After cultivating immortality, she seemed to have the aura of a protagonist

Chapter 67 Receive rewards from the Treasure Pavilion

Chapter 67 Receive rewards from the Treasure Pavilion
Trial?Bonus points!
Jiang Mi was stunned for a few breaths before suddenly remembering.

Yes, after two months and being so busy, she almost forgot about it.

Fortunately, her senior brother reminded her, otherwise it would be the Year of the Monkey and the Moon by the time she remembered it.

Therefore, Jiang Mi stopped delaying, simply tidied up, left Youran's back, and headed towards the foot of Tianling Peak...

Cloud Shadow Hall, under the ancient tree.

The two figures, one white and one black, still sat looking at each other, but the chessboard placed in the middle had been turned into an elegant tea set.

The aroma of tea is lingering and refreshing, refreshing.

Lord Yankun took a sip of tea and asked, "Junior brother, why didn't you just tell Mi'er directly that you were about to go into seclusion?"

After watching Jiang Mi go away, Taojun Lingxiao withdrew his consciousness and looked at his senior brother, "Let's talk later so that she can relax more."

"It's just that Mi'er is smart by nature. I'm afraid there are already speculations about this matter, and it will be meaningless whether I say it or not."

After hearing this, Taojun Yankun couldn't help but twitch the corner of his mouth, and said dryly to comfort: "Junior brother, don't worry, you also said that Mi'er is smart, she will understand your painstaking efforts, even the first time you recruit a disciple, Senior brother can understand."

It's scary. Accepting a young disciple not only gives the junior a human touch, but also tends to develop into a mother-in-law. It's simply heart-breaking.

"Well, after I go into seclusion, I have to ask my senior brother to take more care of Mi'er." After finishing speaking, Lord Lingxiao gave a solemn salute to the other side.

When Taojun Yankun saw this, he immediately put down the tea cup in his hand and glared: "Why do you need to explain this matter? Our ancestors have always been united, so you can just retreat in peace."

"Okay, then I'll leave it to my senior brother!"

After this topic ended, the two discussed the response and arrangements for the unrest in the demon clan, and then Taojun Yankun said goodbye and left.

The main peak, the Sovereign Hall.

When Jiang Mi rushed to the main hall, besides Qin Cheng, there was also a boy and a girl standing in the hall.

She had an impression of the young man. She had seen him in the library before, and it seemed that he ranked second in points, so the No. 3 must be this pretty girl.

Jiang Mi only looked at it briefly, then withdrew her gaze and saluted Qin Cheng, "See you, sect leader!"

"Well, there's no need to be polite, little junior sister." Qin Cheng smiled and nodded, then said, "Now that everyone is here, let's set off."

After that, she took the lead and walked out of the hall, followed by Jiang Mi, completely unaware of how much shock those words about junior sister brought to the other two people.

Junior sister?I have never heard of the news that Lord Yankun is accepting disciples again!

Wait, that’s not right!It is not only the disciples of Taojun Yankun who can make the sect leader call him Junior Sister, but also the disciples of Taojun Lingxiao, who is the founder's lineage.

Thinking of some rumors they had heard accidentally, the two people couldn't help but have complicated eyes.

He has five spiritual roots and the worst qualifications, but he is lucky enough to become a disciple of the master that everyone dreams of.

Some people have long threatened in private that they will use their strength to crush her in the sect competition two years later, so that Lord Lingxiao can see that the disciples he has chosen from thousands of people are nothing more than this.

After leaving the main hall, Qin Cheng took out a palm-sized spiritual boat from the storage ring on his left hand and threw it into the air, then quickly made a few spells.

They saw the spirit boat rising in the wind until it could seat five or six people, and then slowly stopped.

After the spirit boat was stable, Qin Cheng's spiritual power rolled up and he and Jiang Mi and three others appeared on the spirit boat at the same time in an instant, and then controlled the spirit boat to fly to the treasure pavilion... In view of the majesty of the sect master, few people were there during the journey. Communicating with each other, they arrived in silence all the way to the Treasure Pavilion.

