Chapter 77 The secret passage in the deep pool
After two more screams, within half a quarter of an hour, three people in very simple clothes walked out from the door of that house.

In front were two ordinary-looking middle-aged men, followed by a slightly delicate-looking young man.

If there wasn't still a trace of decay left on his body, he would basically be no different from an ordinary person. It would be hard to imagine how terrifying he looked before.

After leaving the house, the three of them quickly left Yong'an Town without stopping and rushed towards a village at the foot of the mountain in the distance.

Today, it was rare for them to complete their mission ahead of schedule, so they naturally wanted to take this opportunity to rush back and have a good visit with their families.

Otherwise, when the time comes, there will be no chance to go back even if you want to.

Because the adults have stipulated that all zombies who go out to hunt must rush back before the hour every day, otherwise the consequences will be unbearable for them.

After the three of them left, Jiang Mi returned to the bed and continued to meditate and adjust her breath while paying attention to the information sent back by the ray of consciousness.

After entering Taoli Village, the three of them parted ways and took shortcuts home.

Soon, Li Youfu's footsteps stopped in front of a very ordinary farmyard.

He took a deep breath, collected his thoughts, knocked on the door and shouted: "Mom, open the door quickly, I'm back!"

After two breaths of silence, there was a sudden sound of tables, chairs and benches falling to the ground.

Then the door was suddenly opened, and five figures hurriedly came out, a middle-aged couple, two old men and a little girl.

"Brother, brother, brother is back." The little girl shouted happily, squeezed out from behind the adult, and strode towards the boy.

"Son, it's really you who's back!" The middle-aged woman couldn't help but whimper after she realized what she was doing. She took two hurried steps and pulled the boy over. She kept looking him up and down with tears in her eyes, fearing that the boy might Time encounters external injuries.

The white-haired old woman lagged a step behind, ran over with some trembling, hugged the boy and cried: "Oh, my dear, you are back, I am almost dying of anxiety." .

Where have you been for more than a month? I don’t know how to find someone to bring you a message. You said that if you have something wrong outside, how will you live in the future? Lucky boy! "

The young man's face was forbearing, his eyes were red and he was about to cry. He clenched his fists to suppress the sadness in his heart, and said with a forced smile: "Nai, don't worry, my grandson is fine. During this time, he went out to work with Uncle Meng and Uncle Qi. He earned a lot of money." How many spiritual stones are there? You, please stay at home and enjoy the blessing of your grandson."

"How many spiritual stones? What kind of job would pay so much?"

Not only did they not feel at all relieved after hearing this, but they began to feel uncontrollably worried.

The young man's eyes darkened, and he pretended to look happy and proud, "Hey, it's not a big job, just helping those Immortal Nagato run errands."

After hearing the words, several people couldn't help but feel slightly relieved, and warned: "Fu Zai, be smart when you work, don't offend those immortals, if one day you can't do it anymore, come back quickly, you know? We can afford it." you."

The young man wiped away his tears, nodded seriously and said, "Yes, I have written down all of my parents."

At this time, the middle-aged man patted the young man's shoulder with a face filled with relief. He swept away his previous dull mood and said in a loud voice: "Let's go, Fu'er, go home and have a drink with your father and your grandfather. Let's sit down." Chat well."

After saying that, he turned to look at the middle-aged woman and said, "My dear, go to the kitchen and prepare some dishes to go with the wine. Remember to make two more dishes that Fu'er likes to eat."

"Hey, okay, I'll go right away." The middle-aged woman responded with a gentle face, then turned around and went into the kitchen to work.


There is always separation when we get together, and time always seems extremely short.

As midnight approached, the young man suppressed the reluctance in his heart and stood up to say goodbye to his parents.

"Mom and dad, my son will leave first. After he earns enough spirit stones, he will come back to be his wife.

Grandpa and grandma are old, so the child will not go over and wake them up to say goodbye in person, and ask the parents to say goodbye to the child tomorrow.The same is true for my sister. The child is unfilial. Parents should take care of themselves. The child is gone. "

After the young man finished speaking, he suddenly knelt down on the ground, kowtowed solemnly to his parents, and then disappeared into the night without looking back.

The middle-aged woman covered her mouth and cried and fell into the man's arms. Fuer, he was only 13 years old!

The middle-aged man clenched his fists and couldn't help but his eyes turned red. It was his uselessness that made the child learn to take responsibility at a young age.

At the entrance of Taoli Village.

When the young man arrived, two other middle-aged men were already waiting by the roadside.

"Uncle Meng, Uncle Qi, I'm sorry, I'm late." The young man apologized.

Uncle Meng looked him over and said, "It's okay, it's getting late, let's set off quickly."

After that, he took the lead and took a detour to the back mountain.

Along the way, the three of them just kept busy and no one was in the mood to talk.

After all, after we say goodbye today, we don’t know when we will meet again. Whether we can even meet again is an unknown mystery.

When we arrived at the back mountain, we walked along a path to the end, and suddenly a waterfall appeared. The rushing water created a deep pool at the bottom.

In addition to the three young men, there were also three men and two women standing by the pool. Their auras seemed to be much more powerful than those of the three young men.

"Hey, you idiot, you plan to complete the mission every day, no wonder your strength is rising slowly." One of the women curled her lips and sneered.

When the man standing next to her heard this, he hurriedly said: "Isn't that right? People are kind-hearted and don't want to hurt innocent people more. How can we be so cruel and ruthless like us."

"Tsk, kind? Stop laughing so hard. From the first time they took action, these two words have no place for them."

The woman looked at the three people with disdain. It was stupid and hypocritical to be a bitch and still want to build a memorial arch.

If the adults hadn't been able to find a suitable corpse for a while, they would have been destroyed by ashes, and how could they be an eyesore.

While they were talking, two more men and one woman arrived. Judging from their clothes, they should all be villagers from nearby villages.

The three waves of people stood in a triangle, clearly divided into three factions. Among them, the three young men were the weakest, followed by the two men and one woman who had just arrived.

After a moment of silence, another man among the five people suddenly said: "Since everyone is here, let's get down quickly, otherwise the adults will wake up later and get angry."

After the man finished speaking, he glanced at everyone, and then plunged into the deep pool.

Seeing this, the remaining people did not dare to delay any longer, and jumped into the deep pool one after another, followed the man, and swam toward the secret passage at the bottom of the pool.

Not long after diving, a cave entrance could be vaguely seen in the middle of the mountain wall near the waterfall, with a faint light emitting from inside.

After entering the cave entrance and sneaking for a while, the front suddenly became clear. After everyone came ashore, they didn't care about taking care of themselves. They raised their legs and headed towards the passage on the right.

At this moment, a strong sense of crisis suddenly arose in Jiang Mi's heart. She hurriedly cut off the ray of consciousness, used the Spirit Condensation Technique to adjust her cultivation level to the first level of Qi training, and then quickly lay down and pulled the quilt over her. , slow down your breathing and pretend to sleep.

Two breaths later, a powerful spiritual consciousness suddenly swept across the inn, stayed on Jiang Mi for a moment, and then slowly moved away.

(End of this chapter)

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