Chapter 62 Inner Gate Library

After spending half a month to master the low-level formations taught by Daojun Lingxiao, Jiang Mi changed into her personal disciple uniform and found a lotus leaf-shaped flying spiritual weapon among the many spiritual weapons.

After refining it with her divine consciousness, the basic information about this spiritual weapon also appeared in her mind.

Lotus leaf, a medium-grade flying spiritual weapon, does not require spiritual power, just place a spiritual stone in the groove. As for how far a spiritual stone can make it fly, it depends entirely on its quality.

Jiang Mi raised her eyebrows, and then took "Lotus Leaf" out of Youranju. She flew a few laps in the open space not far away until she was completely proficient in the operation. Then she left Tianling Peak and drove "Lotus Leaf" to The library at the inner door flew away.

Blindly working behind closed doors is not a long-term thing. Cultivation also pays attention to the cycle of gradual progress and success.

Expanding one's knowledge and experience in a timely manner is also a help for spiritual practice.

The flying spiritual weapon is indeed much faster than the paper crane, so it didn't take long for Jiang Mi to arrive outside the library.

The ninth-floor attic occupies a small area and is not very conspicuous, but it contains most of the inheritance of the Qingxu Sect.

As soon as Jiang Mi walked to the door, she saw the sign next to it that said:
First, disciples are not allowed to make noise or fight inside.

Second, there is no need to contribute points on the first to third floors of the Inner Gate Library, and you can register and borrow them, except for the exercises.

Third, each person can only take away two rubbings of the exercises at a time, and each copy requires five spiritual stones.

Fourth, all exercises are not allowed to be taught to outsiders. Violators will have their cultivation revoked and be imprisoned for life!I hope all disciples will strictly abide by it!

Jiang Mi only looked at it and then looked away. She wouldn't reveal the technique anyway, so she had no intention of worrying.

After taking out her identity jade tag and registering it with the guarding deacon, she turned around and entered the library.

What’s inside!Ocean of books!
I saw rows of tall bookshelves filled with various books, jade slips, and various animal skin bamboo slips.

You can't see the end at a glance, giving you a feeling of endlessness.

After Jiang Mi was stunned for a few breaths, she suppressed the wonder in her heart and walked towards the bookshelf on the right.

The bookshelves placed on this bookshelf are all books about strange and strange things in Lingyun Continent.

After Jiang Mi browsed through it briefly, she picked up the thick "General History of the Mainland" and started reading...

She discovered that after introducing Qi into her body, she began to have a photographic memory, and she could read and learn things extremely quickly, and could even read ten lines at a glance.

I wonder if this is related to her powerful spiritual consciousness, or is this the case for all monks?

It didn't take long for Jiang Mi to finish reading "General History of the Continent". After putting it back on the bookshelf, she quickly picked up another book and started reading...

Jiang Mi was immersed in the ocean of books, absorbing and digesting what she had read.

At this time, a handsome young man stopped beside her.

He watched Jiang Mi take a book from the bookshelf, open it, and put it on the bookshelf. She kept repeating this action, her legs subconsciously moving along with it. He couldn't help but think to himself: Is this junior sister Jiang reading a book?
Suddenly, Jiang Mi's hands were empty. When she came to her senses, she realized that she had already read all the books on the bookshelf.

"Ha ha…"

Jiang Mi was stunned by the sudden chuckle beside her. Then she turned around and saw a handsome young man standing by and looking at her with a smile.

The corner of Jiang Mi's mouth twitched and she asked politely: "Is there something wrong with this senior brother?"

"Sorry, Junior Sister Jiang, I'm not laughing at you, I just think the way you read is very interesting."

Junior Sister Jiang?Does this person know me?

Jiang Mi was stunned for a moment and did not speak. She just looked at him with some confusion, waiting for his next words.The young man seemed to realize that such a conversation was a bit abrupt, so he explained with a slightly blushing face: "In the Trial Secret Realm, your points are ranked first, and I, I am ranked second."

In this case, Junior Sister Jiang should know who he is.

Ranked second?Who is that?

Jiang Mi thought for a while, then touched her nose awkwardly, and said vaguely: "Oh, it's senior brother! Well, if nothing happens, I'll take the first step."

After saying that, before Yan Che could react, he quickly disappeared behind the rows of bookshelves.

The shocked young man was left standing there, staring blankly ahead.

After a while, Yan Che suddenly came back to his senses, reached out and touched his face, and murmured: "It turns out that not all female disciples pay attention to appearance!"

Jiang Mi had long forgotten about this little incident. She was currently standing next to a bookshelf, flipping through a copy of "One Hundred Solutions to Immortality".

This book records some secrets of cultivation, such as how to absorb spiritual energy faster, how to shorten the condensation time of spells, how to strengthen cultivation, etc.

Jiang Mi flipped through it briefly, then put it back on the bookshelf, picked up another book and started reading...

"Dong~" The dull bell rang, waking up many disciples who were immersed in the sea of ​​books.

The disciples came to their senses, put down the books in their hands, and lined up in an orderly manner to go outside the library pavilion.

When Jiang Mi saw this, although she was a little puzzled, she still put down the half-read book in her hand and followed the team out of the library.

After walking a few steps, the conversation between the two disciples in front instantly caught her attention.

"Oh! I was reading so enthusiastically. If I had known that time flies by so fast, I might as well have borrowed it in advance!"

"It's not like you don't know the curfew time of the library, so you should pay more attention to it!"

"Didn't I take it in? Okay, okay, go back quickly so you can come here early tomorrow."

Jiang Mi looked up at the sky and estimated that it should be eight o'clock in the evening.

After remembering the curfew time of the Library Pavilion, Jiang Mi walked to the open space next to her, took out the lotus leaf flying spiritual weapon, activated it and amplified it, and flew towards Tianling Peak...

The night wind blew slowly, and the green lotus leaves carried Jiang Mi around one mountain peak after another, finally stopping in front of a huge mountain peak that towered into the sky.

After waving her hands to put away the lotus leaves, Jiang Mi walked to the peak-protecting formation, took out her identity jade token and waved it gently, and the formation revealed an opening for one person to pass through.

After Jiang Mi entered, the hole in the formation quickly healed without leaving any traces.

"Uncle Junior, you are finally back!"

Jiang Mi was almost startled by the sudden figure. If the voice hadn't been familiar, she might have taken action directly.

"It's you, Deacon Xue, what's the matter? Have you found something that can replace the earth fire?"

Xue Linhai smiled heartily, "Haha, my uncle's guess was correct. I found it, but I need to buy it with spiritual stones."

"Where is it? What is it? How many spiritual stones are needed?" Jiang Mi asked.

"In Danfeng, there is a kind of stone produced in their fire veins. It's called flint. One piece can burn for about half a day. The price is not expensive. One piece only costs fifty low-grade spiritual stones." After Xue Linhai finished speaking, a look on his face An expression of hesitation.

"That's not expensive! But looking at you, do you need to buy other things at the same time?" Jiang Mi asked with a frown.

(End of this chapter)

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