After cultivating immortality, she seemed to have the aura of a protagonist

Chapter 5: Hidden Dantian and Hidden Spiritual Roots

Chapter 5: Hidden Dantian and Hidden Spiritual Roots
After lying on the bed and relaxing for a moment, Jiang Mi suddenly remembered the purple spiritual energy she had absorbed during her previous practice, and couldn't help but feel a little confused.

According to common sense, the five spiritual roots cannot absorb thunder spiritual energy. From this point of view, could it be that he possesses thunder spiritual energy?
Thinking of this, Jiang Mi's little heart was beating wildly. She couldn't lie down any more, so she hurriedly sat up like a carp, crossed her legs and concentrated on looking inside.

Looking inside her body for the first time in her life, it took Jiang Mi some time to find the location of her Dantian due to unfamiliarity.

After careful inspection, I did not find any small purple light spots in my Dantian, but I saw many five-color small light spots swimming around, which was very lively.

The corner of Jiang Mi's mouth curled up, and she continued to use her internal vision to search for the hiding place of thunder spirit energy in her body.

However, I searched for a long time to no avail.

The stabbing pain in her mind reminded Jiang Mi that the excessive use of her spiritual consciousness had exceeded the limit.

Jiang Mi couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Lei Lingqi was like a time bomb. If she didn't solve this problem, she might have trouble sleeping and eating.

So she gritted her teeth, endured the headache and continued to search, and finally found the hiding place of Lei Lingqi behind her Dantian.

Damn it!A level of Qi training?
Jiang Mi was shocked and stared blankly at the purple spiritual energy. For a moment, she didn't know whether to be shocked that she had two dantians, one visible and one hidden, or to be shocked by the hidden thunder spirit root in her hidden dantian.

hidden?She remembered that monks have spiritual roots and hidden spiritual roots.

The spiritual roots can be detected by things that measure spiritual roots, and can be seen by high-level monks using their spiritual consciousness.The Hidden Spirit Root, on the other hand, can only be discovered by the legendary monks with the Delusion Eye.

With her consciousness reaching its limit and a splitting headache, Jiang Mi was forced to quit looking inside and collapsed on the bed.


Jiang Mi gasped in pain and snickered ecstatically, her little face twisted. If anyone saw her appearance at this time, they would probably mistakenly think that she was possessed.

What a joy!She originally thought she was holding a bad hand, but after looking through it, she realized that it was Wang Zha with four twos.

Although the purity of the spiritual roots has never been tested, based on the speed of cultivation, it can be seen that the qualifications are definitely not low.

Calm and low-key, Jiang Mi's ecstatic and restless mood slowly calmed down after she silently recited it dozens of times.

Putting away the formation plate and taking a look at the low-grade spiritual stone that had turned into powder, Jiang Mi's eyes flashed with distress, alas!There were already two less spiritual stones.

This third-level formation disk was given to her by Yao Zhu. In addition, there are 100 yuan of low-grade spiritual stones, a low-grade spiritual sword and a small number of low-grade talismans.

When she opened the door and went out, Jiang Mi's face turned pale, her eyes were black, and she felt like she was floating when she walked.She looked up at the sky and saw that it was already noon. No wonder she felt so hungry.

After a brief wash, Jiang Mi ate eight large steamed buns but still felt not full, so she took two more out of her storage bag and ate them, and then she felt better.

She felt so hungry that six years had been enough. Now she just wanted to practice hard and earn spiritual stones to buy meat.

When was the last time you ate meat?

Jiang Mi frowned and thought for a while, oh, it seems that during the Chinese New Year the year before last, the village chief's family killed a pig and kindly gave a pound of lean meat.

I remember that Grandma Wang only cut a small piece and cooked it, and the rest was marinated into bacon, saying that she could keep it and eat it slowly.

Later, the two of them often pushed each other for a small piece of meat. Although the life was bitter, it was also bitter and sweet.

I heard from the villagers that Grandma Wang picked her up at the foot of the mountain. The baby was less than a month old, with weak breathing and injuries all over his body.

Everyone thought she would not survive, and they all persuaded Grandma Wang to give up as soon as possible and not waste energy on useless efforts.

