is Lin Hai. I am the 586th generation deacon of Tianling Peak. I am a junior master in the late stage of foundation building. Uncle, if you have anything to do in the future, just give me your instructions."

Nearly six hundred generations!Then Tian Ling Feng has existed for a long enough time.

Jiang Mi sighed in her heart, then looked at the map carefully, pointed to one of the marked places and said, "That's it!"

There is a cliff in front, a mountain wall in the back, and a small waterfall on the side. It will be taken care of carefully and some spiritual flowers and herbs will be planted. It will definitely be very beautiful.

 Thanks to the colorful glass bottle and Lulu two cuties for the tip!

  Thank you to Junyu Hanbing for your monthly pass!

  Thanks to other little cuties for recommending votes!

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(End of this chapter)

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