After getting off the spirit boat and walking a short distance, a seven-story black tower-like attic appeared in front of Jiang Mi. It occupied a small area and was surrounded by a layer of almost transparent restrictions.

Qin Cheng took two steps forward and bowed respectfully in the direction of the attic, "Qin Cheng, the 152nd generation master of the Qingxu Sect, specially led the top three disciples in this trial to receive the reward."

After two breaths of silence, the restriction in front of the attic suddenly cracked. Seeing this, Qin Cheng hurriedly called on Jiang Mi and the others to follow him quickly.

After passing through the restriction and two more formations, Qin Cheng finally led Jiang Mi and the others to the door of the Treasure Pavilion.

At this time, a deep and deep but somewhat old voice sounded, "No. 1 goes to the third floor, and so on. The limit is two quarters of an hour. Those who are not selected after the deadline will have their rewards forfeited. Remember!"

The sound fell, and the door to the Treasure Pavilion opened.

It’s the inner world again!It doesn't look big from the outside, but it's endless inside. There are all kinds of uncommon treasures piled up in layers.

When Jiang Mi and the other three saw it, they couldn't help but be startled. After they realized what they were doing, they didn't dare to delay any longer and hurriedly rushed in with big strides.

Fortunately, the stairs were on the left hand side of the door. Jiang Mi went up to the third floor without stopping.

Compared with the first floor, the third floor seems much empty, but there are also many kinds of treasures.

The time was limited and she was not allowed to choose one by one, so Jiang Mi thought about it in her mind and went directly to the area where the exercises were placed.

Nowadays, she has no shortage of spirit stone arrays, elixirs, magic weapons, and major skills. The only thing she still lacks is a movement technique specifically designed to increase speed.

She discovered this problem after returning from the training. It was not obvious at the Qi training period at the moment, but once it reached the stage of foundation building or even golden elixir, the rapid changes on the battlefield may also contain the risk of death.

Therefore, she must find a movement technique to increase her speed!
It's just a pity that she has been searching in the library for nearly two months, but she still hasn't found anything she likes. She hopes that she won't leave empty-handed.

When we arrived at the exercise area, we could see some jade slip books with an ancient vicissitude, neatly placed on rows of bookshelves that were not too tall.

Each skill is protected by a formation restriction. If you want to obtain the skill information, you only need to reach out and touch the restriction. If you remove the skill, you will be deemed to have selected this skill by default. Remember!

After reading the "Instructions" on the bookshelf, Jiang Mi began to quickly browse the names of the exercises from top to bottom. Only when she saw the name of the body method, she would trigger the ban to view the basic information of this exercise.

As time went by, Jiang Mi, who had not yet found the movement skills, couldn't help but feel a little anxious. Should she choose one at will?
That definitely won't work, how can the technique be compromised!

With this idea in mind, Jiang Mi continued to search persistently, and finally she found a somewhat worn jade slip in the corner of a bookshelf - "Piao Miao Nine Steps".

Jiang Mi did not hesitate and directly touched the formation restriction. After quickly browsing the exercise information, she took out the jade slip and strode towards the stairs.

Unexpectedly, as soon as he reached the second floor, he was sent out of the Treasure Pavilion by a gentle force.

Then, the rich and old voice sounded again, "The time has come, please leave as soon as possible."

Upon hearing this, Qin Cheng bowed and said respectfully, "Yes, thank you very much, Mr. Fan, I'll take my leave now."

After that, he led Jiang Mi and the others through the layers of formation restrictions again, left the vicinity of the Treasure Pavilion, and flew to the main peak in the spirit boat...

 Thanks to Junyu Binghan for the lovely reward!
  Thanks to Lanlan and Le§er, two cuties, for their monthly votes!
  Thank you to all the cuties who support me!Dedine, you guys!

(End of this chapter)

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