Grandma Wang didn't take it to heart after hearing this. She felt that this was a small life after all, so she couldn't bear to give up on her.So she ignored the dissuasion and insisted on taking little Jiang Mi home and taking good care of her.A few days later, Jiang Mi finally survived, but she had no memory of why she was injured before.Thinking of this, Jiang Mi couldn't help but blush. If Grandma Wang hadn't kindly adopted her, she might have died long ago.

It's a pity that good people don't live long. When she was five years old, Grandma Wang passed away, leaving her after all.

Jiang Mi unconsciously touched the stone pendant on her chest, feeling that it was smoother than before.

I heard from Grandma Wang that this black and ugly stone pendant was hanging around her neck, and she picked it up together.

Suddenly, an idea flashed in Jiang Mi's mind, and she suddenly remembered the settings and descriptions in Xianxia novels. The more inconspicuous the thing, the more mysterious its origin.

Jiang Mi's heart skipped a beat, and she hurriedly entered the room, took out a defensive isolation array disk from the storage bag Yao Zhu gave her, and put in the spirit stone to activate it.Then he took off the pendant and placed it on the small wooden cabinet next to the wall.

There are three ways for a spiritual creature to recognize its owner: dripping blood, imprinting with divine consciousness, and conveying spiritual energy.

Jiang Mi pricked her finger with a needle, squeezed out a drop of blood the size of a soybean and dropped it on the pendant, then waited quietly.

After a few breaths, the pendant flashed with a faint light, and the blood was absorbed in an instant.Jiang Mi felt happy and felt it carefully, and found that there was an extremely weak connection between the soul and the pendant.

Huh?Is it because there is not enough blood?

So Jiang Mi was cruel, bit her finger hard, and then endured the pain and pressed it on the pendant.

Soon, the pendant seemed to have absorbed blood and trembled slightly, and the uneven surface became smooth again.Jiang Mi felt it, and the connection was strengthened, but there was still something missing.

Reiki?Divine consciousness?
After thinking for a few breaths, Jiang Mi considered that her cultivation level was low and obviously something was not enough, so she decided to try it with her spiritual consciousness first.Unexpectedly, as soon as her consciousness touched the pendant, it was firmly absorbed by it.

Jiang Mi panicked and tried to withdraw or cut off her consciousness, but it was of no use. The pendant was still rapidly devouring her consciousness.Jiang Mi had a splitting headache, and her face turned pale as a sheet.

Damn it, is God going to kill me?

Jiang Mi felt extremely unwilling. Her journey to immortality had just begun. She had not yet experienced the wonders of the world of immortality. Why should she give up?She wants to live, live for a long time!

Driven by this will, Jiang Mi's consciousness directly broke through to the late stage of Qi training.At this time, the pendant also loosened its grip on her.

"Buzz--" The pendant trembled and erupted into a dazzling white light, which rushed into Jiang Mi's forehead and disappeared.

Immediately afterwards, a huge suction force came, her eyes blurred, and she instantly arrived at a place with strong spiritual energy.

Jiang Mi couldn't help being startled, and quickly and vigilantly looked around. After finding no danger, she slowly relaxed and fell to the ground.

My life was saved!Thinking of the extremely dangerous scene before, Jiang Mi still felt frightened.

After entering the world of cultivation, she relied on her so-called experience (obtained from reading Xianxia novels) and moved forward happily and recklessly, but she almost paid the price with her life for this.

The painful lesson made Jiang Mi completely understand the fact: this is the cruel world of cultivation, not the 21st century fairy tales described from the perspective of the protagonist, and she is just an ordinary member of hundreds of millions of monks.

Cultivation of immortals is to go against the will of heaven and compete with heaven for destiny. It requires both the determination to move forward and the ability to assess the situation. Only in this way can one hope to reach the top of the road.

Suddenly, the surrounding spiritual energy swarmed in, seeming to wrap Jiang Mi into a spiritual energy cocoon half as tall as a person.

At this moment, Jiang Mi felt that she had entered a rather mysterious state.The whole body and mind feel extremely comfortable, just like soaking in a hot spring, the pores relax, and it is extremely comfortable...

(End of this chapter)

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